Chapter 62

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"Shitty hair was pissed at Deku too, but you totally fucked him up. The fuck did he do?" Kat asked, now walking beside me. Good... No one else knows. Unless they're keeping it from Kat or something... I doubt they'd even go see Mido if they knew what happened. They wouldn't be afraid... So nobody knows. Damn, my back is killing me! I thought, leaning back with my hand on my lower back in an attempt to pop it. "That's our business." I replied, continuing to walk. "D! There you are! I went to Recovery Girl's office, but you weren't there. He didn't hurt you too bad did he? Are you in any pain?" Kiri asked as he ran up behind us, referring to Togata. I'm still sore in multiple places, cause damn that drug did unimaginable things to our hormones. That bastard went overboard! I thought, recalling my demolished headboard. "I'm fine, Kiri! Tip top shape!" I lied with a large smile.

"You're lying."

Kat and Kiri said at the same time;  Kiri with a look of concern and Kat with his resting bitch face. I raised my hands and sighed. "Guys I'll be fine." I said, not even able to look them in the eyes. "What did that little shitrag do to you?" Kat asked, stopping me and getting in my face. He was already clenching his fists and seething in anger. I just pushed him aside and proceeded to walk with Kiri. It's not like the pain effects me anyway. In a way... I've grown to enjoy it. I thought. Kat abruptly grabbed my shoulder and spun me around before picking me up like a sack of potatoes.



Kiri and I exclaimed at the same time. Kiri jumped in front of Kat and blocked his path. "Put her down bro." Kiri said in a serious tone. I couldn't see exactly what was going on since I was slung over Kat's shoulder, staring at his back but I knew Kat was making that 'try me' face. "Says who?" He growled in response. "Me!" I chimed before biting his back in an attempt to make him let me go. He tightened his grip and swiftly lifted my skirt, slapping my ass and making me cry out. "DUDE!" Kiri angrily growled. "Outta the way, Shitty hair... Or I'll blow you to bits." Kat threatened. "You'll blow him? That's hot." I replied, earning another smack, but a lot harder this time. I smacked his ass as hard as I could, making him jolt a bit. "Do that again and I'll fucking Detroit smash your ass." Kat said angrily. "I might be into that." I replied flatly. I could feel the hand he was holding me with heat up as he trembled a bit. "HANDS OFF JACKASS!" Kiri shouted, charging at Kat. I twisted out of Kat's grip and jumped in between them. "HEY! No fighting! You two are best friends and it's gonna stay that way or else I'll shove your heads up each other's asses!" I shouted, putting my hands to their chests. Kat tched and simmered down. Kiri hesitantly backed off. "Now apologize to each other." I demanded, putting my hands on my hips. Kat laughed and turned to leave while Kiri rolled his eyes. I made the wind turn Kat around and forced him closer to Kiri. My hair and eyes turned white and thunder rumbled outside, shaking the building. "NOW!" I shouted aggressively.

"Hey man I'm sorry- let's hug it out!"

"Nah nah bro it was my bad!"

Kat and Kiri said, clinging to each other faster than a pair of rabbits during mating season. The sky cleared and my hair and eyes reverted back to their normal state. "Since you're buddies, you can walk to class together!" I exclaimed cheerfully before skipping off. "B-bro... Are you... Hard?" Kiri asked when he thought I was out of earshot. "Shut the fuck up shitty hair!" Kat replied sharply. Ooooookaaaay. Kat's a possible masochist? That's kinda hot. Noted. I thought, getting further away from their conversation.


As Kiri and I were on patrol together, people asked us for autographs and pictures. Although it was the same "rough" neighborhood as before, there wasn't that much crime. Just a few petty thefts that Kiri and I stopped with ease. Not too long after we became the power couple, crime died down a lot in our patrol areas. We were making small ripples in our part of town. Kat however practically dropped all the crime rates on his side. He was a popular hero as well. But he was more of a debut Endeavor kind of popular because of his attitude and I'm pretty sure he damn near killed a few villains. Mido was seen as a kind of All Might kind of figure and was slowly rising in popularity.

"So, D... Are you... Y'know... With him now?" Kiri asked extremely quietly as we roamed the streets. I shook my head, keeping my eyes out. "We came to a mutual agreement to forget that ever happened between us. I'm sorry that happened Kiri, I understand if you don't want to go on a one on one date anymore." I replied, whispering. He abruptly stopped as I continued walking. I waved to people who marveled at us. Kiri grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, kissing my lips and cupping my face. When we broke apart, he kept his face close to mine, looking into my eyes. "I would never cancel on you. What happened wasn't your fault because you were drugged. I don't like the fact that that happened, but I know it wasn't the intention, so I'm not mad at you." He said softly, caressing my face before letting me go. My ears twitched at the sound of rushing air and I quickly reached and caught the bullet that was about to hit Kiri right in the neck. Kiri immediately activated his quirk and I looked around in an attempt to find the shooter. The bullet came from a higher area... In that direction! I thought, glancing up at the tall building that was a few blocks from us. "Gaea! You go ahead and see if you can corner them! I'll catch up!" Kiri exclaimed, already running in the direction of the building. Camouflaging, I took to the sky and almost immediately made it to the building. When I got to the opened window, there was nothing in the apartment room but a sniper rifle with a silencer hoisted against the windowsill. I remained in camouflage and crept inside, slowing my breathing and moving swiftly and quietly. I sniffed the gun, catching an unfamiliar scent masking a familiar one. As if someone I knew purposely tried to hide their scent. This might be someone I know... Or something I'm familiar with... Maybe it's someone who knows me, but I don't remember them. I slowly looked around, searching for any kind of clue. My nose caught a metallic scent that I recognized all to well and I rushed to the bathroom where it was coming from. I burst through the bathroom door, expecting to find a body or a puddle of blood even. But what I saw made my heart sink more than the other two would've. On the mirror, sloppily written in large letters was one word.


The blood was recognizable. It was mine. On the counter, there was a large cardboard box that read. "To: Gaea". I sniffed it and put my ear to it, making sure it wasn't a bomb or any other trap like that. I slowly opened the lid and there was a note taped to the inside of it.

"You'll be needing this soon. See you in due time, darling."

Taking a deep breath to calm my raging nerves, I looked in the box to see my villain costume. This has got to be a joke, right? There's no way Chisaki could do this! He's locked up, isn't he? I thought, shakily holding the fabric up in front of me. My watch beeped, indicating that important information was about to be sent to me. When I checked it the message, I almost fainted.


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