Chapter 16

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Katsuki yanked my arm, separating me from Mido almost right after Lady Midnight said we'd be forming teams. "You're with me this round." He growled into my ear as he squeezed my hand. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Says who?" I challenged. He grabbed my shoulders and forced me to face him, anger evident in his expression. "You've been on Deku's team since day one. It's time you join mine." He practically ordered, basically telling me I and no choice. Other students crowded us, practically begging Kat to partner up with them. The ash-blond boy stood with a look of concentration before he finally opened his mouth to respond. "What the fuck are all your quirks again?" I raised a brow at him. Is he serious? Or is he just shitting with us right now? Looking at his expression told me it was the latter. "Bakugou! Let's team up! Todoroki's already got himself a full team, the bastard." Kiri said ecstatically. "Hair for brains." Katsuki said, both addressing and irritating the red head. "IT'S KIRISHIMA! REMEMBER MY NAME DAMMIT!" He slightly shouted, pointing a finger at Kat. I moved to calm him, but that only resulted in Kat squeezing my hand, telling me he wasn't letting go anytime soon. The action thankfully went unnoticed by the redhead. "Whaddya say, wanna play rider? Who here is able to withstand the recoil of your explosions, after all!!?"
Kirishima asked boldly with a grin. Kat glanced at me, thinking for a moment. "Someone with the guts to..." He said, trailing off. "No, dumbass! But sure! Yeah! Me with my hardening quirk! We'll be a horse that can't crumple and we'll definitely get those points right? Midoriya's ten million..." The last part put a look on Katsuki's face that gave me chills and put out rapey vibes. Kirishima finally seemed to notice I existed and immediately gave me a toothy grin. "Oh hey D! Congrats on second place! You were awesome out there!" He exclaimed, putting an arm around my shoulders. "I'm assuming you'll be our defense, right?" He asked right before Katsuki tore me away from him. "Hands off hair-for-brains!" He growled slightly, pulling me closer to him as if being near Kirishima contaminated me and he was the cure. I rolled my eyes at the hothead before looking at Kirishima. "Yeah. I'm on defensive. Don't mind him too much, you know how he is."


"We've all got one goal." Kat said as the countdown began. I nodded in response, knowing he was referring to Mido's ten million. But almost as soon as we took off, Kat's points were snatched off his forehead. "Like taking candy from a baby, class A." A blonde guy from class B taunted.

"Oh and look what we have here~ The girl who was able to stop the same villain you struggled with. Really she's the only one who deserves to be in Class A as far as I've seen." He said with a wink to accompany his sly grin. Kat growled angrily as well as Kirishima, a minacing aura emitting off of Kat. "Kirishima.... Change of plans. Before Deku... Let's send these goddamn shitrags to an early grave." He said angrily, acid practically dripping from his words as he began seething with anger. Kirishima almost nodded in agreement but took time to think about it first. "Get it together Bakugou! If you font calm down we won't be able to get those points back!" Kiri warned, prompting Kat to cause an explosion to release some anger. "Push forward Kirishima. Right now I'm mad fucking calm." He growled, venom dripping from his words. "The last thing you are is calm." I mumbled as we advanced toward the other team. Before Kat could lay a hand on him, the class B guy caused a explosion with his hands that threw Kat back a bit. "Hahaa! This really is a fun quirk!" He said happily and tauntingly at the same time. "Hey Bakugou! Are they copy-pasting from you too?!" Kiri piped up, referring to the steel guy from earlier as Kat tried to return the blow. "Eat this!" Kat yelled, making an explosion in his face. Pff that's what All Might said. When the smoke cleared, Class B kid had blocked the blow by hardening the side of his body Kat made an explosion on with Kiri's quirk. "Though my quirk is far better." He said slyly. "What! My quirk to?! They're taking everything from me..." Kiri slightly shouted. I rolled my eyes at the naivety of the redhead.

"That ain't it. This bastard has a copy power."
"That's not it. He has a copy quirk."

Kat and I said at the same time. The guy smiled down at us. "Correct! Well I suppose even an idiot would get it right away." Right as he said that, someone else from class B shot some kind of fluid from his mouth that hardened around our feet. "It hardened crazy quirk! I can't move!" Kiri said as the guy monologued to Kat, making him angrier. "I think I can melt this with my quirk." I said before instructing Kiri to be completely still. "Hurry! We're down to zero points! The tape guy shouted in a rushed tone. I tried controlling the material itself in case it was something natural, and greatfully enough, it was. We were back on the run with the angriest version of Kat thus far. Oh gosh I feel sorry for that guy right about now.... He picked a fight with the wrong one.

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