Chapter 56

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Bakugou's POV~

I almost crushed my phone when I woke up to that dumbass notification on hero news. Why the FUCK is shitty hair macking out on Di?! She kissed that fucker back!? He is so fucking dead! I'll kill him I'll kill him I'LL KILL HIM I'LL KILL HIM I'LL KILL HIM I'LL KILL HIM!!! I thought, throwing some random ass book across my room. "SHITTY HAAAAAIR!" I angrily yelled. Goddammit! I haven't been this pissed since... That motherfucker impregnated Di!

Midoriya's POV~

"D-Dia-chan... Dating?" Was all I could muster upon seeing the news. I felt myself get enraged with Kirishima-kun. This can't be real! He must've black mailed her! Or made this up! They can't actually be dating, right? I used to be the most important thing in her life and now... After all my hard work... Without thought, I punched a hole in the wall. There will be bloodshed tonight. I thought darkly.

Todoroki's POV ~

"Dammit!" I exclaimed, feeling my left side light up. Had I not been interrupted either of those times... Dia would be mine! I threw my phone at the wall full force, completely shattering it. That bastard better have a good explanation for this! Dia would never go out with an idiot like him! Who am I kidding? After what my father put her through... What makes me any more eligible to go out with her when my left side looks just like him. She's still traumatized... My left side... Must only make it worse. I thought, bringing my blazing hand to the left side of my face. Damn genetics! I thought. In my moment of anger, I almost ended up burning my left side more.

Shinso's POV~

I returned to my home screen and stared at the picture of me and Dia for a moment after seeing the news. "Ha. How pathetic of you, man. Get your damn head out of the clouds. As if she'd like you in that kind of way at all. It only makes sense. No girl wants a guy who can brainwash her, so get that through your numb skull face reality!" I harshly told myself, clutching the bouquet of roses I planned on giving her this afternoon. Sighing, I looked out my dorm window to see her happily chatting away with that redhead. I threw the bouquet in the garbage. You knew you didn't stand a chance from the start, idiot. I thought to myself, throwing the chocolate I got for her away as well. It was her favorite chocolate, but I never really liked it much so there was no l point in eating it. "Damn, this hurts." I said lowly, clutching my chest as involuntary tears fell.

Mirio's POV~

"I'll be here when he breaks your heart." I said to the picture of Dia that was my screensaver. It was a really cute picture of me, her and Eri. "Just you wait."

Rin's POV~

I sighed and looked at the drawer that held the wedding ring I planned on proposing to Dia with in the far future. As long as she's happy....

Kirishima's POV~

D and I were walking around campus for a bit after I went with her to drop her kids off. When I told her they were some amazing kids, I meant it. Those three are gonna grow up to be so manly! "Oh! Before I forget... I wanna give you this." I said, presenting her with a floral hair clip. It was big and sparkly and pretty old fashioned. It had roses and lilies on it with tiny diamonds lining each flower. The moment I saw it I thought of her and figured she could use it to keep her hair out of her face or simply for decoration when she ties her hair back. "Kiri..." She gasped, seemingly afraid to reach for it. I extended my hands to her, my palms open and holding the glistening accessory. "I saw it and thought of you, so I got because... Um... Well it's pretty and... Well I don't really like it- but I thought you might because you're pretty... I guess what I'm trying to say is-" I sighed on defeat, cutting myself off and looking away. Dumbass! Nice going, you sound so unmanly! Get your shit together man! My thoughts were cut off by D's giggling. My attention snapped to her as she took the clip out of my hands. "That's Kiri." She said with a gorgeous smile while putting the pin in her hair so that her bangs were neatly pinned behind her ear. "It's beautiful." She finished, hugging me. I felt my heart skip a beat as my face heat up. Fuck she's so cute. I thought, hugging her back. "No problem, D." I replied, loving the feeling of her in my arms. Even though we weren't official and probably never will be, I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to love and protect her. She let me know she was kinda mad at me for kissing her on live TV and giving everyone the wrong idea, but at the moment I had no other way to tell her how I felt. I didn't want to just tell her, I wanted to show her. Plus I didn't want to get bro-zoned on live TV in front of everyone I know and love. We're only a couple as Gaea and Red Riot. But as Kirishima and Dia, we're nothing more than friends. Her pretending for the cameras is just her way of repaying me for saving her and she made sure I knew that. The only hard part is telling myself that over and over again.

We went to class together and as soon as we entered, people began congratulating us. I felt like some people were glaring at me, but I didn't pay too much mind to it. D and I agreed to keep our ordeal a secret, but only our classmates- with the exception of Mineta- could know. She wanted them to know, but I had no idea when. So we agreed that she would tell them when she felt like they needed to know. Until then, might as well be manly and act the part, right?

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