Chapter 26

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Dia's POV

As I continued cooking, Tenya remained in the entry way of the kitchen. I could tell he wanted to say something by the way he just stood there stiffly. "If you have something to say, just say it." I said, causing him to jolt a bit. Tenya began nervously fidgeting with his sleeves. "Well... I have a confession to make. The main reason for me wanting to walk you home wasn't just because it was the gentleman thing to do. I must admit that I do have one alternative motive... And it was simply something I wanted to discuss with you." He said a little nervously. Alternative motive? What the? Is he nervous because it's something he shouldn't say? I thought, gesturing for him to proceed as I fixed the plates. "Well... It's a sensitive subject I wanted to address with you. It's... Well, my parents told me what happened to you- and I sincerely apologize for your loss- but I'd like to know... How does your past tie in to you being so close to my brother, Tensei?" Tenya asked, scratching the nape of his neck. I gave a deep sigh as I walked past him to set the table. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to! It is a sensitive subject after all!" Tenya blurted, shaking his hands frantically. "It's fine Tenya. You deserve to know. He is your beloved brother after all." I said with a soft smile. "My parents and your parents attended the same school and were well acquainted. And your parents had a kid way earlier than mine so naturally, my own completely adored the baby. My mother was much more enchanted with the infant that my father was though and would often babysit when your parents went into the hero business. It was no problem for your parents to afford a maid not too long down the road, but my mother had already been working with Tensei-sama for so long; plus she was very trusted and Tensei-sama was already very fond of her. Years later, my parents finally found the time to try for a baby. By that time, Tensei-sama was old enough to leave home so he visited my mother often when she was in labor to make sure his "auntie" was ok. And when I was born, my mother made him promise that he would help and protect me if anything were to happen to her and my father. So all that time before my parents died, he would visit me a lot to check up on me. When they died, he helped me keep this house and get everything my mother left to me without any lawyers sneaking valuables for themselves. Because of his work, he was unable to properly play the big brother or father roll, so he just sent me letters and cards signed 'your big brother, Tensei Iida'. It was the only thing stopping me from ending it. The only reason I wasn't entirely alone. So he did his part to help and protect me even though he wasn't even here. He gave me someone to look up to and a life to look forward to. You're right to want to follow in his footsteps." I said with a sad smile. "I-I see." Tenya stuttered shakily. I looked over at him to see that he was crying. He quickly bowed upon my gaze falling on him. "I shall fill my elder brother's shoes in his promise to help and protect you! I swear it on my life that your mother's wish will not be dishonored!" He said, more tears flowing down his cheeks. I held back tears the best I could. Dammit... Seeing a strongwilled person so broken down always gets me. I thought before walking towards his bowing figure and putting my hand on his chin, lifting his head and causing him to stand up straight. "You're such a faucet, Tenya." I said with a small sad smile as my eyes watered. "I'm sorry, but how can I not hear such a touching yet tragic story and not feel empathy for you? I may be all rules and regulations at times, but I do still have a heart." He said, wiping his tears with his sleeve. I felt my heart warm at the thought that he cared so much that he felt my pain. Tenya... You're actually a man of sentiment. I thought as he placed silverware around the prepared plates on the table. "Kat! Food's done!" I called. The said boy seemingly teleported beside me the moment those words left my mouth. "What the hell?" He said as soon as he saw the food. My heart rate picked up and I felt myself worrying a bit. Did I do something wrong? I'm pretty sure I didn't! Kat and I studied up on [insert foreign country] foods when we were little! Well that was years ago and I've never actually made it... Only Kat did. "How the fuck did you manage to make it right? Have you been practicing?!" Either I was having a stroke or Kat was excited. He was trying not to smile so his expression was just a constipated smirk. I shook my head, confusion evident in my expression. Kat flicked my forehead. "Why're you so good at everything? It's annoying. What the hell are you bad at?" He asked in a playful tone that was seriously freaking me out. He's being so... Friendly. I genuinely don't know if I should like this side of Kat or if it's a red flag. "I... I don't know." I replied a little shyly. He exhaled and gave a small smirk. "How cute... But so damn annoying." Kat mumbled before taking a seat at the head of the table. "What are you, head of the house?" Tenya asked, taking a seat on the opposite end of Kat. "Well I AM the only man getting shit done around here. Scratch that, I'm the closest thing TO a man Dia's got in her life right now. So I'm pretty sure I am the man of this fucking house." Kat replied aggressively before taking a bite of the food set in front of him. Tenya opened his mouth to reply, but I quickly stopped him. "Ladies! Please, you're both beautiful OK?" I said, proceeding to eat myself. "I know I'm gorgeous, but Bakugou needs makeup!" Tenya replied playfully, pointing a finger at the fiery boy. I snickered a bit at the look on Kat's face. "Yeah? Well you need plastic surgery on your face, bitch!" Kat growled in response. I snorted after hearing Kat reply. They're getting way too into this. Tenya just rolled his eyes. "Oh please, you might as well put a bag over your head, girl! No amount of surgery or makeup is gonna fix THAT." Tenya replied flamboyantly. I burst out laughing, shocking the two males. "Wha- what the- what the heck you two?" I said through my laugh. There's two types of girls in the world... I thought, making me laugh a bit harder. Something about seeing Tenya being flamboyant and Kat playing along really tickled me. Kat suddenly jumped up as my laughter began dying down. His cheeks were dusted with pink as he stared at me wide eyed. Tenya's expression was the same as Kat's, but he remained seated. "What?" I asked them, making them look away quickly, the pink on their faces becoming red. "Nothing." They said in unison. "Fucking annoying." Kat mumbled as he clenched his chest. "So fucking annoying." I raised my brows. My laugh was annoying? Maybe he's just referring to me as annoying period.... Why are my feelings hurt? Kat's always like this... "Beautiful." I heard Tenya say lowly as his gaze burned into me. My heart fluttered a bit a the compliment. I really should spend time with Tenya... He's so underappreciated. What the hell are all these feelings anyway?

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