Chapter 71

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"Surprise! It was me all along! Don't bother trying to attack me. I know that your quirk's strength depends on your energy. Seeing the state you're in now.... You'll die if you use it effectively." Mido said, looking down at me. This can't be real! "But... Why? Why you?!" I slightly shouted, attempting to stand. "Why not me?" He asked calmly, putting his foot on my shoulder and pinning me down. "This is all because I love you." Mido whispered lowly before knocking me out.


I woke up in the middle of a meadow wearing a white dress. What the hell? Did I die? "Dia, darling! Join me for lunch, will you?" Mido called from behind me. I quickly turned in his direction and tried to prepare an attack, but a strong shock went through my neck. "Gah!"I cried out, falling to the ground. "Oh. That little thing- you see Dia, whenever you release hostility towards me, you get electrocuted. The choker you're wearing also analyses your anatomical structure so the voltage goes up depending on what animal you shift into. You'll be helping me in the future, so I can't have you turning on me, now can I? You are my fiance, after all." Mido said calmly as he sipped his tea. I furrowed my brows in confusion before looking down at my hand to see a beautiful diamond ring. "This is- " "It's your mother's ring, I know. No need to thank me. By the way, this room is an illusion." Right after he cut me off, the meadow disappeared and we were inside of a dimly lit room with the League of Villains and the Eightfold cleansers. "What the hell?" I said under my breath. "Meet your colleagues, sweetheart. I'm the new kingpin here." Mido said smugly, gesturing to all the villains who just avoided any eye contact. "K-Kai? Shigaraki? You guys too?" I stuttered, slowly rising to my feet. They both refused to make eye contact with me. What the hell is going on? Those two were too short fused just TALKING about the next kingpin. I thought, looking over at Mido.

"Mido, this is all a joke, right? It... It had to be a prank. Y-you wanted to be a hero. The number 1! My uncle even gave you his quirk..." I said lowly, my voice quivering as I hobbled over to him. He flashed a grin that sent shivers down my spine. "Oh, Dia darling... Those days are over. Actually, those days never even begun. I've always been the mastermind behind it all." Mido replied, walking up to me. "Wha?" I managed to ask. Mido sighed and put two fingers under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "I'm the bad guy. All these guys in front of you, work for me. All that you've gone through has been orchestrated by me. Other than the fact that Chisaki felt the need to impregnate you. I almost had his castrated, but he's too important of a pawn. He will definitely die, just a little later than scheduled. So don't worry, dear. I've got revenge all mapped out for us." I looked back over at Kai who seemed really frustrated as he stared at the ground. No one would look at me. No one even spared me a glance.

Something's wrong here. Terribly wrong. They're all avoiding any kind of eye contact with me on purpose. And what the hell does he mean "our revenge"?

"Dia, I can see that you're extremely confused, but fear not. All your questions will be answered during dinner." Mido said, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him as we left the room. He led me down a series of hallways until we arrived at a (insert favorite color) door. "This will be your room. I made sure to have it designed to your exact taste. After our wedding, we'll be sharing a room, so this is only temporary." Mido explained, ushering me into the room. "We marry in two weeks! See you, then!" And with that, he left the room.

Looking around, the room was equip with everything except electronics. The lights were motion sensors, so there was no switch. Even the bathtub was automatic. 

I tried taking the sheets off the mattress to no avail. He thinks I'll kill myself... I can't even get a sense of grass or anything from this room... Concrete is manmade, I can't control that! I can't sense anything natural! This building's foundation and walls must be extremely thick... Think Dia, think! You have a beautiful family to get back to, but not before you end this madness! I have to wait for an opportunity to attack him physically... Without triggering the collar.

I put my hands to the collar and attempted to pry it off just to be electrocuted until I fell to my knees. I panted heavily when the collar was done punishing me. Manual removal is out if the question. I thought, coughing a bit. I have to figure out how to disarm it. I can't control this artificial electricity... It has to be lightning or Kaminari...

"U-um... Miss Munda? Dinner is ready. Mr. Deku has requested you join him." A timid woman said, peeping her head in the door as she trembled ever so slightly. She's terrified... Mido probably threatened her. That, or her life depends on my answer. How long has Mido been like this?!

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