Chapter 69.5

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Eijirou looked at me with slight shock before crashing his lips onto mine. "What was that for?" I asked, panting after we broke apart. "Did you really think I was gonna resist the temptation to kiss you when you call me by my first name for the FIRST time while I have you in my arms?" He asked in honest disbelief. I snickered and shook my head. "You're too cute Eiji." I sighed, kissing his nose before going to sleep.


The sound of my ringtone woke me up and I groggily answered my phone without checking the caller ID. "Hello?" I asked lowly, trying not to wake up Kiri who was still holding me tightly and snoring. "Dia? Sorry to wake you, I thought you'd be up by now. I was just calling to remind you that I spend the day with the kids today." Togata said through the phone. "Oh! Thanks for reminding me, senpai I totally forgot!" I exclaimed in a hushed tone, sitting up a bit. "By the way, I hope you know that you've permanently scarred my back. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were trying to kill me." He laughed. I felt my face heat up. "Yeah? We agreed not to talk about that! And I don't feel bad cause I still have bite marks on my-" "Who's that?" Kiri asked groggily from behind me, yawning as he woke up. He sleepily put his head in the crook of my neck. "Ah, it's just senpai." I answered. Kiri hummed in response and hugged my torso a little tighter. "What's he calling for at this hour?" He asked, inhaling my scent. "He was reminding me that we planned for the kids to spend the day with him." I replied as Togata apologized and hung up from the other end. "We'll talk about this later. Makin me jealous all the time..." Kiri mumbled, kissing my neck and putting his weight on me so that he was pinning me down. "K-Kiri!" I exclaimed in surprise at the sudden action. "Damn, D don't do that." He groaned, nestiling his face between my breasts. I felt my face heat up again, looking at his topless form motorboat me. "I love you." He said with a pout, bringing his head up for air. I smiled softly as he kissed my cheek and laid his head back on my bosom; immediately falling asleep. He hummed and smiled in his sleep when I began playing with his hair. I sighed and relaxed myself. I have a couple more hours to sleep... I thought, looking at the clock.


"Mama! Papa! Wake up, wake up! Wake up!" Haruko exclaimed, running in and jumping on the bed. "C'mon mommy! Uncle Kiri!" Eri exclaimed, joining her brother. Haruki joined them, jumping on the bed attempting to get us up. I sighed, pulling the blanket over my head. "5 more minutes." I groaned. Kiri laughed and hugged me, kissing me under the cover. "C'mon D. Let's get dressed." He said as the kids jumped on top of us. "Alright! Alright! Mommy and daddy are up! We're up!" I exclaimed, sitting up and covering my body with the blanket. "Hurry and get dressed mommy!" "Get dressed! Get dressed!" Eri and Haruki exclaimed, jumping off the bed. Kiri sat up beside me. "Alright, alright. Get out so mama and papa can get dressed." He said with a smile. The kids all scrambled out of the room, closing the door behind themselves. "I can get used to this whole 'parent' thing." Kiri said with a smile as he got out of bed. I smiled softly and got out of bed, looking through his drawers and taking one of his hoodies. "Hey! You little thief!" Kiri teasingly exclaimed, tickling me from behind. "Hahaha! No fair!" I exclaimed through my laughs, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

He stopped tickling me after a bit and kissed my cheek. "You thought I wouldn't notice didn't you?" Kiri asked, hugging me from behind. "Eventually." I replied, turning my head to peck his lips. Kiri let me go then grabbed a shirt out of his drawer. After I put on a pair of. tights, I walked out of the room to get the kids ready. "Mama! We're already dressed! Look, look!" Haruko cheered. I looked down at the three as they lined up. Haruki was dressed in army green shorts and a skull Tee shirt. Haruko was wearing a long sleeve red shirt and a pair of beige shorts. Eri sported an overall skirt with a frilly white shirt under it. Her hair was braided with a small white bow at the end. I nodded my approval with a smile. I can tell who they all want as a father. I thought, crossing my arms. "Alright! Let's get this show on the road!" I exclaimed with a smile, walking past them. They had a tiny celebration behind me as they followed me to the door. "H-hey! Wait up!" Kiri exclaimed, tying his bandana as he rushed down the hall.

I snickered and continued leading the kids outside. They piled in Togata's car, excited to go somewhere. "Where's he taking them?" Kiri asked, watching him drive off. I shrugged in response, leaning against the doorframe. "They'll tell me about it when they get home. They always do." I replied nonchalantly. "How often does he get them? You trust him like that?" Kiri asked in shock. "He took care of me during my pregnancy, he saved me and Eri's lives, he was at the hospital when I was giving birth and he willingly treats the kids as his own, giving them a father figure since day one. Of course I trust him like that. He gets them every other weekend." I answered, causing Kiri to scratch the nape of his neck. "Geez, I feel like a step dad compared to him." Kiri said with a nervous chuckle. I hugged him, kissing his lips. "The kids love you too, yiu know. Senpai has just been there since day 1 so they know him better. Just give it a little time." I whispered. "Speaking of time, about the call you had with him earlier... You still have bite marks on your what?" He asked, gazing intensely into my eyes. I pulled him closer so that my mouth was right next to his ear. "My inner thighs." I answered in a whisper. Before I knew it, I was slung over Kiri's shoulder. He walked outside and began waking down the sidewalk with me over his shoulder. "Hey! What are you doing?! I can walk!" I exclaimed, lightly hitting his back. "I'm going somewhere public so that my jealousy doesn't make me let go of my leash." He replied, surprising me. Dammit... I. Talk about Togata too much, don't I?

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