Chapter 10

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"I had fun yesterday, Dia!" Mido said as we walked to school together. I felt my face heat up as I looked away. "Sorry you had to see me that way Mido.... I never intended for you to find out that way." I said, avoiding making eye contact with the sunny boy. "You never intended me finding out that way.... So you intended on me seeing that side of you eventually?" He asked, blushing darkly. The question caught me by surprise so the brain me stopped working and the stomach me took over. "Um... A sexy pork cutlet bowl?" I asked, mentally facepalming at myself the moment the words left my mouth. Mido didn't respond, but instead stared off into space with a questioning look on his face. I could practically hear the jeopardy theme song playing in his mind. Ah I should probably warn him that something might be going down today at school. Wait... No... I wouldn't want to worry him... I gave myself a firm nod, finalizing my decision. "Good morning Dia." A certain formal voice piped followed by a cheery one. "Hey you two!" I looked up to see Gravity girl and Iida. I waved back as we approached them at the gate. Upon arriving, Mido still hadn't responded. "What's up with Deku?" The brunette girl asked, waving her hand in his face. I looked at his blank expression and shrugged. "I think I made his servers crash." I said before waving my hand in front of his face myself. "Mido, say hi back." The curly haired boy snapped out of his daze, shyly waving at the two. "Interesting." Iida mumbled to himself as if he were deducing something. Speaking of Iida... "Oh and Iida? I'm sorry for yesterday! I didn't intend on you seeing me behave in such a way!" I said rather loudly as I bowed at a ninety degree angle. The said boy got extremely flustered at my formality with him. "It's Ok! No need to apologize. I completely understand that you just do what you have to do for means of survival. It's nothing to be sorry about! The ones who should be sorry is those perverted low lives, picking on such a kind person to fulfill their own selfish needs to such an extent!" He said as the four of us walked to class. Gravity girl snickered at his gestures while I just hesitantly nodded in agreement. "Class Rep is right. It's nothing to be sorry about, D." Kirishima said, coming out of no where and putting an arms around my shoulders. "Those guys were all so unmanly, oogling at your body like that." By this time, Mido had snapped out of his daze. "Weren't you the one droo-" "SO UnManLy." Kirishima said, cutting Mido off with a nervous chuckle. Mido gave him a sharp glare in response as we went to our seats.


After the long yet semi-amusing bus ride, we finally made it to U.S.J. "Flood wrecks, landslides, fires, etcetera. This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters and its name is.... The Ultimate Space for Jams!" I inwardly smirked at the cheesy name given to the place by number 13. Mido beamed and gave a short analysis on the hero. As 13 spoke about the dangers of our quirks, the bad feeling grew more and more. Shouto and I gave each other knowing glances that basically said "keep your guard up". Almost immediately after 13 was done, a horde of villains began emerging out of some type of portal. "What is that? Is this like that training pattern at the entrance exam?" Kirishima asked once everyone had their attention on he portal. Aizawa hurriedly put his goggles on and protectively stood in front of us. "DON'T MOVE! THOSE ARE VILLAINS!" He shouted, activating his quirk. Shouto instantly grabbed my hand in case we got separated. "Eraser head and number 13... According to the teacher's curriculum we procured yesterday, Mr. All Might was supposed to be here and yet-" "I knew it. So yesterday was the doing of you louts." Aizawa said, cutting off the black mist guy. The dude with hands on his body went on a small tangent, causing Shouto to grip my hand a little tighter. "I wonder if he'll show up if we kill the kids?" For some reason I wasn't afraid of the guy. Why does he seem so familiar?! "V-VILLAINS?! GET OUT IF HERE!" "What kind of numbskull would think honest-to-God villains would be able to just waltz into the hero home base?" "Sensei! What about the intruder alarm sensors?!" Yaoyorozu asked. "Well of course we have some set up, but-" "Is this the only campus they've infiltrated or are the infiltrating others? At any rate, if the sensors aren't responding, that just means they have one amongst their number with a quirk that can do that." Shouto said, cutting off 13. As one thing led to another and Aizawa-sensei began taking on the villains himself, I didn't feel afraid. I had no idea why, but being surrounded by these high class villains that would kill me without batting an eye didn't scare me at all. It's like I've been in this situation before. I thought, feeling a wave of deja vu wash over me. Even with the mist guy blocking our only escape, I didn't feel scared. "You will be scattered, and tortured, and slain." He said in a dark tone as he spontaneously warped everyone.
Shouto and I ended up in the landslide zone together, surrounded by a crowd of villains. I got into a fighting stance, ready to manipulate anything I could, but Shouto put an arm out to stop me. "I've got this Dia." He said as he stepped forward a bit more. I nodded and stayed put as they all charged. He probably already has something thought out. How expected of him. I thought while the villains charged at us. Within the blink of an eye, Shouto froze every villain in the zone along with majority of the ground. "Scatter us and kill us, huh? Sorry to say it but it looks like to me that you're a load of mooks who don't know their quirks from their rear ends." He said slyly as he walked down the slope. A few villains uttered curses at him as he continued to walk towards their frozen figures. "At this rate, you guys will slowly succumb to death by necrosis. But since I'm aiming to become a hero, I want to avoid doing horrifying shit like that as much as I can... What's the basis of your plan to kill All Might?" Shouto Todoroki.... You're still cool as ever.

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