Chapter 47

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I lay in my bed and groaned. Recovery Girl had told me to stay in my room for the day. I wasn't on my period, but I was cramping like crazy and I had a serious migraine that invited a fever to join the party. How the literal fuck did I get sick? I never get sick! I thought, feeling extremely nauseous and drowsy. All I was wearing was the hoodie Mirio let me borrow. I had other clothes, but it was the only thing that was extremely comfortable material wise and temperature wise. His hoodie was big enough on me to reach mid-thigh while sitting and almost to my knees when I'm standing up. Damn one of Kat's home remedies would be super helpful right about now... I thought, weakly bringing my hand to my forehead. "...knock, knock!" Mirio whispered excitedly as he opened my room door slowly and poked his head in. When he saw that I was clothed, he entered the room with two canisters of some sort. "I heard that you were sick, so I brought you some herbal tea and pho." He whispered with a smile as he set the canisters on the nightstand beside my bed. "Thanks Mirio. Why are you whispering?" I asked hoarsely, struggling to sit up. My body isn't aching, but I feel so weak right now... "I was told you have a migraine. Your ears are sensitive, right?" He asked. I nodded in response. How thoughtful of him. He handed me a canister and opened revealing the pho. The smell alone opened up my stuffy nose. It smells so good.... I thought, taking the container and utensils out of his hands. He watched in anticipation as I tried it. I was blown away by the assortment of flavors that exploded on my tongue. It was the best pho I'd ever tasted. Possibly the best DISH I'd ever tasted in my life. "Senpai, did you make this?" I asked, my throat already feeling better. He smiled and shook his head. "Your friend made it. I think you called him... Cat? Midoriya calls him Kacchan..." He answered, a pondering expression. I raised my brows in surprise and he nodded. I looked into the canister and smiled softly. "I'll have to thank him next time I see him." I said quietly. We sat in silence for a little while as I ate. Speaking of thanking people, I never properly thanked Mirio for saving us... I didn't thank Mido either. Or anyone for that matter. I should get them all something as a token of appreciation. "Senpai, has your quirk returned yet?" I asked. He looked a bit surprised at the question since it came out of nowhere, but his smile remained nonetheless. "No, it hasn't. But thanks to you, I have a better shot at it gradually returning over time. Whatever you did before you went into a coma back when we were fighting Overhaul really helped everyone." He replied with a smile. I nodded, putting the lid back on the canister. "That all I can eat for now." I said, placing the canister on my nightstand. I hadn't even eaten half of it and for me, that was shaming. With feeding homeless people, I learned not to be wasteful. I hope I can finish it soon... I wouldn't want to waste it. Why'd I eat straight from the container?! If I would've put it in a bowl, I could've given it to someone else. Plus it's so good..  But no use now that it's contaminated. Only I can finish it. I thought, clenching my sheets. "U.A has official custody of Eri now! So she doesn't have to keep going back to the hospital and it'll be easier to visit her!" Mirio exclaimed with a smile. I smiled in response. I owe you one, Tsukauchi-kun. I looked up at Mirio to say something, but I burst out laughing. Mirio had gotten his hand stuck in a Pringles can and was struggling so hard to get it out. "Ah!" He exclaimed, hiding his hand behind his back and trying to play it off with a smile. He looked away with a blush. "Dia-chan! I brought you some [insert favorite fruit] and [insert favorite type of tea]! And someone else is here to see you!" Mido exclaimed softly, walking in. His smile dropped for a split second upon seeing Mirio sitting beside my bed, but he quickly forced a smile back. "A-are you feeling any better, Dia-chan?" Mido asked, walking to my bedside across from Mirio. "A little thanks to Kat and Mirio." I replied. Mido furrowed his eyebrows. "Kacchan was here?" He asked, holding the bag he brought in his lap. "No, he made the pho that senpai brought me." I answered, shaking my head. "You said someone else was here to see me?" I asked, curiosity in my tone. "Oh, right!" Mido said before taking his backpack off and digging through it. "Tada!" He exclaimed, pulling out an old stuffed kitten. I recognized it right away and put my hands over my mouth. "Mido! Oh my goodness! You kept it?!" I asked, feeling myself get emotional. He nodded and handed me the stuffed toy. I sniffed it as I held it to my chest. So many faint scents! So many memories... I can still catch a whiff of baby powder. I thought, chuckling at a resurfaced memory. "I can't believe you still have it after all these years... I'd probably kiss you of I wasn't sick!" I said, trailing off. "Eh? What's that?" Mirio asked from the other side of me. Mido quickly explained to him what it was. The stuffed cat he brought was something that Mido, Kat and I brought to one or the other when one of us was sick. But that was waaay back before Mido and Kat fell out. The last one to get sick out of the three of us was Mido. Since I was practically never sick, I used to go to their houses whenever they were and make up stories about the adventures of Izudika the cat, taking the toy with me along with a few props. We agreed to leave the toy with the person who was sick, so that whenever someone else fell ill, the person who was last sick would go and do the same. Izudika was well taken care of by the three of us. The system fell apart when Kat and Mido stopped being friends and since Mido was the last one sick, he kept it. We all came up with the name together, deciding to just put chunks of our first names together. I hugged her tightly to my chest. Izudika wasn't only a stuffed animal we used to make each other feel better, but also a handmade gift my mother made for me when I was a baby. She was pretty big for a baby's toy, but I'm sure my mother did that on purpose so I could grow up with her. My eyes snapped open when an idea popped in my head. "Mido! Tell us a story!" I exclaimed, shoving Izudika to his chest. "Eh? Um o-okay." He said nervously. I got comfortable under my blanket and stared at him with anticipation, unable to hold back a smile. Mido's expression went from nervous to adventurous in less than two seconds. "Once upon a time a cat by the name Izudika was born. She lived in a far away land called Fiore, where witches and wizards were part of everyday life. (Get the reference?) The kingdom of Fiore thrived on magic and trade. For years and years, she learned to master the illegal art of shape-shifting in hopes that one day, she'd be able to be a part of the human world as a human being instead of a cat. Her mother however, forbid her from ever making contact with the humans because she believed that all humans were terrible. Izudika knew this wasn't true, but her mother was a powerful sorceress and what she said, goes. Izudika was extremely sad since she wouldn't be able to live her dream. She had always expected the world... but right when it seemed to be in her grasp, it flew away. Day and night she was locked inside for betraying her mother's wishes. Upon her death, Izudika's mother had sealed her in a tiny stone room that blended in with a tavern. Izudika soon lost track of the days- or even time itself. She cried against the stone walls every night, hoping that a kind human outside would hear her and rescue her. But little did she know, the stone was much too thick for sound to pass through. Years had gone by and Izudika was losing hope. She only had the strength to cry out one last time. So she did. She cried out with all her heart and... For the first time... someone heard her. The one who happened to hear her was a mage that happened to be passing through town. The mage took the wall apart, looking for what he thought to be a distressed stray cat, but was shocked to see a human female lying there. Izudika had turned into a human! The mage was very confused as to how a human woman could've possibly gotten incased in such a tiny space, curled up in a fetal position and hardly able to move. But nonetheless, he lifted Izudika's shivering body and took her to a cottage where he nursed her back to health. Weeks went by and when Izudika was fully healed, she turned back into a cat right before the mage's eyes. Izudika grew worried, thinking that the human would have her put down. But the mage just smiled and turned into a cat as well! 'How do you think I was able to hear you through the walls? No human ears could possibly do that!' He said." I applauded at the end of Mido's story and Mirio followed suit. "I love it!" I said with a smile. Mido's face flushed and he looked away. "Glad you liked it." He replied shyly as he put Izudika in my lap. "So you guys used to do this all the time? That story was right off the top of your head, right? It was pretty cool!" Mirio asked with a large smile. "Yeah, we never made stories ahead of time. We always just gave em right off the dome. Right, Mido?" I answered, causing the freckled boy to nod in agreement. "You're so lucky to have grown up with Dia-chan, Midoriya. I'm jealous." Mirio said, resting his head on the Pringles can that was still stuck on his hand. I began laughing again, coming to a gradual halt when Mido started staring with his jaw dropped. "What is it, Mido?" I asked. "It's just... You're really pretty when you laugh. I mean- not saying that you aren't pretty all the time! I'm not hitting on you or anything I swear- not that I wouldn't since you're so amazing- agh!" Mido exclaimed, finally giving up and putting his face in his hands. I giggled at the action. "Thanks Mido." I said with a smile. "N-n-no problem Dia-chan! H-here!" He stuttered, handing me a bag with the fruit and bottle of [insert favorite type of tea] he brought. Mido stayed for a few more minutes and we talked about the fun we had when were were little before he returned to class and Mirio stayed behind. "You two seem really close!" He said almost right after the door closed. I nodded. "We grew up together." I said softly, smiling down at Izudika. "Senpai... There's something that's been bugging me for a while now..." I mumbled nervously, feeling my heart begin to race. There it goes again dammit! That feeling... I thought as he looked up at me with his piercing blue eyes. "What is it Dia-chan?" He asked in response. "I don't think you should hang around me unless we're with Eri..." I said, feeling my heart hurt as I said it. "What? Was it something I said? Did I do I something?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head vigorously. "No, no, no! It's just... I think I have superhero syndrome." I replied, putting a hand over my face. "What?" He asked, clearly confused. "It's... It's when the victim falls in love with their savior, and ever since you saved me, my emotions have been on a rollercoaster. I don't think I'll be able to-" "Well Dia-chan, I guess I have this whole 'Superhero syndrome' thing going for you too." He said, cutting me off with a smile as he rested his head in his palm. "Eh?!" I exclaimed, feeling my face flush. "Ever since you saved my life, I've only felt my feelings grow more and more affectionate for you. But, I feel like you've got feelings for more than just me and there's guys other than me who really like you. In other words, I've got competition and you've got options. So I won't try to force myself on you. I'd never try to. I'll wait until all the others have been weeded out of I have to. That being said, my hoodie looks really good on you, so keep it. I'll show myself out now. It's getting late and the competition will be showing up soon." Senpai said, getting up and stretching a bit.
I forgot I was wearing this! More importantly... He likes me back! What did he mean by competition? Other guys that like me? Really? "Oh... Ok. Bye senpai." I replied. He started to walk out, but abruptly stopped. He quickly turned back around, walked up and pecked my forehead, THEN left. Oh wow... I thought, feeling as if I was gonna melt. After Mirio left I pulled the blanket up to my face and squealed into it. Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god! I thought excitedly as my heart raced a million miles a minute. A knock on the door interrupted my fangirling. "Hey, D? Can I come in?" Kiri asked through the door. "Yeah." I called in return. Is Kiri part of the competition senpai mentioned?

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