Chapter 18

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"D... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you... And I couldn't think of a manlier way to apologize. So I just brought you some [insert favorite food]. Please forgive me, D." Kirishima said solemnly, holding his head down in slight shame. Even though I couldn't see his face, I could feel the puppy eyes he was making. I stood in shock as guilt slowly sank in. "Aw Kiri.... You... You didn't have to. I didn't know you felt so bad about it.... AAAAAW KIIIRII DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAAAAT! JUST SO ADORWABLE!" I shouted as I hugged him tightly. His muffled shouting made me let him go. "Damn." He panted after forcing his face from my bosom. "Is this how Midoriya feels? It's so.... Manly. What a lucky bastard..." He breathed, covering his mouth as if it would hide his blushing face. I really need to break this habit. I thought, staring down at his flustered expression. "Alright, how about we eat the [insert favorite food] you brought? Just thinking about it is making my mouth water." I suggested. He chuckled in response, opening a to-go tray and allowing the smell of [favorite food] to fill the room. "Alright D, all yours!" By the time the words alright was out of his mouth I had already started eating. He let out a hearty laugh before sitting in a chair beside me. "I see didn't have to tell you twice- or just not at all. You weren't kidding when you said that was your favorite! I should've brought more!" He exclaimed. I shook my head, pushing the now empty container away. "Any amount you bring is just fine. I really appreciate this Kiri. The effort you put forth in apologizing was really charming, so I accept." I said, causing his face to light up. He engulfed me in a hug faster than profanity flies out of Kat's mouth. "I'm glad you're not mad at me, D. Now I can ask you what I came here to-" "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE, SHITRAG?!" Katsuki shouted after kicking open the door. Kirishima flinched and pulled me closer when the noise startled him. When he noticed that it was just Kat, he let out a relieved sigh. "Whoa man, you scared me for a second there. What's up? Something wrong?" Kiri asked, rubbing the back of his head nervously with a grin and a glare. "Cut the bullshit hair-for-brains. What the fuck are you doing in here with Dia?" Kat asked, shoving his hands in his pockets as he glared at the redhead. I raised my eyebrows and put my hand over Kiri's mouth to prevent him from saying anything. "Is there a problem Katsuki? Am I not allowed to spend time with friends?" I asked, stepping towards him with a challenging look. He looked away, grumbling profanities. "Not alone with that fucker you're fucking not." He mumbled, glaring at the said boy. "Hey! I can hear you! And isn't that Dia's decision?!" Kiri shouted slightly. I sighed and raised both my hands, leaving the room. "I don't have time for this." I said lowly. I should take a break from humans...


The first battle was between Mido and Hitoshi. Oh God now I REALLY don't know who the hell to vouch for. I thought, weighing my options. At the moment the ref announced that the fight start, I decided to congratulate the winner after consoling the loser of the fight. I watched slightly unwillingly as Hitoshi began provoking Mido by talking down on Oujiro. Alright Mido, I'm sure you've been warned about- "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Mido yelled, as he started stomping towards the apathetic boy. Aaaand of course you ignore the warning. That was well played, Hitoshi. Noticing his weakness was companionship already.... I thought, leaning back in my seat as Mido began his walk out of bounds. "How's it feel to finally lose in front of Dia, you usurper?" Hitoshi asked maliciously. I raised my eyebrows, recalling the time he'd used the same word to describe Katsuki. Well then.... Where'd all that hatred come from? I thought, sitting on the edge of my seat as Mido got closer and closer to the end of the arena. Almost immediately after the words left his lips, Mido's fingers twitch and sent a shock wave throughout the ring, snapping him out of his hypnotic state. I watched in slight shock as Mido seemed to take out pent up aggression on Hitoshi; who didn't stand a chance fighting back. I was supposed at how angry Mido was as he continuously punched Hitoshi. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! JUST THROW HIM OUT OF BOUNDS!" I shouted without thinking. My heart throbbed with each blow that made contact with the defenseless boys face. Midoriya stood up in his rage, grabbing the now unconscious boy and judo flipping him out of bounds. Everyone sat back in shock for a good ten seconds before cheers finally erupted through the crowd. I pushed my way through the stands, rushing to the infirmary. Both boys were in there, Mido getting his hand tended to and Hitoshi was getting his face tended to. Mido's face lit up with pride as soon as I entered the room, but that expression soon faltered when I sped right past him. "ShiShi! Are you alright?!" I asked as I frantically examined the bruises adorning his face. "Yeah. It doesn't hurt as much as it looks." He sighed with a small smile. I furrowed my eyebrows and hugged him tightly. "You don't have to pretend for me." I whispered so that it was only audible by to him. He grew less and less tense in my arms as he slowly hugged me back. "Dia." I immediately snapped my head in the direction of Mido's voice. His tone was darker and angrier than I had ever heard. He seemingly snapped back to normal after seeing the look on my face. "He isn't who you think you are." Hitoshi whispered. "D-dia.... Sorry for going over board. He just really struck a nerve." Mido apologized, his usually weaker tone evident. Any other day, I would've thought Hito was lying but.... What the hell is happening to my Mido?!

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