Chapter 25

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I was a bit taken back at the request since Ii- Tenya was usually all about formality. "Oh... Ok. Well, Everything will turn out alright Tenya, trust me." I said with a smile. He softly smiled back at me. "Alright. I'll trust you on that, Dia." He replied, rubbing his eyes. I smiled softly at him. "Get some rest big guy." I whispered as his head fell on my shoulder. He'll get a crook in his neck like that... I thought before slowly moving his head to my lap so that he'd lay on his side. What a dedicated brother... It must be nice to have such a devoted sibling. I thought, smiling down at the boy as I stroked his hair. The lulling action soon caused me to succumb to sleep myself and I drifted into a dreamless slumber.

~Time Skip~

"-ey... Excuse us." I heard as someone gently shook me. I slowly opened my eyes, stretching in the process when I looked up, there was a woman with short dark blue hair standing in front of me. That's an awful lot like Iid- Tenya's hair color.... Matter of fact she looks a lot like Tenya... Speaking of Tenya, he isn't here anymore. I thought, glancing around. I stood up and bowed. "I apologize for invading your space. I shouldn't be lying in the hall like this. I'll leave now." I said before starting to walk off. The woman grabbed my shoulder faster than I could react, vastly impressing me.

"By all means, don't go! I wanted to invite you inside. My son seems fond of you, so I figured you'd want to check on Tensei." She explained sweetly. So she's Tenya's mom... Tensei must be his big brother. I nodded, allowing her to guide me into the room. Upon entering, Tenya, his brother, and his father put his attention on me. "Dia! I see you're finally awake! Did you sleep well?" Tenya asked, walking towards me. I nodded as he gently grabbed my hand and guided me to the bedside. "This is my brother, Tensei." Tenya said, gesturing to the said man. The moment we saw each other, our eyes widened.


We exclaimed at the same time. I covered my mouth, surprised I had said his hero name even when I've known him for a while. His parents immediately left the room, ushering Tenya out with them. I just said his hero name without thinking... Had anyone been walking by, his identity would be compromised. Tensei-kun's eyebrows furrowed as he studied my face. His eyes were a bit watery. "H-how are you... Here...?" He asked, his voice trembling. "Diana was my mother. It's an honor to see you again. Once again, I thank you for helping me when she and my father passed. I'm forever in your debt." I replied as I bowed formally. He raised his eyebrows in realization and a bit of shock covered his face before a smile graced his lips. "It's good to see you again too, Dia. You resemble your mother so much that for a moment I thought she came to visit me." He admitted with a nervous chuckle. I smirked at the man, closing my eyes for a moment to prevent any tears from falling. Why am I so emotional lately? I've went into detail without crying plenty of times before... Is it seeing him after so long? "And no need to be so formal! Don't worry about paying me back for that case, it was the least I could do." He replied with a thumbs up. "Well at least let me help you with one thing." I said, stepping closer.

He nodded in response, knowing what I was referring to. I went directly to his bedside and put both hands over his body. Closing my eyes, I recited nature's healing quota. I transferred twenty percent of my energy into healing, allowing it to flow into Tensei-kun's chest in the form of a green light. He took deep breaths throughout the process. Once the light distributed throughout his body, he let out a contempt sigh. "Thanks Dia. I feel so much better already." He said, giving me a refreshed smile. I smiled back and bowed, not showing my light headedness. "Take it easy, Dia. Go eat and rest so you can replenish your energy. I don't want you to pass out because you got too light headed healing me." He said, gesturing toward the door. I let out a soft sigh as a smirk graced my lips. You're still mega sharp, Tensei-kun. I thought before leaving as he instructed.

Almost as soon as I left the room, Tenya confronted me. "Dia, let me walk you home. A dame such as yourself shouldn't walk home alone." He insisted. I looked him in the eye, searching for his intention. He knows something... I thought suspiciously. "It'd be rude to refuse, wouldn't it?" I asked in an obvious tone, cueing him to walk beside me. "I'd completely understand if you did." Tenya replied, giving the receptionist a stern glare as we exited the hospital. "Whoa, what was that about?" I asked, raising a brow at his uncharacteristic behaviour. "I apologize. I heard about the way that woman has been treating the visitors. I know she needs to be on alert, but her quirk allows her to tell when people are telling the truth, so she has no excuse. To be that intolerant... The nerve of some people! I swear when I talk to her boss-" "Don't." I said calmly, stopping Tenya from doing anything because of frustration.  "Are you not upset with the way she treated you? The way she undermined you?" He asked. I shrugged it off, surprising Tenya a bit. I was angry at the moment, but that's no excuse to do anything so rash. Besides, the best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury." I replied, causing Tenya to raise his brows even more. "What about Endeavor? Don't you hate him for the murdering of your mother?" He asked, saying it with a gentle tone. I shook my head in response. "I don't hate him for killing my mother, I hate him for other reasons. He didn't do it on purpose anyway. He-" I cut myself off, not wanting to even say that Endeavor had a crush on my mom.

Thinking about it though, he must have been devastated to have killed the women he thought was the love of his life. "An accident is forgivable. Intention is forgivable. Maybe that's just me being naive, but how I see it; anything can be forgiven." I sighed, looking at the sky. "You truly are a wonderful person. I have a lot to learn from you, Dia." Tenya replied softly as he looked down at me. We upheld conversation the entire way through the city, taking our time to get to my town.

When we did arrive, my stomach growled loudly. Man I would kill for Kat's home cooking right about now. I thought, acting as if my body didn't just emit the sound of a dying whale. "Dia, wait here for a moment." Tenya said before running off somewhere. Well I guess I have no choice but to wait. He ran off before I could respond. I thought, shaking my head. Almost a minute later, Tenya returned with a plastic bag. "I know it isn't really good for your health to eat sweets so early, but since you were hungry, I got you some taiyaki. Forgive me, it was the quickest thing I had access to." He said as he bowed and handed me the bag. I smiled at him and accepted. "Thank you, Tenya." I said, making his face turn red. "W-well it's only natural for a gentleman to provide for a lady." He replied, standing up straight. I reached into the bag as we resumed our walk and handed him one of the chocolate taiyaki. He shook his head, pushing it to me. I gave him the mom look and pushed it back towards him, cocking an eyebrow. He begrudgingly accepted it. "Why?" He asked, giving me a confused look. "You bought it and you haven't eaten since yesterday. You're just as hungry as I am, so until you finish that taiyaki, I'm not taking a single bite." I stated firmly. Tenya sighed in response. "Alright, alright. No need to be so rash." He replied, unwrapping the said treat and taking a bite. He ate quickly and neatly, not to mention he was quiet with it.

I gave a contempt sigh as I took another taiyaki out of the bag and opened it, handing it to Tenya before taking a third one out of the bag and opening it for myself. "You're giving me another one?" He asked in a surprised tone. "You're a growing boy. You need it more than I do." I replied with a shrug. He smiled softly before proceeding to eat it. By the time we got the forest my house was in, we'd finished eating the taiyaki. "We're going through a forest? Is it a shortcut?" Tenya asked. "Kinda." I replied, leading him through the brush. Upon arriving at my house, Tenya let out a small gasp. "It's... Extraordinary." He said quietly.  I raised my brows at the comment. To me, my house has always looked like an antique. It was covered in vines and a few large nicks we're all over the fairly large structure. It seemed like something that would've been lost at the bottom of the sea, except it had repairs. In a way, it was something beautiful. "You're welcome to come in since it was such a long walk, but you have to keep it a secret. No one can know I live here." I said as I walked towards the door. "I swear it." Tenya replied from close behind me. As soon as I opened the door, the strong scent of cooking food hit me. Oh God.... Kat's here. I thought as I stepped into the house, Tenya still right behind me.



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