Chapter 67

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The next day, Mido was at school. Even though we all crowded him and asked him questions, he acted as if nothing happened. I tried to find any kind of evidence that it was an imposter and not Mido, but it was most definitely him. Scent, speech pattern, memory, attitude and all.  As we all entered class, I passed him a note telling him to meet me on the roof during lunch.

~Time Skip to Lunch

"You asked me to meet you here, D-Dia-chan?" Mido stuttered upon arriving. I took both of his hands in mine and looked him in the eyes. "Mido, you know I love you and care about you a lot. You're mother was worried sick that you wouldn't return and I could hardly sleep. You need to tell me what happened while you were missing and who took you." I said calmly and quietly. "The alliance took me because they wanted more information on your weaknesses. Don't worry Dia-chan, I didn't tell them anything. I took the first opportunity I could to get out of there. Sorry it took so long." He answered, pulling me into a hug. I took in his scent, picking up extremely faint traces of Touya and dust. "Mido... Tell me something only you would know." I said, breaking the hug to look him in the eyes. Without hesitation, he responded. "You had a huge crush on Kacchan in grade school, but when you confessed to him the summer before we went to junior high, he beat you up for still being close to me and he called you a-" "AlRIghT! I believe! I believe!" I exclaimed, putting my hands in my face to hide my shame. Damn, I forgot that I cried to Mido about that... I thought, looking back up at the apologetic boy. "Sorry if I embarrassed you or hurt your feelings Dia! It was just the first thing that came to mind and it was something kept secret between you me and Kacchan so I also figured that it'd be the most believable fact to tell- not that the three of us don't have any other secrets but it's just-" "There's the Mido I know!" I said, cutting him off with a small chuckle as I shook my head. Mido sighed in relief, putting a hand over his heart. "So you're not mad or upset?" He asked. I smiled at him and shook my head, locking arms with him. "No, not at all. Let's go get you some food tough guy." I replied, starting on my way to the cafeteria.

~@ The Cafeteria~

As soon as we walked through the door, Kiri jumped up from where he was. "Hey man! Glad to see you're safe!" Kiri exclaimed with a smile, putting an arm around me and pulling me away from Mido in the process. I could sense the passive aggression in Kiri's tone as he spoke to Mido with a toothy grin that was unlike his usual one. "O-oh! Thanks Kirishima! Though I feel like I should be saying that to you for making Dia so... HapPY!" Mido replied through his gritting teeth with a smile, doing a terrible job at hiding the fact that he was just as-if not more- irritated than Kiri. "So, should we all get lunch or are we are gonna stand here until they make a season 6?"  I asked, trying to cut the tension a bit. "No need, D. I already got a lunch for you." Kiri's said, never breaking eye contact with Mido as he held up a large lunchbox with his adjacent hand. Mido and Kiri glared at each other for a while, never even blinking. "Okay, as much as I appreciate your affection for each other, it'd make me a lot more comfortable if you two stopped having hardcore eye sex right in front of me." I said, causing the two to snap out of their glaring contest. "See you later, Dia. I'm getting lunch." Mido said, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear before he left to the lunch line.

"Come on, D. Wanna go sit with the rest of the BakuSquad?" Kiri offered, taking my hand in his own. I nodded in response, trying to wrap my mind around what just happened. "What was that all about? Do you and Mido have some kind of beef with each other?" I asked as he led me to the said group. He shook his head, a dead serious look adorning his face. "At that moment, he was just trying to dip his fingers in the wrong bowl of sugar." Kiri answered flatly. Mido was hitting on me? Mido? Isn't he the one who ended up making me and Togata fuck on purpose? He spiked our stuff... So why would he want me when he clearly tried to hook me and Togata up? I thought as we arrived at the table. "Hey guys." I greeted, sitting beside Mina. "Oooh hey lovebirds! Finally decided to join us instead of sneaking off, I see." Mina teased in response. "Sneaking off!? To do what?" Sero asked. "I think I know~" Kaminari sang, nudging Sero and winking. Kat glared at Kiri, who was notably flustered. "Don't joke like that, man! You know D and I aren't like that!" Kiri exclaimed with a red face. "Yeah? Well explain what I walked in on you bastard! Just admit it! You and Dia have been like that since day 1! Don't think I didn't notice the way you looked at her and looked for excuses to be with her!" Kaminari semi-shouted in return as if he just solved a case. I just sighed and ate my food, too hungry to deal with this. "The fuck did you walk in on?" Kat asked, startling Kaminari a little. "Dia and Kirishima were behind the school straddling each other!" Kaminari whisper-yelled. "We were not!" I objected, pointing my chopsticks at him.

"Then what do you make of this?!" Kaminari exclaimed, holding his phone out to show us an off-guard photo that was somehow taken at a low enough angle to see under my skirt, exposing my inappropriate choice in underwear. "What the actual fuck?!" Who the fuck took that and why do you have it?" I shouted, snatching Kaminari by his collar from across the table. Kat took that opportunity to snatch Kami's phone to see what picture we were making a fuss over. "YOU FUCKIN PIECE OF SHIT!" Kat shouted, drawing majority of the cafeteria's attention to us. Kiri and I instinctively held Kat back as he tried to attack Sparky.  "W-Wait! That's not the picture I meant to show!" Kaminari exclaimed, shakily retrieving his phone and swiping through his gallery. "The FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!" I shouted, now extremely aggravated. "Bro, you just made your life a whole lot worse." Kiri growled, baring his teeth. Sero tried de-escalating the situation and Mina just scolded Kaminari. "Di... Shitty hair... Get the fuck off of me." Kat growled calmly. Kiri immediately let go, not knowing any better. I expected Kat to shake me off as soon as possible, but he stayed perfectly still and patiently waited for me to let go. Hesitantly, I released his arm. Kat calmly stuck his palm out in Sparky's direction, putting his fist on his palm. "Welcome to a world where dreams become nightmares." He growled before firing an AP shot at the fearful boy. "Kat NO!"

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