Chapter 53

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~Dia's POV~

Mirio was keeping tabs on the kids during every intermission and assured me he'd tell me if anything went wrong. At the end of the play, he was crying like a baby and I just had silent tears strolling down my cheeks.

"I really enjoyed it. I didn't think I would in all honesty, but now I see why you love musicals so much. It was... Amazing." Mirio said, letting out a small sigh as he smiled up at the stars. I hummed in agreement. We were currently at an old playground and it was close to 10 o'clock. Mirio was softly pushing my swing behind me. "Dia... I'll give you five seconds... to slap me." Mirio said, twisting my swing so that I was facing him. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Wh-" I was cut off by his soft, plump lips pressing against mine for a mere two seconds. I was extremely flustered. "Senpai what?!... W-why'd you....? Huh?" While I was freaking out, Mirio was counting down from five. "Time's up! You didn't slap me." He said with a large grin. "Wha..?" I asked with a red face. He just leaned down and kissed me again. But this time, it was deeper and more passionate. I kissed back. Our tongues mangled in each other's mouths as our fingers embraced the other's hair. We breathed heavily between kisses and somehow I ended up standing as Mirio pulled me close to him. We broke apart after a while, panting. "Damn... Your lips are so addicting." I thought out loud, quickly covering my mouth afterwards. Mirio laughed and moved my hand away. "Then you better take a heavier dose before you start having withdrawals~" He said with a smirk, leaning closer. I pushed him back a bit, turning my head to the side. "Mirio... You can't keep flirting with me like this. I'm a single mother with three kids and I'm only 17. Plus I'm covered in scars to the point where some parts of me seem a little misshapen. I know you're doing this out of pity... Treating the kids... Taking me out... Pretending to like me- I... It's just too much. So can you please not do this? There's no need to force yourself just because you feel sorry for me..." I said before starting to walk away. Mirio quickly jumped in front of me, blocking my path. "Dia, I'm not doing any of this out of pity. I'd never toy with anyone's heart like that in the first place no matter how bad I felt! You are a strong, powerful young woman who's raising three awesome kids whose definition of beauty begin with the word mom! Just like me, they see your heart before they see your skin because despite the scars you've only ever always been amazing! Why can't you see that?! I see it! So does everyone else! You have no IDEA how much more beautiful those scars make you! You have been to hell and back again with the marks to prove it! And what's even more amazing is that you're willing to go straight back withing the bat of an eye if it means protecting your kids! Dia, I don't feel bad for you. I have NEVER pitied you... Because I know that you can make it with or without anyone else! And I know that you know that along with everyone else! That's why I'm so damn scared to lose you to no one but everyone at the same time. Believe when I say that I'm in love with you! If I pitied you, I wouldn't shout it out. DIA MUNDA, I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU DIA MUNDA AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" Mirio screamed the last part to the top of his lungs before letting out a large breath as of the weight of the world had been removed from his shoulders.

Neighborhood lights began to turn on so people could see what was happening. I felt my heart pound in my chest as we stared into each other's eyes. God I wanna unwrap my present so bad right now... I thought, looking away. "Let's go back to the party. The kids are probably asleep right now, so I should take them home." I said, walking to the car.


I woke up the next morning in my bed, snuggled up against someone. Someone being Mirio. And he was shirtless... And pantsless. All he had on was his boxers. And here I was lying beside him wearing nothing but one of his shirts. My heart started racing. What the hell?! Did I... Did we..? I thought unwrapping my arms from his torso. Mirio woke up, slowly opening his eyes as he ran his hands up and down my side. "Goodmorning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?" He asked, resting his head on his palm. It was so hard not to look at his perfectly toned muscles. "Senpai... Where are the kids and Did we... Um... Did we have sex?" I asked, feeling my face heat up and my mouth water at the thought. He shook his head. "Nah. You just needed someone to cuddle with in your sleep. The only reason I'm in my boxers is 'cause that onesie was getting pretty hot. The kids are in their rooms. It's still pretty early and it's the weekend, so they're still sleeping." He replied. I sighed in relief and hugged his torso. Man, why was my first week back to school so stressful? I thought. Just then, my room door opened. On impulse, I shoved Mirio under the cover. It'd look hella suspicious if they walked in on me with a pretty much naked man. Even though they wouldn't know what's going on, stuff like this stays in their brains forever and they ask questions later. "Mommy? Can you warm some milk for us?" Haruko asked, groggily rubbing his eyes in unison with his brother. "Sure babies, give me a second, ok? Go on to your beds, I'll bring it to you." They nodded and disappeared from the door frame. I shot up and composed myself, making my way to the kitchen. I heated up some milk on the stove and poured it into two glasses before taking them to the boys. They thanked me at the same time, tiredly drinking their glasses. I kissed their foreheads and left their room.

When I got back to my room, Mirio was waiting patiently. "Are they alright?" He asked when I crawled back into bed. "Yeah. They only ask for warm milk when they have nightmares." I replied, leaning against Mirio's bare chest. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Let's get some rest, Dia."


I woke back up to the smell of food and Mirio was no where to be found. Is he... Cooking?! Wait no, Mirio can't cook! He'll burn the house down! I thought, jumping up and rushing to the kitchen. I was a little confused to see that Mirio was playing with the kids in the family room. Wait... Where's Haruki? He can't even reach the stove, so there's no way he could he cooking right now! I ran into the kitchen to see Kat cooking breakfast with a genuine smile om his face. Haruki was in there with him, smiling and helping. "K-kat?" I asked in disbelief. "Good morning mama! Bakugou-kun is teaching me how to cook!" He exclaimed with a large grin. Kat didn't bother to look up at me, but his smile disappeared. "Bout time." Kat mumbled as I ruffled Haruki's hair. "Look at you being such a big boy!" He giggled in response, giving me a radiant smile. Kat let out a soft hum, smiling at the bright boy. "They may look like that Overhaul bastard, but they have your smile. Heh. He reminds me of me when I was little. Always wanting to learn something new with a smile on my face." Kat said, putting a hand on top of Haruki's head. "Before or after people started kissing your ass?" I asked, covering my son's ears. Kat clicked his tongue at me and flipped the pancake that had been cooking a little slowly on the stove. "I... Never apologized to either of you for that... But... I am sorry. No one deserves to be treated the way I treated you in elementary or middle school. You were the only girl that ever confessed to me you know... That time.... You.... Built up so much courage to tell me... And instead of saying how I really felt, I.... I..." Kat started getting choked up and I sent Haruki out to the living-room with his siblings. "God fucking dammit!" Kat choked out as tears fell. He clenched his jaw and took shakey breaths through his nose. I reached across him and turned the stove off before hugging him from behind. "Kat..." I said, trailing off. "I only let you call me that because it reminds me of how I treated you and it makes me feel like shit. And only you can call me that because only you have the right to make me feel like a villain." He confessed, keeping his back to me. He took a deep breath and turned around, setting down the pan and spatula. "I... I have to tell you to your face... I should've told you this instead of beating you up when you confessed to me.... I'm sorry for being such an asshole back then and... Ever since I met you, I've always found you amazing... What I'm trying to say is... Since day 1... Dia Munda... I really fucking like like you too!" Kat exclaimed before letting out a huge breath. "I don't expect you to like me back anymore, but I just had to get that off my chest. I don't even deserve to be a part of your life right now." He said quietly before turning back around and turning the stove back on. I put a hand over my racing heart. "Kat..." I said breathlessly, making him flinch. Kat was my first ever 'crush', so I never really lost all my feelings for him. A lot, yes. But not all. As much as I told myself I hated him, my heart would still race whenever he was close to me and I would feel fuzzy inside whenever he did something nice for me. At the same time though, I caught feelings for Mido as my feelings for Kat slowly faded. But it was clear that he only saw me as a sister, so I quit while I was ahead.

"Mama, can I help now?" Haruki asked, coming back into the kitchen. "Ask him, not me." I replied, putting my hands up in surrender. Kat smiled down at Haruki and nodded to the side. "Get in here ya little scamp." Kat said, causing Haruki's face to light up. "Yay!"

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