Chapter 65

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Kiri and I turned Kai in the next day without healing any of his wounds. The authorities immediately interrogated him then put him in solitary confinement. So Gaea and Red Riot received all the credit for turning Kai in, now we were on a dog hunt for Mido aka Deku. I called and texted him to no avail. The number was still his, but the phone itself was turned off. According to Kai, he had no idea about Mido's whereabouts. He could've been lying, but we can't root out the option that Mido left on his own.

All for One was also interrogated by the police and he acted as aloof and careless as ever. So I was going to interrogate him personally in a few days. For the time being, I was taking a day off to spend time with my kids. Kiri took a day off with me to keep an eye on us even though I assured we'd be fine.

"C'mon, D! We're takin' the kids to my house!" Kiri exclaimed, carrying Haruko above his head as Haruko outstretched himself into a superman pose. "Yay! Mr. Kirishima's house!" Haruko cheered from the air, giggling. "Aw I wanna go back to uncle Bakugou's house..." Haruki pouted, coming out of their room with his army green suitcase. "I want to spend the day with daddy, but I don't mind trying something new." Eri piped from beside me. I smiled softly and let out a sigh. Ho boy... I thought, wondering if deciding to date Kiri was the right decision. Maybe it'd be better to stay single... They all clearly have different father figure preferences.... I thought, hugging myself. "It's okay mama." Eri said, hugging my torso. I smiled down at her. "Go get your bags, baby." I said softly after fixing her hair. She nodded and smiled back at me before going to her room to retrieve the said items. "Haruki, bro... What are you wearing? That a dress?" Haruko asked, causing me to put my attention on his brother. Haruki was practically swimming in the article of clothing he had on. It wasn't a dress, but rather a long sleeve shirt that was way too big for him. "Nope! It's a shirt that Uncle Bakugou gave me! It's his favorite shirt!" Haruki exclaimed, beaming with pride. I snickered at the way it fit and made my way over to him. "How bout you wear it when you're older, okay? That way you'll look extra cool in it!" I suggested, helping him out of it. I held up the shirt so that I could see it for myself and sure enough, it was Kat's favorite shirt. Haruki crossed his arms. "Uncle Bakugou said the same thing. I wanna be big and strong like him already..." He mumbled, looking away. "If you rush it, you'll miss ask the good stuff." I replied with a smile before turning to look at Haruko, who was being put down by Kiri.  "Did you get anything from uncle Bakugou?" I asked. Haruko nodded in response, fixing his shirt. "Yes mama, but it wasn't really my style, so I gave it to Haruki. I kept this cool bracelet he gave me though." Haruko replied, holding up his wrist so I could see the silver chain around his wrist. I remember that! That was his lucky bracelet back in elementary school! Why'd he give that away? It was one of his most prized possessions... Wasn't he was saving that for...? I began shaking my head, pushing the thought away. "Hey, how bout I tell you all the story behind that bracelet sometime?" I asked, smiling at the kids. "Yeah!" The three cheered at the same time. "Alright!" Kiri cheered a little after them. We all turned and looked at him. "What? I wanna hear old stories about Bakubro too." He defended with a shy shrug. I giggled a bit and rolled my eyes. "Alright big boy." I teased, turning back to Haruki. "Alright what else did you get from your Uncle Bakugou? I'm curious." I asked. Haruki moved to open his suitcase, but Kiri stopped him. "No offense, D, but could we go through the stuff after we get to my place? It really isn't safe here." Kiri asked, gesturing to the door. "I agree! We need to get mama and big sis out of here!" Haruko said, picking up his sister's suitcase along with his own. He struggled to lift both bags, so he created a large albino wolf and whispered to it. The wolf boredly picked up Eri's bag and walked out the door, taking it to Kiri's car. "His name is Shima! He'll help take the girl's bags to the car even though he doesn't really like light work. He likes being called for stuff like combat." Haruko explained as the said wolf walked back in. "Whoa! So you summon the animals instead of making them?" Kiri asked, squatting beside Haruko. "No, I can make animals my self, it's just easier to summon them. And they're my friends! He says he likes your teeth by the way." Haruko replied. I nodded to myself, taking in the new found information. After the word took my bag to the car, Haruko thanked it and sent him back. Surprisingly, the dogs and cat didn't seem too bothered by it. Cool. I thought with a shrug. That might as well happen... Though I'm a bit concerned as to where he's summoning those kinds of animals from. He can obviously communicate with the- "Babe, c'mon! The kids are already in the car and everything." Kiri called from the door. I snapped out of my thoughts, looking up at him. He chuckled and shook his head, walking to me. "It'll be okay. There's plenty of room and my parents don't mind at all. That guy knows where you live. And if something were to happen, it'd be forever before someone heard about it since your house is so secluded from everything else. There's cameras and neighbors in my neighborhood, so it'll be safer there for the kids. Plus he has to find out where I live before he tries anything else." Kiri explained, hugging me. "Besides, if he tries anything else... He'll regret being alive to tell the tale of what I'd do to him." Kiri growled darkly, glaring at nothing. I smiled and pinched his face. "Okay, my big strong man. Don't get too ahead of yourself~" I replied teasingly, knowing he was exaggerating.  He blushed and pouted, turning away. "L-let's go... The kids are gonna start getting weird ideas if we take too long." Kiri said, walking to the door and holding it open for me.

"Kiri they're not even double digits yet!" I laughed, walking out. "Exactly! The amount they know right now is scary when you think about it!" He replied with all seriousness in his voice. I laughed a little harder as we walked through the woods. Kiri blushed harder with embarrassment and averted his gaze. His grabbed my hand as we walked and when we made it to the car, he opened the passenger door for me.

"Ooh such a gentleman~" I said in a joking tone. Kiri smiled at me before closing the door and making his way to the driver side. "Mama, if we're staying with Mr. Kirishima, then where is Lemillion-kun going?" Haruki asked, looking at the forest through the window. "He's going back to his own home! He was just with us temporarily to make sure we were gonna be okay." I answered as Kiri got in the car. Eri stared down at the kitten that was lying asleep in a travel kennel. "Don't worry kiddos! You'll be used to my place in no time! You boys can have my old room and there's a guest room for the little lady." Kiri said, starting to drive. Then where will Kiri and I be staying? I thought, glancing at Kiri's smiling form before glancing back out the window.


Upon arriving, there was an older couple standing out in the driveway. Kiri parked the car and we were all oogled over when we got out. "Oh my! Eiji is this the young woman we've heard so much about!? She's even more beautiful in person! You didn't exaggerate~" The woman who must've been Kiri's mother exclaimed, taking my hands in her own. She definitely looked her age, but her eyes and movements were that of a young girl. I glanced at Kiri to see that he was red in the face with embarrassment. "Mooomm..." He whined lowly. "You pulled a great one, son!" Kiri's dad said, flashing his son a thumbs up and making him blush even harder. "It's a pleasure to meet you, dear! Feel free to call me mom if you like!~ Ah such a gorgeous and talented daughter in law you are!" She said in a chipper tone, shaking one of my hands with both of hers and flustering me a bit. "M-mom! Aren't you jumping the gun a bit?!" Kiri exclaimed, blushing even harder. "Oh hush Eiji. Our boy has told us enough about you to make our ears bleed! He even spaces out thinking about ya at the dinner table!" His father said with a smile, stepping beside his wife. Both of them have black hair... Where'd Kiri get the red from? He definitely has his mothers eyes and his father's structure.. But damn, his dad makes him look like a shrimp... I thought, taking note of how big in statue the man was in comparison to Kiri.

"Oh! Is that...? It iiiiis! How adorable! How precious! I could just eat you all up!" Mrs. Kirishima gushed as my kids got out of the car. "My three grandchildren! Aren't you three lovely!" She swooned, almost running up to them. "My name is Haruko Chisaki, pleasure to make your acquaintance ma'am." Haruko introduced with a bow. "Yo! Haruki Chisaki! Nice to meet ya!" Haruki exclaimed, flashing a peace sign. "H-hello Miss. My name is Eri Munda. It's a pleasure to meet you." Eri said shyly with a slight bow. Mrs. Kirishima was taken aback by their formality and vocabulary. I just smiled with my hands on my hips. "So smart and such words at this age?! You taught them well, Dia! Eiji you really did pick a great one!" She exclaimed, cuddling them. I looked over at Kiri who was practically dying of embarrassment. "I'll get the luggage! You lot go inside!" Kiri's dad said cheerfully. "Ah but Akio and Akihiko... And Aiko..." Haruko said, trailing off. Kiri's parent furrowed their brows. "Who's that? Do you have more siblings?" Kiri's dad asked. Haruki shook his head, laughing a bit. "No! They're our best friends! Don't worry, they're toilet trained!" He vaguely explained before whistling. Two yaps rang from the car and Mr. Kirishima let out a hearty chuckle. "I've got it! You just go inside and get familiar with the place!" He exclaimed, heading to the car. "Dia sweety, Eiji will show you and the kids around! I'll prepare refreshments in the meantime and we can have a little chat later!" Mrs. Kirishima cheered, radiating with enthusiasm as she practically skipped to the house. "You've got such cute parents." I said, nudging Kiri as be stared at the ground blushing almost darker than his hair.

"L-let's just go in." Kiri mumbled as the kids huddled behind me.

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