Chapter 45

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All Might's POV

I sat in front of the glass glaring at Chisaki Kai. After my little chat with Dia, then All for one, there were a few things I needed to hear from this bastard. He was responsible for the torture of two young girls who didn't deserve it. Hands down, I refuse to believe that my precious niece is the granddaughter of that monster. But this bastard... What he did, I need to know.

"What are you here for, Mr.Symbol of Peace?" Chisaki asked, glaring at me. Every word he spoke was calm-manored, yet it was like each word was intended to kill."I'm here about my niece. The one you tortured in One for All's name. You may know her as 'Gaea'?" I asked, using everything I could to stop imagining me strangling him. His eyes widened at the mention of the name. "Niece? Gaea? Ahaha... That explains a bit! She was so phenomenal." He replied. It seemed like he was biting his lip, but with his mask on it was hard to tell. I don't like the way he said that... Like he's some sort of sadist. Did he find sexual pleasure in torturing my niece? Sick bastard. "The hell are you talking about?" I asked sternly. He casually raised his eyebrows. "Firstly, her quirk has so much potential that'll go to waist on this disease called heroism. Secondly, her skills on the field are amazing and she learns incredibly fast. And lastly... Mm~ She's such a jewel in bed. Honestly, I ate her right up. My compliments to the chefs." He replied. I felt my heart both sink and swell with rage. "Don't mess around!" I practically growled.

Chisaki's eyes were open wide and I could tell he was recalling a memory, smiling under his mask. "Who's playing around?! I've got no reason to lie! What've I got to lose? So what I fucked your niece?! Well I'd be underestimating if I said I just fucked her. I blew her back in!" I got up and left as that sick son of a bitch starting going into detail. I was beyond pissed now and it was best if I just left before I did anything I'd regret. Why didn't she tell me? She didn't even tell me about her letters from Ingenium, young Iida's older brother or the orphanage. She used to tell me everything...

I put on my coat as I stepped outside, the guard bidding me goodbye. I got into the passenger seat of the car, not saying a word. I was too angry to even speak at the moment. Tsukauchi could sense that and thankfully didn't say anything.

Dia's POV

I found Katsuki behind the building creating explosions. "Kat?" I called once I was right behind him, causing him to stop what he was doing. He turned around and grabbed my face. "You're still fuckin beautiful with or without scars so don't let any shit faced bastard tell you otherwise." Kat growled. "If I had just passed the provisional license course... I probably would've been able to find you faster than those guys did. Then I heard that you died... That you fucking died! I thought I made you promise not to do shit like that! You fucking idiot! Fucking... Idiot! STOP SCARING ME LIKE THAT DAMMIT! HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITHOUT YOU?!" Kat screamed, tears streaming down his face as he grasped my shoulders. I didn't know how to respond. All I could do was look up with widened eyes. Now that I actually looked at Kat, he had dark circles under his eyes. You couldn't sleep because of me, could you? I thought, looking down at the ground because I had no response. "Those bastards... They've reverted you to how you used to be... when that accident happened." Kat said lowly before pulling me into a hug. "Don't shut the world out again, Di." He whispered, his voice trembling. I hugged him back, getting a warm feeling inside. "How could I when you're part of it?" I asked, feeling myself smile softly. He broke the hug so he could look into my eyes. "Di, I... Go inside. I'll be out here for a while longer." Kat said with a sigh. "Alright Kat." I replied before making my way to the front of the building.

On the way to the front, I ran into Tenya. "Oh! I was just coming to check on you. How's Bakugou?" He asked, pushing his glasses up. "He's fine. He just needs some alone time." I replied, starting to walk back to the front. Tenya put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. "Dia... If you need someone to confide in at any time at all... You have my number." Tenya said, giving me a smile. I smiled back and nodded. "Same to you, Tenya. Thanks." I replied. He walked me back inside and everyone was still in their places.

For the rest of the night, they all told me how much they missed me and how worried they were. Then proceeded to tell everything I missed. Rin had his arms wrapped around my torso for the entire night- at least until we all went to our rooms. Mine was empty since I had yet to bring anything, but I could easily sleep on the floor.


The next day, I attended all my classes, plus a remedial course for those who didn't pass the provisional license course. I was a little surprised to see Kat and Shouto there as well. After the class, I went to go see Eri.
When I walked into the room she was staying in, I saw that Mirio was already there. "Hi mommy!" Eri chimed. "Oh, hey Dia! I just got back not too long ago. I brought you some/a [insert favorite fruit]!" He exclaimed with a smile, handing me a plastic bag with the said contents. "Did you get Eri anything?" I asked before even reaching in the bag. "Of course! How could I not get this little lady anything?" He asked, ruffling Eri's hair. "He got me an apple! See mommy?" She said, holding up the said fruit. I softly smile at the excitement in her voice. That's the biggest, reddest apple I've ever seen... I thought, opening the bag and taking out the [favorite fruit]. "Thanks Mirio." I said, giving him a warm smile. He cleared his throat before standing up. "Shall we spend the rest of the day in town? My treat." He said, opening the door. "Eri nodded almost immediately, so I couldn't refuse. "Alright, Mr.Generous. What do you have in mind?" I asked, munching on the delicious fruit. This is the best [insert favorite fruit] I've ever tasted! Where'd he get this? Mirio just smiled at me in response. "Just you wait~"

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