Chapter 54

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It didn't take Kat and Haruki too long to finish cooking breakfast and when they did, they called everyone to the table.

"How you're able to cook so much food in such short time, I'll never know." I said to Kat as he sat down beside me. "Well my lil buddy helped me out this time. He made the pancake batter from scratch all by himself and seasoned the food. All I did was put it on the stove." Kat said, glancing at Haruki who was beaming with pride. "Go on guys! Taste it! Taste it!" He cheered anxiously. I slowly brought the pancake to my lips and sniffed it. Cinnamon... Honey.... Blue berries... A dash of nutmeg... All things normal. I observed before taking a bite. I raised my brows in surprise. "This is really good Haruki! Are you sure you didn't have any help?!" I asked, taking another bite, suspiciously glaring at Kat. "Hey, I just told him what he could and couldn't add and he did it himself." The ash blond boy said defensively. "Well he did awesome!" Mirio exclaimed, giving a thumbs up. Eri and Haruko nodded in response. "It's really delicious." Haruko said with a small smile, looking down at the food. His brother's face lit up at the statement. "Bakugou-kun? Can you teach me more?! I wanna learn how to cook everything!" He cheered, extending his arms. I smiled at the cuteness, giving Kat the OK nod. As soon as Kat agreed to help, Haruki cheered, allowing me to notice little fangs. My baby boys are animal types!  Agh! I can't wait for their quirks to start developing! I thought as Mirio and Kat held a decent conversation.

After breakfast, Kat and I cleaned the table while Mirio helped the twins get dressed and walk their puppies. "Thanks, Kat. He's gonna want to learn more from you if you keep that up, you know." I said, rinsing and drying dishes as he washed. Kat gave me a competitive smirk. "What? Scared of being replaced?" He asked with a challenging tone. "As IF!" I slightly shouted, punching his shoulder softly. He snickered as he flexed his arm for the impact. I sighed and smiled at the idiot. "Hey, Kat? Why don't we pay mama Mitsuki a visit?" I asked, making him look at me as if I was crazy. "You serious?" He asked, dumbfounded. I nodded in response. "I haven't seen her in almost two years! Besides, I want her to meet my kids." I replied. He was taken aback. "That old hag? She'll flip the fuck out." Kat said, already getting irritated. I raised my brows. "Promise?" I asked with a smirk.


"OH MY GOODNESS, DIA! IT'S BEEN FOREVER! I'm so glad you're safe, being stuck with that gang and all. I saw it on the news! And here I was thinking my ass-faced son scared you off!" Mitsuki exclaimed, practically crushing me in a bear hug. I laughed a bit and hugged her back. "It's gonna take a lot more than Kat's shitty attitude to scare me off." I replied. "I'M RIGHT FUCKING HERE!" Kat yelled angrily, pushing between us. Mitsuki slapped him upside his head. "DON'T SHIVE YOUR ONLY POTENTIAL WIFE LIKE THAT!" She shouted. I put a hand on Mitsuki's arm, catching her attention. "Mitsuki... There's someone I want you to meet, but you have to promise you won't freak out." She nodded in response, crossing her heart. "Scout's honor." She sang. I turned and looked out the door, gesturing for the kids to come on. They almost immediately ran out and walked inside. "Mitsuki, meet my kids; Eri, Haruko and Haruki." I said, gesturing to each child upon saying their names. She stared down blankly at them for a short while before suddenly gushing. "THEY'RE SO CUUUUTE!~" She exclaimed with her hands on her cheeks. Kat scoffed. "They'd be cuter if they were our kids." Kat mumbled, looking away. "Come here babieees! Dia, they're beautiful!" Mitsuki exclaimed as she held the twins in each arm and pinched Eri's cheeks. The kids were giggling and carrying on. "Thank you." I said with a soft smile "only because they take after you though. They have your eyes, your smile, even your fangs." Kat said quietly from beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders. I ran my tongue over my fangs and nodded in response. "If they have those, they probably have enhanced senses too. Ah I can't wait to see what their quirks will be!" I squealed excitedly with my hands on my cheeks. "MAMA! MAMA! Look!" I immediately snapped my head in Haruki's direction, worried until I saw what he was so excited about. He and Haruko were surrounded by a small mesh of thorny vines and roses. "Oh my!" Mitsuki exclaimed. I was at a loss for words. "Look mama!" Haruko exclaimed from beside his brother. Several mall butterflies sprouted from his hands and hovered over them. "Go on. Rest on the flowers of my brother." He whispered to the butterflies. They all flew to the roses and landed on them. "Whoa! How'd you do that?" Haruki asked. Haruko slightly shrugged and looked down at his hands. "I just thought that your roses were so pretty... And that butterflies would make them a little prettier." I covered my mouth as the two hugged each other. "Thanks bro! You were right! What else can we make?" Haruki asked. As the two conspired, I was jumping up and down while clutching Katsuki's arm.

"You're fuckin' adorable." Kat whispered to me with a smile. "Hey! No using profanity mister!" Haruko exclaimed. "And no flirting with mama without our permission!"  Haruki added, pointing accusingly at Kat. Kat blinked in surprise. I threw a fist in the air. "YES! I knew you two would be animal types just like your mama!" I cheered. Their senses are enhanced and they have fangs just like me! Ah I can't wait until their second set of fangs come in! I thought happily. I felt my heart throb a bit and instinctively looked over at Eri. She had a small smile on her face, but a sad look in her eyes as she rubbed her arm. I know that look... I thought, walking over to her. I grabbed her hand and walked her out of the earshot of her brothers. "Honey, what's wrong? Talk to mama." I asked softly, squatting down in front of her. She stared at the floor for a bit before looking up at me. "Mommy... Do I belong here?... In this family?" Eri asked, tearing up. "Of course you do baby! What makes you think you don't?" I asked, hugging her as I started tearing up myself. "W-well Ruko and Ruki they.... They take after you so much and... And... I just feel so out of place. I'm not even related to any of you!" She said, tears falling. I broke the hug and cupped her face. "Eri, you are a Munda. No matter who your parents are, how old you get or how many kids I have you will ALWAYS be my little girl, you understand? Bloodlines don't matter in this family and that's what makes us a family." I replied, kissing her forehead. She hugged me tightly. "Thank you mommy. I'm sorry. After all we've been through, how could I think something like that?" Eri asked, wiping her eyes. "Stop apologizing baby. You have nothing to be sorry about. It's only natural you'd think something like that sooner or later. I'm just glad you opened up to me about it instead of keeping it bottled up." I replied, fixing her hair. "Don't worry mommy. I'll always open up to you because you're the bestest mommy in the world! Can we go back now so I can be the bestest big sister?" Eri asked with a small smile.

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