Chapter 43.5

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Walking around town left me as wonder-struck as Eri and Mirio-senpai was finding amusement in it. "You haven't been out since he kidnapped you, have you?" He asked with a sad smile. I shook my head. "Aside from that time when Eri tried to run away and bumped into you and Mido, no. Being in a normal environment like this so suddenly... Feels amazing. Knowing I can have a day to feel the sun on my skin... To have a day without being brutally tortured and beaten... It feels new to me. I think I'm happy right now, but I've never actually been happy enough to know for sure." I replied, looking at the ground as we walked. "Dia-chan... I'm so sorry that it took us so long to rescue you." Mirio-senpai said, his smile faltering as his voice quivered. "Don't be. Eri and I are safe now and that's all that matters. I just wish she was happy." I said lowly. Mirio-senpai stopped and put a hand on my shoulder. "She will be, trust me. After she sees the culture festival and when we take her out a few times, she'll start seeing that the world isn't some horrible dark place where everything bad is her fault. Plus, she's got an awesome mommy looking out for her and I bet anything she wouldn't trade you for the world." He said, giving me a comforting smile. I latched my arms around his torso, catching him off guard with my hug. "Thanks, Mirio-senpai." I said softly as he hugged me back. "Any time Dia-chan. And it's fine to just call me Mirio." He replied, breaking the hug. I nodded in response as we continued our walk. "Will do!"


"Hm~ This place has really good ice-cream." I said, putting a spoonful of [insert favorite flavor] in my mouth. "Yep. I used to come here all the time with my parents when I was in elementary school. It's been here since my parents were little." He replied with a smile, eating mint chocolate chip. I raised my brows and looked around. "Really?! It looks so new! This place should have more business because this is the best ice-cream I've ever tasted!" I exclaimed in amazement. Mirio chuckled at me. "It's more of a place where married couples bring their children. That's why I thought it'd be appropriate if you and I were to bring Eri-chan here." He said bluntly with a smile. I looked away, feeling my heart race a bit. "What do you mean by that?" I asked, eating ice-cream with a stoic expression. "Oh! ah, you know... Show Eri a normal family experience with both parents involved. She already sees you as her mom, so I figured I'd be like her dad. She's already warmed up to me." He replied, his cheeks tinted red. "Makes sense." I said, staring into space. Of course he wouldn't mean it in any kind of way. Why am I hoping for it anyway? I barely know the guy. I must have victim mentality... I thought. "Ah, did you want to try some?" Mirio asked, gesturing to his bowl. "Oh! No, sorry I was just lost in thought!" I replied, realizing I was just staring at his bowl. He held his spoon out, offering me some of his ice-cream. "I insist you have some anyway." He said flatly. I looked up at his face and almost burst out laughing. He had a handlebar mustache made of ice-cream and his expression was dead serious. I covered my mouth as I giggled at his face. My giggle quickly turned into a laugh and I held my sides, out of breath. "Oh my gosh! Hahaha! You look ridiculous!" I exclaimed through my laughing fit. Mirio smiled at me, his expression bright. "Thank goodness! I was starting to think that you were a robot." He said jokingly. "I've been internally laughing at your jokes all day, but I couldn't bring my body to do the same thing my brain was." I said after catching my breath. Mirio's smile grew and his face beamed. The ice-cream he had on his face began to melt and drip down. "Pfft." I snickered before eating the ice-cream off the spoon he held out. The action caught him off guard and he immediately retracted the spoon as if he forgot he was holding it out for me in the first place. "I didn't expect you to actually eat it... I just held out the spoon so you'd look up..." Mirio said lowly, looking away with his cheeks tinted a bit darker. "Oh I'm sorry! I thought- I'm so sorry! Do you want some of mine in return?" I asked, scooping a large amount and holding the spoon in front of Mirio's face. "No, you eat it! I still have plenty left!" He replied with his usual large smile, shaking his head.

Mirio and I stayed at the shop for a couple of hours just talking and laughing. When it was time to go, he paid the bill (after a debate of course) and we left with an ice-cream pop for Eri. I made sure to freeze it solid so that it'd be in perfect condition when we got to her. Mirio locked arms with me as we walked together. "I had fun with you today, Dia." Mirio stated as we walked back to the campus. "I had fun with you too. You're a pretty funny guy." I replied, giving him a small smile. "Let's do this more often, just the two of us! And on weekends, we'll bring Eri-chan with us." He said excitedly. I smiled and nodded before looking at the sunset. Was this a date? No... He wouldn't find interest in me. Who could ever love someone this fucked up? I thought with a sad smile. "Hey, what's wrong?" Mirio asked, causing me to put my attention back on him. When I looked at him, the sunset's light was beautifully dancing across his skin and shadows created perfect contrast on his face. I shook my head, implying that it was nothing. "A frown doesn't suit a girl as beautiful as you." Mirio said, stopping in his tracks. He stood directly in front of me and gently pushed my shoulder-length hair behind my ear. "What ever happened to such a lovely flower?" Mirio asked quietly, running his finger across the shell of my ear where the tip of my ear was shot off. "You've been through so much. You're covered head to toe in scars yet you're striving. You let those scare fuel you instead of break you. That... Is what truly makes you beautiful. So please, smile. If not yourself, then for Eri. Show all the others how it's done!" He said, giving me a determined look. I felt myself stare up at him. Although I was unable to physically show emotion because of the torture, I felt my heart pounding in my chest. "Mirio, I... I'll try my best." I assured before we resumed our walk. He grabbed my hand as we arrived near the campus, where Eri and Aizawa-sensei were waiting for us. Eri ran up and hugged our legs. "Here you, Eri-chan! We brought you back some ice-cream!" Mirio said with a smile, handing her the ice-cream out of the small bag. "Thanks mommy! Thanks Lemillion-san!" Eri cheered as I opened the package for her. "No problem, sweetie. Just don't bite it, you'll hurt your teeth." I replied with a loving smile. Eri tasted the ice-cream and her face immediately lit up. Pfft. That's what I looked like when Mido saw me? Seems like every part of her is happy but her mouth can't seem to curve into a smile. "It's really good." She said softly. Oh my god my heart is gonna implode and then blow up! I thought covering my mouth. Mirio looked at me with a large smile on his face and I smiled back before looking down at Eri. "Dia, I need to speak with you in private. Meet me in the office." Sensei said boredly before walking off, leaving Eri alone with me and Mirio. "Mommy?" Eri asked, looking up at me with big eyes. I squatted down to her height. "Yes, baby?" I replied, smiling softly. "Can... Can Lemillion-san be my new daddy?" She asked innocently. I felt my face flush as I avoided eye contact. "Ah, Eri well you see... Um... Haha that's not uh...." "You'll have a new daddy someday, Eri-chan. He'll be nice and strong and he'll love you just as much as your mommy does!... It just might not be me." Mirio said with a smile, cutting me off and saving me the embarrassment. Eri looked down at her ice-cream and let out a small 'oh'. Mirio then squatted down close to Eri's ear and whispered into it. Her face lit up at whatever he told her and she gave him a nod when he stood up. He smiled and gave her a thumbs up in return. "Ok, what just happened? Should I be concerned?" I asked, raising my brows. Mirio and Eri shook their heads at the same time. "No need to be worried! Come on! I'll walk you both to the office." Mirio replied, grabbing my and picking Eri up.

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