Chapter 70.5

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I pulled my hair in frustration as I watched the news. "I knew I shouldn't have taken that from Fat! I should've been hardheaded and investigated on my own! I shouldn't have taken those days off either!" I growled, causing dark clouds to rotate above the house.

"Uh, honey? Calm down, your kinda making a massive storm above the house..." Kiri sheepishly asked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

I sighed and rested my hands on his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm just really upset with myself." I replied, calming myself. But when the anger and frustration went away, sadness just washed over me and it began to rain.

"Don't be, mama! You didn't do anything wrong! Why are you upset?" Haruki asked, hugging my leg.

"Go on back to bed, baby. This is a mommy and daddy conversation. I'll talk to you kids about it when you're old enough." I said with a soft smile, stroking his hair.

"OK mama..." Ruki replied, hesitantly leaving.

"You know you have no reason to blame yourself, right?" Kiri asked, holding me a little tighter after Haruki left for bed.

"I have every reason! This guy struck seven times within the two days I was out! He's trying to get my attention by torturing and killing innocent people and I'm just turning a blind eye to it by sitting at home doing nothing! Some hero I am..." I muttered, shaking out of his grasp.

I opened the hall closet, grabbing the box that contained the villain costume Kai sent me and unpacking the clothing.

"D... No way! You kept that?! Isn't that the evidence from that crime scene???" Kiri exclaimed from behind me.

I shushed him and began changing right where I was, cuing Kiri to look away. "Of course I kept it, it's mine! And keep your voice down, you'll alarm the children!" I whisper yelled, dusting myself off.

"D! That crazy! Where are you going?! And why in that? What are you planning?! A-are... Are you gonna leave again?" Kiri asked, teary-eyed. His eyes held a lot of sorrow and anger, but his expression held only the former.

"Kiri I'm sorry, but I have to do this. Innocent people can't keep dying like this because of me. I might be gone for a while. How long? I don't know. Just... Take good care of the kids. If they're too hard to handle, Kat and Mirio-senpai are really good with them. I love you." I explained before grabbing his face and kissing him deeply.

"D-Dia..." Kiri stuttered after we broke apart, tears streaming down his face. "Please, D. Just.... Promise me you'll come home safe." Kiri cried, holding my face gently.

I smiled softly and nuzzled my face into his hand. "Of course, Eijirou. I promise." I replied before slowly departing from him. I went to my children's rooms and gave them kisses on their foreheads before sneaking out into the night.

I have to find Kai. If he's really in the mountains... I have a few days journey ahead of me. No money, no phone, nothing. Just me. It feels wrong just leaving like this! But it can't be helped. I thought, feeling my heart ache.

Kai is the only lead I have and I'm the only one who knows where to find him. I knew in my heart he wasn't the one committing these murders... But I had the feeling he knew who was.

~Time Skip a few days later~

I arrived at the base of the mountain, feeling weak. I hadn't eaten in days and I'd been travelling nonstop. I sat down and leaned against a tree, taking a break. I let a large sigh escape my lungs.

Finally... A chance to rela- "Darling! I knew you'd come!" Someone exclaimed, cutting off my thoughts. I looked up at the person standing over me. "...Mido!?"

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