Chapter 60

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I leaned against the bridge railing, looking out at the water. The reflection of the moon could be deciphered in the gentle ripples of the usual still body. I sighed and checked the time in my phone, awaiting my possible attempted murderer. 5:56... I read internally. "D, just need to say that if the basta- person... Doesn't show up, I'll gladly take you out." Kiri's voice chimed through my ear piece. I rolled my eyes at the statement. "They're gonna show up Kiri. Just sit tight. If it's someone safe then you can go on you're way. Otherwise... We know what to do." I replied, picking a pebble up off the ground and flicking it into the water. "Damn." Kiri said under his breath as I picked up another. "What?" I asked, looking around to see if the person had arrived. "N-nothing, nothing. You just keep doing what you're doin." He said a little too quickly. I shrugged it off and skipped one last rock before leaning against the railing with my elbows as I stared at the ripples I made fade away. "God fucking dammit." Kiri muttered. I turned at the sound of footsteps. "Mirio?!" I exclaimed upon seeing him. He was dressed in a pair of black slacks and a white button down dress shirt that was almost too tight. He presented to me a bouquet of red roses with a soft smile.

I hesitantly accepted them, still surprised. The said male took my free hand in his own and kissed the back of it tenderly, looking me in my eyes the entire time. "Call me Togata, my lady." He said, causing my face to heat up. "T-Togata it is then..." I replied, locking arms with him as he proceeded to lead me elsewhere. "You look stunning tonight." He said soothingly, leading me into the nearby forestry. "Thanks. You look so handsome." I replied, not even questioning where he was taking me. He stopped me in my tracks before lifting me like a bride. "Careful, sweetheart. The ground's a little damp." He said lowly. I remained silent as we arrived at a clearing with a large white sheet on the ground. There was lanterns and a meal for two set up. Looking around, I noticed that it was the same clearing that Rin brought me to a while ago. Togata set me down on the sheet before sitting across from me. The galaxy-like lake glistened softly beside us and the lanterns provided a warm glow that illuminated Miri- Togata's face in a breathtaking way. "Togata... What's all this about?" I asked as he lifted the lid off a large silver platter with a vast assortment of (insert favorite type of food (soul food, sea food, Cajun food, etc.)). "Well like the letter said, I really want to go out with you. I feel that I genuinely love you. Remember the night we kissed and you told me that my kisses were addicting?" He asked, fixing a plate and setting it in front of me along with utensils. I nodded, blushing a bit at the memory. He smiled at me, fixing himself a plate. "Well, he's a cool guy and all, but seeing you kissing another man on TV and thinking that you two were together for a short while... Honestly, it hurt. But believing that it made you happy put me at ease for a bit and I thought 'as long as she's happy, I can be'. But then you revealed it was just for the cameras- forgive me for eaves dropping- and I realized that... I really really want to put forth the effort to have you. Not temporarily either. You may think I'm crazy, but... I see myself in a lifetime relationship with you. Not just you, but the kids. I want to watch them grow up as I grow old with you. Maybe even add a forth child in the picture. I want to make you smile whenever you're sad, carry you around when your arthritis is bad. All I want to do is grow old with you. I'll get you medicine when your tummy aches, build you a fire if the furnace breaks. I wanna miss you, kiss you, give you my coat when you are cold, need you, feed you... Even let you hold the remote control. (A/N: Adam Sandler anybody? No? OK...) I know it probably sounds stupid, but I'm willing to take the gamble of you thinking I'm crazy if I finally got to tell you how I truly feel." Togata said with a serious expression before taking a bite of his food. For a short while, I was at a loss for words and the crickets filled in the blank spaces in our conversation I put a hand over my racing heart,feeling the heat rush to my face. "Togata.... That was beautiful. It was stupid at all and I don't think you're crazy! You know how hard it is to find a man who thinks that way? You.... Has anyone ever told you that you're wonderful?" I asked as I carefully watched him pour us glasses of wine. "Well... It'll never really matter until it comes from you. That's how I'll know it's true." He replied with a smile. I picked up a glass while he was talking, smiling back at him.

I ate the food he fixed and was blown away. It's delicious! Still can't compare to Kat's cooking, but it's great! I thought, trying my best not to scarf it down. "H-how is it?" Togata asked a little nervously. "It tastes great! Where'd you get it?!" I asked, feeling my face light up. "I made it myself. I've been taking lessons." He replied, looking away with a blush. Aaaaaawwww flustered senpai is so cuuute! I internally swooned as I proceeded to eat and sip wine.

After we finished dining, Togata and I packed up the leftovers and lay down beside each other and gazed up at the stars. He pointed out different constellations to me and told me stories of his early childhood, some of which I laughed at. The entire date, he was charming, funny and chivalrous. We stayed on the blanket for what seemed like hours, just enjoying each other's company. After we realized how late it was (damn near 11:00pm), we packed up.

"Wait, what about the kids? They're still at Auntie Mitsuki's house." I said as we took the path to my house instead of hers, which was the opposite direction. "They're asleep by now, it's really late. I'll pick them up tomorrow morning and take them to school. Mrs. Bakugou won't mind, so don't worry okay? I've got this." He answered smoothly. Well... I wouldn't want to wake my babies if they're asleep. They're probably having such good dreams right now... Plus if we go I'd be disturbing everyone's sleep right now.... I thought before finally agreeing to head straight home.

When we got to the door, Togata bid me good-bye. "W-wait!" I shouted before I even knew it. Togata turned around, giving me a look of slight concern. "Is something wrong? Did you not enjoy tonight?" He asked, letting his anxiety show. He's dropping his facade around me now... I thought as I shook my head. "It's the opposite.... I really enjoyed tonight and... And I'd like it if you'd kiss me goodnight." I answered, stepping closer to him. He blushed and let out a small "oh" before leaning down to kiss my forehead. I tilted my head up and kissed his lips. He was stunned for a moment, but soon kissed back. There was no tongue, but the kiss lasted a while. When we broke apart for air he caressed my face, a pink tint still on his cheeks. I wanted to kiss him again as he smiled down lovingly at me, but I didn't. Now that I think about it... I never unwrapped my present... I thought grabbing his face and pulling him back down.



IF y'all choose yes, I won't write a lemon scene for my pure beans. There may be some fluff, but I'll warn ahead and after for that. Regardless, if the answer is yes, the lemon will be implied and NOT written since I know there are some of you who are uncomfortable with that.

IF y'all choose no, he simply proceeds to drop her off and he leaves.



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