Chapter 2

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"Here you go, good as new!" I said, handing Midoriya his now undamaged notebook. "How can you say that so enthusiastically with such a bland expression?" He asked, taking his notebook from my hands. I shrugged and started walking home. Midoriya quickly caught up. "Hey Dia! You wanna come over again?!" He asked with his voice full of hope. "Sure. Why not?" I said with a shrug. He smiled widely, a blush creeping on his face before his expression fell. "Dia-chan? Are you alright? You know-about earlier? I've never seen you that angry before... It was terrifying." He said, looking at me with a worried expression. "I'm fine. It was just an unwanted memory that resurfaced." His eyes widened for a moment. "May I ask what it was?" He asked quietly, stopping in his tracks under a bridge. "No. Just drop it." I said, turning to walk. He grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. "Dia... I just want to help you." I yanked my arm out of his grasp as dark clouds began to fill the sky. Lightning struck behind me as electricity surged through my body. "I said DROP IT!" I yelled before something covered me. The sky cleared as the gunk filled my mouth. "You're MY hero kid. You seem like someone nobody would miss. Don't worry, it'll only hurt for 45 seconds, then the pain will stop." What the hell?! He makes it sound like he's gonna rape me! I think he's trying to take over my body! I can't get a grip on this thing! I thought as I clawed at it. "DIA-CHAN!" Midoriya called, running towards me. "No! Stay back!" I cried, creating a small tornado around my body and dispersing the monster. "Dammit!" It shouted before jumping onto Midoriya, "You have an amazing quirk, but I won't be able to take you! I'll just have to take this one instead! You can't make a tornado around your friend without hurting him unless you're right next to him!" He revealed. "Midoriya! Dammit! You should've ran while you had the chance!" I shouted, effortlessly clawing at the monster, "I'm sorry! There's no attack I can use without hurting you!" I felt my eyes watering. "I CAN'T LOSE YOU TO! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE LEFT!" I screamed as tears ran down my face. I stopped clawing and took a step back, clenching my fist as I let out a growl. "DIA-CHAN! GET AWAY!" Midoriya yelled for the fiftieth time. I grit my teeth as air began rushing around my fist. "No. I'll get you out of there. I promise." I said before charging at the villain. "TEXAS SMASH!" I stopped in my tracks, trying to stop myself from flying backwards. All Might! Midoriya went flying as well as the parts of the villain. I jumped and caught Midoriya, sparing him the impact of concrete even though he was unconscious. "You did a great job trying to protect your friend Dia! Long time no see!" All Might said, giving me a thumbs up, showing me the villain in the two soda bottles he had. I glared at him. "Yeah. TRYING. I didn't do a very good job. I should've formed a tornado around Midoriya as well while he was standing next to me. I was being selfish and thought of myself." I said, inwardly scolding myself. "Now, now, you weren't being selfish if you still tried to save him! You took immediate action. Honestly, you probably could've won this fight with out me if I gave you time to pull that move!" He exclaimed, patting me on the back after I set Midoriya down gently. I grit my teeth and punched the ground, cracking it. "I won't make that mistake again. Next time... I'll definitely be able to save him if he needs saving." I growled. All Might began fanning Midoriya to wake him up. After what seemed like forever, Midoriya woke up and freaked out because-you know, All Might. I pranced on Midoriya and hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad you're Ok!" He blushed darkly and became a stuttering mess. "D-d-d-d-d-d-dia-chan! Y-your suffocating me!" He exclaimed as he frantically waved his arms. I let go and tched. "Stop being so melodramatic." I said as I rolled my eyes. He blushed darkly, scratching his cheek and adverting his gaze. "Ah, young love. Anyway, I should be off. I need to get this villain to the authorities." All Might said before jumping up. "Alright Midoriya, let's go." I turned to find that he was no where in sight. I looked back up at All Might's fading figure, seeing none other than Midoriya hanging on to him for his dear life. "Oh for the love of All Might" I mumbled, I chased them on foot for a bit before losing track of them,"I'll just start heading to his house by myself." I put my hands behind my head and began walking only to soon stop in my tracks. "Man just thinking about it makes me mad." That's Katsuki's voice. I thought before hiding in a spot where I could spy on him. "And that bitch... She's been holding out on me this whole fucking time! I bet she's been laughing her ass off behind my back! Does Deku have one to?! No worries. She's just gonna have to become another stepping stone on my stairway to success! I don't see why she sided with that damn nerd over me! We could've been a powerful coup- I mean duo dammit!" Katsuki said before blowing up the soda can he had, "and you need to quit smoking around me! If you get busted it's gonna look bad on my application." He noticeably changed the subject before either of the two goons had a chance to comment. Out of no where, the sludge monster reappeared behind Katsuki. It began covering Katsuki and of course he went berserk. A crowd gathered in little to no time along with some heroes. I was frozen in place until I saw the fear in Katsuki's eyes. My body acted on its own. I pushed through the crowd and into the scene as one of the heroes tried to stop me. With my running start, I jumped onto the sludge right where Katsuki was and wrapped my arms around his neck. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" I ignored his bitching and focused, creating a small tornado around the both of us and dispersing the villain's body. I hugged Katsuki for support and created a larger tornado around the one I created for me and Katsuki as a barrier so that the sludge couldn't get away. I hugged him tighter. "What the hell are you doing?!" He asked with a small blush on his face. "Sorry, but in order to use this part of my quirk I have to hold onto something in case I collapse from exhaustion. So be ready to catch me when I take the barrier down." I said, looking into his angered blood red eyes. For a moment, his expression softened. But only for a moment. Regardless, he held on to me. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT DUMBASS?! I DIDN'T NEED RESCUING!" He yelled, glaring down at me with the blush still on his face. "I don't know... My... My body... It just acted on its own." His eyes widened a bit as his blush darkened. "DIIIAAA!" At the sound of Midoriya's voice, Katsuki's anger returned. "Deku." He growled. "DIIIA! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, ALL MIGHT IS HERE! LET DOWN THE FIRST BARRIER UNTIL HE SPLATTERS THE VILLAIN AGAIN!" I did as I was told and let down the first barrier. I listened to the wind from All Might's punch then let down the second barrier. My legs gave out from underneath me, but to my surprise, Katsuki held me up. "Dia!" Midoriya exclaimed as he ran towards me. "Back the fuck off Deku! Go crawl in a hole somewhere!" Katsuki exclaimed, creating explosions with one of his hands and holding onto me with his free arm. I turned my head towards Midoriya as I helplessly clung to Katsuki's shirt. "I'll be fine MidoMido. Go home. I'll meet you there later." He hesitantly nodded and walked away. Katsuki brushed off the praise he and I were receiving from the pros and seemed to focus his attention on keeping me on my feet. "I should be able to walk now. Thanks Kat." I said after all the heroes left, letting go of his shirt. He just pulled me closer. "Firstly, stop calling me that. Secondly, I need to know something." He said, a seriousness in his eyes I'd never seen before. "Well, firstly... No. And secondly, what is it Kat?" His eyebrow twitched in irritation but he kept his cool. This is scaring me. Katsuki is calm, serious and he's blushing. Something can't be right. "I want to know what you meant earlier.... When you almost killed me... You said something about you losing too many people." I flinched at the mention of it. "Drop it." I growled, my hair over my eyes. "No! You almost killed me! So you owe it to me!" He slightly shouted. "I just saved your ass so now we're even!" I shouted back. "I DIDN'T EVEN NEED SAVING! AND IF YOU WERE OUT OF THE PICTURE I WOULD'VE BEEN SAVED BY ALL MIGHT! SO THAT DOESN'T COUNT. I AIN'T LETTIN YOU GO UNTIL YOU TELL ME!" I sighed in defeat. As much as I hate to admit it... He was right. "I'm still not telling you shit." I mumbled. He growled in frustration and tightened his grip on me, slightly burning me through my shirt. "I mean what I say. It's something not even Midoriya knows about, so let go before I actually kill you right here right now with no witnesses." I sneered, shoving him away. I turned and began walking towards Midoriya's house as Katsuki threw a little hissy fit behind me.

"I'm here!" I announced, slamming the door open. "Dia-chan! I was so worried! I thought Kachan might've murdered you or something!" Midoriya said with a relieved tone as he hugged me tightly. "C'mon! Let's go to my room! I have something to tell you!" He exclaimed before grabbing my hand and practically dragging me to his room. He closed the door and looked at me with excitement in his eyes. He had a large dopey smile on his face. I patted his shoulder. "I'm happy for you Midomido. You're gonna get a quirk from the hero you adore." I said. His eyes widened in shock and he froze for a moment. "H-how did you know that I'd be getting his quirk?!" He asked with slight suspicion lacing his voice. "I'm much closer to All Might than you think." I said, scratching my cheek. He nodded in response. "Oh! And Dia-chan, my mother and I wanted to know.... If you'd like to stay over for a week or two for the summer? If it's fine with your parents that is." He finished, blushing a bit darker than usual. I twitched at the mention of parents and Midoriya noticed. "If you don't want to it's fine! We always hang out anyways so it was just a thought!" Midoriya said nervously as he scratched the back of his head. "No, no. It's fine. I won't be able to stay over anyways. I have some training to do. Besides, your training is gonna be hellish so we won't even get time to hang out much." I said as I gave him a reassuring look. He nodded and put a hand on top of my head. "Thank you Dia... For being the only one there for me all this time. I have no idea how I could ever repay you." He gave me a genuine smile as a blush adorned his face. "There's no need. That's what friends are for right?" I asked, causing him to smile and nod again. "Alright you two! Dinner's ready!" Mido's mom called. "I'll have to go home after dinner." I said as I walked to the bedroom door. "Alright! Then we better make the most of our time!" I inwardly chuckled at Midoriya's enthusiasm. Always so enthusiastic about everything. I thought as he followed me towards the dining area. That's my boy.

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