Chapter 46

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It's after nine a.m , the day of the culture fair and so far, Mirio, Eri and I were enjoying ourselves. I was wearing a pair of cuffed jeans I borrowed from Uraraka and a long sleeved sweatshirt that I borrowed from Mirio since they didn't move any clothes into my room. Mirio wore his Letterman over a striped shirt and blue jeans. Eri wore an outfit the school got for her which was a long sleeve dress shirt with an overall skirt, stockings and boots. Everyone put so much work into everything and they didn't disappoint. So far, the festive warm feeling was turned up to the max. Mirio had been giving Eri a ride on his shoulders almost the entire time. "Ah let's go! It's almost time for class A's performance." I said, walking in front of Mirio. "Alright!" He exclaimed as we made our way to the auditorium. It was almost pitch black in there and I could just barely see the silhouettes on stage. "Eri-chan, can you see!?" Mirio asked, moving her from his shoulders to his hip. "Yeah...!" She replied softly. Everyone was already cheering. Suddenly, the lights came up. "LET'S FUCKIN' GOOOOOO!" Kat shouted before drumming his heart out whilst simultaneously making a huge explosion. Everyone else's instruments kicked in and were perfectly in sync. Everyone one stage, dancers included, kneeled in sync and jumped back up. Two of the dancers flew into the air. "THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING!" She shouted into the mic. They began loudly playing amazing music and the dancers performed their choreography. Suddenly, Mido threw Aoyama and he used his bellybutton lazer to rapid fire as if he were a disco ball. "THAT FINALE WAS SHOOORT BUT LOOK!SOMETHINGS HAPPENING!" Mirio exclaimed over the music. There was silence and no one in the audience made a sound. "What even is this... A gag?" Some one asked. That's when there was a sudden burst of music, ice, light, and streamers. "WE'RE AT THE HOOK NOW, EVERYBODY! BEAT 'EM DEAD!!" Kat shouted as he drummed aggressively. Uraraka flew over the crowd, high-fiving people and glitter that looked like little diamonds fell from the ceiling. Kaminari flew over the crowd while playing the electric guitar, surprising everyone. The guests high-fived by Uraraka began to float and Jirou began singing. Everyone put their hands in the air, cheering as the music played. I looked up at Eri, who's eyes were fixated on the stage. She raised her arms as well and a huge smile adorned her face. I felt my heart well up with joy and a huge smile covered my own face. Mirio looked at Eri with large smile and began crying tears of joy. "WAAAH!!!" Eri shouted in a bubbly tone. I felt myself tear up a bit too. I'm so happy! I thought, mimicking the noise she made at the same time Mirio did. I swayed to the music as I stared up at the stage with a smile. It was like I was so full of happiness that smiling alone wouldn't satisfy my joy.

After the performance, we went to see Class B's play. Their play was funny and dramatic. It was like a mash up of all the iconic movies and plays. The way it all fell together was just amazing. When we left the play, we almost immediately found Mido. "Yooo! Good work back there!" Mirio exclaimed, waving at Mido. I ran up and nearly tackled him with a hug. "That was amazing!" I exclaimed with a large smile.  Eri let go of Mirio's hand and excitedly described how much she liked the performance. "At first I was scared because of the loud noise, but then there was dancing! Hop! Hop! And then it was so bright! Pyooom! But Deku-san wasn't there. And then it got all cold like, WOOSH! And it was spinning around and pyoom! Then the lady's voice was like waaaaahhhh! And then I... I was like waaahhh, too!" She exclaimed adorably. It took all of me not to go aaaawee. Tears pricked at Mido's eyes but he quickly wiped them away. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He replied with a smile. Mineta shouted at Mido to help out with the clean up. I flashed the purple headed boy a thumbs up and a smile. He blew stream out of his nose and simmered down a bit. "Hey! You all did so good! It was amazing! Jirou your singing is phenomenal! Kaminari, Tokoyami, you guys had stellar guitar playing! Momo you did so good on the synthesizer! And the dance crew was all in sync! Everyone backstage did one hell of a job too! Your timing was perfect! And Kat... Oh. My. God. You totally blew me away with your drumming! You used to suck at it, so seeing you up there playing so really surprised me! I had no idea you actually took those lessons! Everyone was so awesome!" I exclaimed, fangirling over each individual. Mirio chuckled at me and Eri giggled at my behavior. "What're you laughing at, huh?" I said playfully, tickling Eri. She squirmed and writhed as she laughed. "M-mommy I- HAHAHA! I can't breathe!" She said through her laughs. I stopped tickling her and picked her up, the both of us smiling. "Serves you right." I joked, lightly pinching her nose. She giggled and swatted my hand away. "All right you two! Let's go to the next event!" Mirio exclaimed, grabbing my free hand and leading us to the next place. "They're like a little family...." Uraraka said as we walked away.


After Kendo won Miss Con, Mido joined us for the remaining time and we ate and played games for the rest of the day. "Thanks for today! I had a lot of fun!" Eri said, looking down in disappointment. Aww... She doesn't want us to go.... I thought. "Eri-chan, look up." Mido chimed from beside me. She looked up to see him holding a candy apple out to her. "Surprise!" Mido cheered with a smile. "A candy apple?!" I exclaimed, confused as to where he got it. "They sold them? We were looking for one!" Mirio said, his voice full of shock. "After looking at the program, I thought they might not have any. So i bought the ingredients when I was out shopping. It wasn't too hard aside from actually making it! The only thing I couldn't find at the convenience store was red food coloring, so I borrowed some from Sato-kun." Mido explained as Eri stared at the apple in amazement. "Well since we're close by, I'm sure you'll get to see them again." Aizawa-sensei said from beside Eri, putting his hands in his pockets. She took a bite out of the candy apple and her face lit up. "Heehee... It's sweeter than an apple." She said with a large smile, licking her lips. "I'll make another for you someone! Look forward to it." Mido said as we waved goodbye to Eri, sensei and Mirio. When they were out of sight, Mido and I began walking back to the building. "Thanks for going through all that trouble Mido. That was sweet of you." I said with a smile. Mido smiled back. "Speaking of sweet... Here you go, Dia-chan!" He said warmly, handing me a candy apple out of his bag. "I made one for you too." He said shyly, looking away. I gratefully took the treat. He stared at me in anticipation, waiting for me to try it. I took a bite and the flavors danced on my tongue. "It's delicious!" I happily said, taking another bite. Mido let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "It's so good to have you back, Dia-chan." He said as we walked into the dorm building.

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