Chapter 31.5

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"I..." I couldn't think of anything to say in response to Kat's outburst. "Mineta definitely mentioned all of us..." Jirou mumbled with an earphone Jack in the wall. "And yet when Kat got angry... He only mentioned you." Ashido chimed. "ThE FUCK?! ONLY I CAN CALL HIM KAT!! FIND YOUR OWN NICKNAME!" I shouted, just making the girls' smile wider. "You two are made for each other." The moment Tsuyu said that, I physically cringed. "Please don't say shit like that. You're makin me wanna throw the fuck up." I said, feeling weird at the thought of me being with Kat. "He rubbed off on you alright." "I think her and Midoriya are cuter together!" "No! Definitely her and Iida! They're totally cute together!" "As much as I hate to say it, her and Todoroki are the two best looking and they shine next to each other." "I'd bet Dia and Todoroki's quirks could create something beautiful." "Really? I think she's so cute with Kirishima!" "Oh yeah! Kirishima!" "I still think Bakugou suits her better... Just think of it! It's like beauty and the beast!" "I think Dia and Kaminari would be cute together even though they don't hang out from what I've seen.... Seeing Dia take care of him when he blows a fuse would be adorable." "But she's known Midoriya the longest and she's been on his team since day one! It's bound to happen!" "Her and Kirishima are so cute together though! It's like a Knight and his princess!" "Dia and Iida would make the perfect parents! One strict and one lenient with really cute kids! Seeing Iida with Dia reminds me of a gentleman and his lady." "But together, Todoroki and Dia look like straight up royalty! Models! Perfect! Just unstoppable!" "AGH! WHY DO YOU ALL SHIP ME WITH SOMEONE?! IT MAKES ME THINK OF THEM LIKE THAT!" I shouted, slightly tugging my hair. They all just giggled in response and started poking fun at me. I stared at them stoically as they poked my cheeks, caressed my head, anything weird friends would do to comfort someone. Sighing, I put on my shirt and left the locker room. I have some time before class... Might as well walk around a bit. I thought before wandering the halls. "Ah if it isn't the worthy one of class 1-A. It's like fate that we meet here." I turned to see a familiar face. Hmm... I've seen him somewhere.... Backtrack Dia backtrack.... Ah! He was that guy who provoked Kat! I thought, snapping my fingers. "I remember you from the sports festival! You're... Monica?" I asked. His eyes dropped. "Of course the goddess of class A wouldn't have the time of day to remember! Monoma! My name is Monoma my dear! And I'm gonna steal you from those class A rejects!" He said with his arm out. "Ummm... Ok?" I replied, slowly blending in with my surroundings as he went on a tangent about how much better a future with him would be like. I slowly began to creep away right before he noticed that I was gone. On second thought... I'll just go to class. I thought as I made my way to the said room, checking my phone. Rin hasn't contacted me in a while.... That's so unlike him.

Upon arriving, Kat, Mido and Tenya were the only three in there. "Ah, hey guys! How'd your weeks go? Y'know... Aside from the whole incident." I asked, sitting on Mido's desk. The green haired boy's eyes immediately lit up. "I-I can control On-... My quirk without breaking anything now! Though I can only use eight percent..." Mido replied a little too happily. "My week proved to be a very valuable lesson." Tenya replied, giving me a knowing look. Kat just grumbled about wasted time under his breath. "Well I had a great time working with you too, Kat. " I said sarcastically. "That's not what I meant, Di." He growled in response. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Die?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "D-I, Di, like the first two letters of your name; not D-I-E you fucking dumbass." He replied, rolling his eyes. I felt my heart jump at the nickname. "O-oh... You.... You're calling me by a nickname now? You usually call me... Bitch." I said, feeling my face heat up. He just glared at the wall opposite of me with pink dusting his cheeks. "I see you've heeded my warning, Bakugou." Tenya mumbled. Before Kat could react, I jumped on him, smothering him with a hug. "AAAAWW KITKAAT! I LOVE IT!!! YOU'RE FINALLY WARMING UP TO ME! LOVE YA TOO KAT~!" I gushed, hugging his head. After I while of me cuddling him, a sharp pain went through my beasts and an involuntary moan slipped out. I immediately let go and covered my mouth. "Did you.... Did you just BITE my boob?!" I asked in disbelief as Kat gave me a smug grin. "You practically shoved my face into em, what else was I supposed to do?" He asked, licking his lips and eying them. "Kat!" I whined, attempting to cover my breasts. He just hummed in response and bit his bottom lip. "Just like that." He barely whispered, clearly inaudibly to regular hearing. "Nothing, huh?" Ashido chimed with the smirk in her voice. I turned to see practically the whole class in the room. "The way you fangirled over him said otherwise." Yaoyorozuro chimed smugly. "Bakugou yOU ASSHOLE! SOMETHING DID HAPPEN WITH YOU AND D IF SHE'S LETTING YA OFF SCOT-FREE FOR BITING HER TIT LIKE THAT!" Kirishima angrily shouted with a clenched fist. "Yeah?! AND WHAT IF SOMETHING DID, HAIR FOR BRAINS?! WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?" Kat shouted in response, shooting Kirishima down. "Alright class, calm down. There's a surprise for you all. But before I tell you, I'd like to introduce a new student." We all rushed to our seats upon hearing Aizawa's tired voice. "A boy?" "A girl?" "New student?" The class mumbled amongst itself, but Kiri just slid a note onto my desk as Aizawa warned us how important it was not to bully the new student.

Kirishima : what happened between you and Bakugou last week???

Me: nothing. We just shared a room and that's it.

Kirishima sighed in relief and shot me a toothy grin. "Alright, you can come in now." Aizawa called lazily. The door opened slowly and the room held its breath in anticipation. Out from behind the door came a familiar shy, timid, pale boy with white hair. "H-hello everyone! My name is Rin Dokashi. Nice to make your acquaintance!" He said with a bow. I felt myself sit up straight at the sound of his voice. "Pick your seat. Not like there's many choices anyways." Aizawa said, unwrapping himself from his sleeping bag. Rin let his eyes skim over the room until they met mine. When he saw me, he did a double take as his face turned red. "Dia?" He asked, directing the entire class' attention on me. "Rin..." I replied breathlessly as he walked up to my seat. "I... I didn't think I'd run into you this soon, but I was planning on giving you this either way. Please don't open it until you're alone..." He said, his face an even darker shade of red as he lifted my hand and placed a small velvet box in it. "EEEEHHH?!" "NO FAIR!" "Who the heck is he?!" "Dia! Why do you know so many cute guys?!" "THESE BASTARDS ARE COMIN OUTTA THE WOODWORKS!" "Even Bakugou is mad about this one so we've got an actual threat here!" "DIAA! EXPLAIN!" Oh for fuck's sake...

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