Chapter 50.5

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I stopped going to school during my third month of pregnancy since the baby bump was starting to show. Thanks to the uniform, no one noticed it anyway. Mirio stayed at my house to keep an eye on me and Eri would visit occasionally as well. It's been four weeks so far since I stopped going to school and everyone has been blowing my phone up. Shin Shin was the only one I responded to other than Sensei, who was just sending me my assignments. But everyone else was just asking where I was and if I was ok. Eri was actually spending the day with me in present time. I was lounging around the house in Mirio-senpai's hoodie while Eri was helping Mirio paint the walls in the baby's room. I smiled, leaning against the door frame unnoticed as they talked and laughed. "Look! Here I painted you me and mommy! I'm about to paint my little brothers too!" She exclaimed. Mirio raised his brows, his smile growing a bit. "So you want little brothers? How many siblings do you want?" He asked. She nodded in response, concentrating hard on her mini mural. "And why's that?" Mirio asked, stopping what he was doing, curious as to what her answer would be. "So I can teach them to grow up and be good guys like you and Mr. Aizawa. Not bad guys like Overhaul... I want them to be guys that respect girls and not guys who make girls sad...." She replied, concentrating on her painting. A sad look flashed in Mirio's eyes as he resumed painting. He smiled softly. "I see. That's a good reason, Eri! A really good reason! I'll help show them how to grow up to be strong, kind, respectful men! Your mommy will do a great job at showing them how to be good guys that'll make girls smile and laugh. And you will do a great job at being their strong, brave big sister!" Mirio exclaimed, putting a dot of paint on the tip of Eri's nose. She giggled and returned the favor by using her paintbrush to put a streak on his face. "Hey!" He replied before putting a small streak of paint on her face. That turned into a full on paint war between the two and they didn't notice until I snickered.

"He started it!"

"She started it!"

They slightly shouted at the same time upon seeing me. I laughed at the two, shaking my head as I rubbed my belly. "Ah, you still have my hoodie!" Mirio exclaimed. "Oh, do you want me to give it back? I can wash it real qui-" "No no no! Take it from me if you need that hoodie lounge in. It's my favorite, but you can keep it! Looks good by the way." He replied with a large smile. I felt my face heat up as I looked away. "DI! YOU IN HERE?" Katçs voice rang throughout the house as the sound of the door opening perked my ears. My heart started racing a thousand miles a minute upon hearing him.  Damn! Horrible timing! Wait... Calm down me... Panicking can affect the baby... I took a deep breath and cautiously made my way to the living room, where Kat had made himself at home by propping his feet up on my coffee table. "There you a- HoLY sHiT!" Kat exclaimed in shock, seeing my baby bump. It wasn't huge since I was barely halfway through this whole preggo thing, but it was definitely noticable. "Don't freak out!" In exclaimed, putting my hands out in front if me. "How- when... WHO the FUCK?!" Kat yelled. Mirio appeared behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "That's no way to speak in front of a lady! Let alone a baby!" Mirio exclaimed, covering my ears. I could still hear regardless since my senses are advanced. "Kat... I didn't want anyone to find out but... I'm pregnant with Overhaul's child." I said with a hand on my stomach. "That son of a bitch...! Just wait till I get my hands on him! First, he scars you up and traumatizes you and now this?! That sick bitch! I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM!" Kat shouted angrily, shaking the house. Eri, who was behind me, hid behind my legs. "It's okay, Eri. This is Bakugou. He's just a little bitch." I said darkly, a little pissed that Kat was frightening her. Eri gasped a bit. "Mommy! You're using bad words now too!" She exclaimed, tugging at my hoodie. I apologized to her and set her on my hip. "Let me try that again. Eri, this is Bakugou. He won't hurt you because if he does, he'll be missing his scrotum. Also, it's time for him to go home." I said, smiling darkly and gesturing to the said boy. Kat seethed for a moment before storming out of the house. I sighed, shaking my head. "Alright, Eri! Let's get back to painting your baby sibling's wall!" Mirio exclaimed, lifting her from my grasp.


The first few months seemed to fly by and Mirio continued to work on the baby room day and night, trying to make it perfect. Eri would help him and when she wasn't helping him, she kept me company and worked hard to entertain me by putting on puppet shows and telling me corny jokes. Even on her birthday, (which is December 21 btw) she helped out and refused our offer to take her somewhere. Kat would come by often and cook big meals for me that were actually pretty well balanced despite me asking him to put more meat on my plate. Recovery girl would visit occasionally to give me updates on the baby and at the same time, my uncle had a pregnancy coach visit my house daily to help me get mentally and physically prepared. He often gave me private yoga lessons and helped me swim when he wasn't giving me the daily talk so that I could keep myself in shape. Our sessions lasted three hours every day. Eri would take a nap during my sessions so that whenever she woke up, she'd be able to spend time with me and Mirio together instead of separately.

~Month 7 of pregnancy~

I sat on the couch and groaned as I rubbed my stomach. Today was the day I was finally gonna allow recovery girl to reveal my baby's gender to me. "Here you go, mommy! A glass of water!" I smiled weakly at Eri as I took the glass. "Thank you for being such a big girl and helping mommy and Mirio out, baby." I said. Mirio sat on the couch beside me and let out a breath. "You alright?" He asked, massaging my swollen stomach with me. I nodded, in need of a serious nap. A knock at the door caused Mirio to jump up. Seconds later, Recovery Girl walked into view. "Alright dear, I'll go ahead and start." She said before beginning to scan me. "Oh wow! How did I miss this all the times before?! Dia, before I tell you the gender, there's something else you must know." She said, looking up at me. Mirio, who was sitting beside me, grabbed my hand and gave it a comfort squeeze. "Dia... You're having twins! I knew your bump looked a little too big for your pregnancy stages but I just brushed it off as me imagining things! And not only are you having twins, but they've been hugging each other this whole time! It's just so precious! These brothers are going to be very close! I can tell!" She swooned with a smile on her face. Eri jumped up and down cheering. "Yay! I'm gonna have two baby brothers! See! I told you daddy, I told you!" She happily exclaimed, jumping on Mirio and clinging to his torso. He laughed in response and hugged her back. "Yes, yes you did." He replied, playfully pinching her nose. I smiled softly and looked down at my stomach, slowly rubbing it. My two baby boys and my big girl... I'll be the best mommy you've ever seen. At first, I was upset about this pregnancy... But over the past months I've been getting more and more attached. I would protect these kids with my life and love them unconditionally... All three of them. "Mommy! Aren't you excited?! I'm getting two brothers! The baby brothers!" She happily exclaimed, tugging my arm. I laughed at her cuteness. "Yes, baby. I'm very very excited." I replied, unable to stop smiling.

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