Chapter 11

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"So, what's the next step, captain?" I asked Shouto after he got information out of the villain. "You can shape shift, correct?"


"Is this all of em? Man they were weak." That Bakugou guy said. I turned to him, wiping sweat off my forehead. "C'mon! We gotta go save the others! We were warped here, that means the others are still in USJ! I'm a little worried about D..." I said, mumbling the last part. He slightly glared at me. Of all times is he trying to pick a fight?! "Don't worry about Dia, hair-for-brains. She's strong enough to take care of herself, so don't underestimate her. As for everyone else, we rushed ahead to attack, so 13 sensei was forced to hang back and play read guard." Hair-for-brains? More importantly... He's so calm right now. It's kinda scary... "If 13 sensei was able to suck up that black mist guy, thing wouldn't have turned out like this! As men, we need to take responsibility-" "If you wanna go, go by yourself. I'm just gonna go murder that warp gate motherfucker." Bakugou said, cutting me off. This guy! "Now of all times you go and say something a little kid would say! Physical attacks against that guy are-" "Shut it!" As Bakugou began explaining his reasoning, a villain jumped out at him from behind. He quickly stepped to the side and slammed the guys head to the floor with an explosion while talking. Man, his reaction time is nuts! I thought. "Ah, so that's why you're so calm, pal?" I asked, cracking my knuckles. "I'M ALWAYS CALM FUCKING HAIR-FOR-BRAINS!" He shouted as he flipped me off. "There it is!" I said in a teasing tone. He sighed and turned away. "Just fuck off already. Seeya later." This guy... Is sounding hella manly right now!

~Back with Dia and Todoroki~
Dia's POV

I lay low next to Mido, feeling multiple emotions overwhelming me as I helplessly watched the Nobu hurt Aizawa-sensei. Shouto had told me to find someone to stick to until he returned to find me. So Mido was the one I found. Mainly because of the huge H2O shift I felt from nearby. "This is a tad unnerving guys." Asui said after the hand guy's tangent about falling back. "Yeah... They cane and did practically nothing... And just like that they're pulling back...?" Mido said from beside me. That guy seems familiar... But why? If I can remember why then I'll know why I'm not afraid of him.... He's obviously really powerful with a strong quirk. I thought, scrunching my eyebrows in thought and not even realizing what was happening until a hand halted directly in front of my face. "You really are a cool guy eraser head." The hand guy said before squinting his eyes at me through his face hand. "I know you from somewhere..." He said as the Nomu slammed Aizawa's head into the ground. He'll kill me... Mido jumped behind the hand guy. "LE-LET GO OF HER!" He shouted with his fist reeled back. The hand guy quickly but calmly called the Nomu to block the shot. Mido shouted the word smash at the top of his lungs as his fist connected with the Nomu's stomach. "Nice punch there. You called it a 'smash'. You a follower of All Might? Well... Whatever kid." Mido! No! Asui snatched both me and Mido with her frog-like tongue. Just as she did, the entrance doors for USJ flew out of their frame. "Have no fear. For I have come." All Might said from the doorway. "I happened upon young Iida on my way here. Thanks to him, I heard the gist of what happened." The hero then took off down the stairs, knocking out any villain in his way before he reached Aizawa and checked his body. "I apologize, Aizawa." He said before speeding past Nomu and hand face to put the four of us on his shoulders and get us away from the main two villains. "Head towards the entrance you four! I have to leave Aizawa with you! He's unconscious, so hurry!!" All Might said as he stood in front of us protectively. The tiny purple guy was still a bit shocked at how fast he'd been put out of danger whilst Asui, Mido, and I remained with our feet planted in the ground.

~Time skip to when Mido interferes cause I'm lazy~

"Asu -Tsuyu! Dia! Take Aizawa-sensei off my back!" Mido commanded, barely even giving us time to pick up the said hero before taking off in All Might's direction. I smiled softly to myself. You hypocrite. I thought light-heartedly, remembering how he had just stopped me from doing the same thing a moment ago. My eyes widened in fear for Mido's life when I noticed the Black Mist forming before him. He's running too fast to stop in time! "OUTTA THE FUCKING WAY DEKU!" Never had I been so happy and relieved to hear Katsuki's raise his voice. He had immobilized the Black Mist or knocked him unconscious at least (not sure ╮(╯▽╰)╭). The portal that the Nomu's body was going through deactivated, cutting him in half. Kirishima charged at the hand guy, but his attack was easily dodged. "Shit!!! I had him!" He said, looking for an opening as Kat threatened the Black Mist not to try anything. "I heard about you bastards' plan. About each of your roles in your scheme to kill All Might. The symbol of peace won't go down as easy as you clowns." Shouto said, walking towards us. "Kacchan...! Everyone!" Mido said, his voice quivering as they surrounded the hand guy. "It's frozen! All Might said out loud, drawing my attention to him. HUH? SHOUTO FROZE NOMU AT THE PERFECT TIME?!!! WHEN DID YOU GET SO COOL??? All Might broke free of the creature's grasp, causing it to stand up immediately as half of its body shattered due to the ice. "His body was shattered... How is he still moving?" Mido asked from beside All Might. The Nomu then began regenerating itself. "I never said power absorption was his only ability. This is his super regeneration! Nomu was designed to be a human punching bag with super capabilities, especially to you when you're using 100% of your strength." Hand guy said, scratching his neck. The Nomu and All Might went at each other head-on. "You know All Might I have always been extremely irritated. We share similar types of violence but we're divided into heroes and villains in this world. We're split between good and evil. After all... What is being the symbol of peace? With that said, it's nothing more than an oppressive form of violence. Violence can only create more violence! That's what you've shown the world with your rampant killing." The hand guy's words made me flinch, bringing back an unwanted memory. Shouto, who had appeared next to me at an unknown time, squeezed my arm as a form of comfort (couldn't get to the hand cause Aizawa's on er back remember?) . "Nonsense! People who say this, criminals who kill for their ideals will have their eyes burned!" All Might replied, still fighting Nomu. The hand guy looked over at me, glancing between Shouto and I before his eyes widened in realization. "Oh really? What do you have to say about her situation, huh? Remember what was on the news years ago about a woman being the only one to die at the scene of a crime? An innocent bystander at that. The media blamed it on the criminal, but I was there, you see. That woman was her mother. She was killed by the oh-so-great 'hero'... Endeavor."

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