Chapter 58

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Kirishima's POV~

I was walking on air for the rest of the weekend. D kissed me! She kissed me! Those angelic lips of hers touched mine, not vice-versa. She must be feeling what I'm feeling! She asked me just to meet her at school instead of walking her, so I was waiting at the gate. Out of no where, someone yanked me into the nearby bush and snapped me out of my thoughts. "Listen here you shitty-haired fucker! Dia Munda is the most selfless, badass, talented, beautiful, smartest girl you will ever meet and she deserves the absolute best, you hear me! I fucking hate this just as much as you love this, but I love her more so I care for her damn happiness. Break her heart and I'll snap your fucking neck you insignificant punk!" Bakugou growled, holding me by my shirt collar. This dude was dead serious and his tone was the most menacing I'd ever heard him. "Of course man. I'll take good care of her... For the both of us." I replied calmly. He clicked his tongue and slung me aside a bit before leaving the confines of the bush. I put a hand over my racing heart and took a deep breath. Damn... That was a close one. I thought, stepping out of the bush myself as I fixed my tie.

"Kiri!" An angel's voice called out to me. I turned around to see Dia running up to me with that amazing smile of hers on her face. I couldn't help but smile widely when seeing her smile. She almost tackled me with a hug as she snuggled into my torso. She tilted her head up, closing her eyes as she stood on her toes. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I rested my hands on her hips. I smiled and put my nose to hers and we rubbed the tips of our noses together, smiling like idiots. We knew it was cheesy, but she loved it. It grew on me because it's so adorable with her. Wait.. Something isn't right... D only does that for the cameras... She giggled and pecked my lips. "You're in a good mood today." I hummed, playing along and taking her hand in mine as we began walking to class. She never kisses me on school grounds. Not even that much actually. D isn't a peck-on-the-lips kind of person. If she wants a kiss she'll take one. Either she's high... Or this isn't D. She nodded, her forest green eyes glistening in the sun. I've stared at her eyes so much that at this point, it wasn't hard for me to see the flecks of teal and gold in them. But these didn't have those flecks of good and teal. These eyes were solely green. "I had an amazing dream last night." She replied, snapping me out of my thoughts. D doesn't have dreams. She told me herself she doesn't dream and if she does it's a nightmare or a flashback.... This is an imposter. "Hold on a second babe, I need to talk to Mr. All Might about my grades in his class." I said, shrugging her off and running to the said man since he was a few feet in front of us.

"Ah! Young Kirishima! How's D-Dia?" He asked through gritting teeth. "She's in danger. I don't know who that girl is back there, but it's definitely not D. It's like she's a completely different person. I need your help. I told her I needed to talk to you about my grades to get away from her." I explained in a hush tone. He nodded in understanding before standing up straight. "Well young Kirishima I believe we should discuss your grades in my office young man!" All Might exclaimed, grabbing my shoulder before hurriedly leading me to the said place.


Right after discussing the details with the principal, I got a phone call. I answered it, putting my phone on speaker so that All Might, Nedzu and some other pros could hear since it was an unknown number. "Hello?" I answered. "MR. KIRI! THEY TOOK MAMA AND BIG BRO IS HURT! BIG SIS IS HURT TOO! PLEASE M-" The like suddenly went dead and my heart was racing a thousand miles a minute. The sound of Haruki's terrified voice set something off inside me. I jumped up, storming out as the pros called my name. I ran around what must've been the entire school before finding that bitch who dared to pose as Dia. When I finally found her, she was straddling and kissing a shocked Midoriya in the back of the library. In my fit of rage, I grabbed her by her hair and slung her into a nearby book shelf. She cried out a bit and tried to play the victim, but I picked her up by her collar. "Games over motherfucker! Where the fuck are they?" I growled, holding myself back as much as I could so that I wouldn't strangle her. "KIRISHIMA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Midoriya shouted, snapping out of his daze. The bitch I had been restraining began to melt. Or her skin and clothes did at least and she landed on the floor. When the stuff had melted off of her, she revealed her real face as she sat naked on the floor. "T-TOGA!?" Midoriya exclaimed. "Deku baby! You remember me!" She smiled widely as she cheered, attempting to pounce on him just to be choke slammed by me. "I asked you a motherfucking question bitch so you better answer it right fucking now if you want to live." I growled darkly, activating my quirk and cutting some of the skin around her throat.

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