Chapter 59

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The rest of the week, I continued to work with Kiri on parole for Fat's agency. Our relationship status was still just for the cameras and I had to announce that to the class to avoid the eventual murder of Kiri via Mido or Kat. I found out that Mido had reverted to homicidal tendencies when he found out about Kiri and I on the news and he was slowly making his way from rodents to people. So I had to announce it to the class and tell them to keep it hush hush which they agreed to do. "Damn. I was really enjoying getting to treat you like my princess in front of everyone." Kiri pouted, crossing his arms as we sat together near the forest with our lunch. "What? National TV isn't enough? You're gettin pretty greedy lately, Kiri." I replied, playfully poking his nose. He smirked deviously. "Yeah? Well then don't be surprised when I gobble you up!" He exclaimed, starting to tickle me mercilessly. In my laughing fit, I fell off the rock we were sitting on and Kiri fell on top of me. After I recovered from my laughing, I realized that we were in a compromising position. Kiri was hovering over me, holding himself up with only his elbows. He was in between my legs as well. Adding to how wrong it looked. We were frozen, just staring at each other.

Someone cleared their throat behind us and we looked back to see Kaminari. "Mind if I join?" He asked with a smirk. Kiri instantly got off of me and stood up. "Bro, it's not what it looks like, I swear!" The redhead exclaimed nervously. Kaminari put his hands up defensively. "Cool it man, I won't tell. I'd keep her all to myself too if I scored a beauty like Dia." He replied, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and stood up, fixing my skirt. "You know you can't tease Kiri like that, he'll get embarrassed." I said with a fake pout as I pinched Kiri's cheeks. Kiri just got even more flustered, proving my point before he managed to protest without stuttering. I giggled at him and began walking off. "You guys talk about whatever you need to discuss, I have to meet with someone anyway." I said as I left and quickly made my way to the opposite side of the campus. That was clearly a lie, but Kaminari seemed like he needed to talk about something important with Kiri...


As I aimlessly wandered the halls, I felt the urge to check my locker. The hallways were super empty and way too quiet, so I stayed on guard as I went to check. Upon opening my locker, an envelope fell out.

"Dia Lydia Munda,
I am utterly infatuated by you. Whenever I am away from you, all I can think about is being near you; and when I am with you, I'm at peace with the world. I would love to go out with you. Just one date for I am the earth and you are the glorious sun. Better yet, you are the sun;  bright, shining and giving me light. I myself, am the moon;  cold calm, but always there. It would be astounding if you could do me the honor of meeting me tonight at 6pm on the bridge. Just one date is all I ask. If you want,it'll just be a friend's outing, but know that my feelings for you will never be deterred."

"Cute... But sounds suspicious. I should ask Kiri to tail me just to be sure..." I thought out loud before sniffing the letter to see if I could catch a scent. No scent... So they know the details of my Quirk... Plus, whoever wrote this knows my full name... Only a handful of people know my real name... That's definitely suspicious. And this is typed out, so I can't determine it by handwriting... Can't really determine it by diction either. This CAN'T be Kat. He'd come straight to my face at 6 and deadass drag me there... Could it be Rin? Nah... He'd chicken out at the last second. In any case, this is either someone I know or a stalker who REALLY did their research.... I thought before folding the letter and putting it in my pocket as the bell rang for class. I'll meet this person, but Kiri's definitely gonna have to tail me on this one.


"You're doing what now!?" Kiri asked in disbelief from the other side of the dressing room door. "I didn't stutter." I shot back, starting to do my makeup. "B-b-but-! What about... What about us?! D, you can't go on this date!" He replied, his tone exasperated. "Why not?" I asked, trying not to stab myself in the eye with the mascara. "We're a thing... aren't we?" He asked in response, disbelief in his tone. "Remember, we're just a thing for the cameras. Besides, I'm going mostly out of curiosity, not interest. So cool your jets." I said flatly, fixing my hair. It actually hurt to say that out loud. It hurt even more so saying it out loud to Kiri. "Yeah I know for the cameras... But... I still just feel uncomfortable, y'know? D... I just... It's dangerous. I'm concerned is all. And what if this guy isn't the right guy for you? What if this date goes wrong and-... I don't know D." Kiri replied with an evident sigh at the end. "That's what dates like this are for, to see if the other person is a potential mate. If he or she isn't the one, then Oh well. I can live with that." I said, putting earrings on. "If that's the case, then go out with me." Kiri replied. I could hear him slap his hand over his mouth, telling me that he said it before he even knew it. "Pardon?" I asked, a little surprised at the timing of his request as I opened the door. Upon seeing me, his jaw hung open a bit and it tool him a while to find his words. Finally, he took my hand in his and stepped close to me. "Dia... I want to go out with you. I don't want to be a thing just for the cameras while in reality I'm losing you to someone else. Go out with me." He said, all seriousness in his tone. I felt mg face heat up and I looked away, hoping my thin ass makeup would hide my blush. "One date. Anything beyond that is to be determined." I said, finally able to look him in the eyes. My heart pounded in my chest when he smiled at me and kissed my hand. "Thanks, D. Now let's get you to this mystery person... You're looking too good not to go somewhere."

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