💉Chapter 3

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I can't get away from her,but I have to and if she finds out what I am she will be scared.I can't and don't want to get hurt in the process.

I couldn't stop myself and pulled Jay to the side.I told her to meet me after school and she agreed.I walked away and I smirk and watched Jay walk to her next class.

I walked to my third period once I saw Jay walking inside.I sat down and looked at everyone and their was no one I knew so I sat down again on the back.Some girl was giving me a stare and I ignored it.I see her get up from her seat and walk to the seat in front of me and winks at me as she sat down.She then turns around and looks at me.

"Hey cutie"She says and I look at her coldly.
"My name is Xavier not cutie"I tell her and she smirks.
"Mmm hot headed I see"She says and I roll my eyes.

I see her turn around and takes out a piece of paper and hands it to me.
"Call me"She says and I look down and look at her phone number and I chuckle.
"Maybe or maybe not"I tell her and she walks back to her group of girly girls.

I chuckle and shake my head.I rip the paper into tinny pieces and left them aside.I look out the window again and it was raining.I smirk and I look at the reflection of my eyes on the window and they were yellow.I close my eyes and open them again.I sigh in relief when I see that it's gone.

Then the teacher came in and class started.

We walk out of the class and then I feel a hand on my side and I look down and see the girl who gave me her number.

"What?"I tell her and she she smirks.
"Don't forget to call me"She tells me and I take her hand off me and give her a fake smile and walked away.

I look at my phone and walk out of the school since I have a free period.I see a familiar girl walk out before me and I smirk.I jog to the door and then I see her put on her hoodie and runs to a car and goes inside.I see her stay their a bit and I smiled at her smiling.She shakes her head and starts the car and drives off.

I speed besides her where no one could see me and I see her smiling.She turns and I take a short cut and catch onto her.I see her park in a restaurant and she walks out.I look and she climbs off and walks inside the restaurant and I hide besides her car.I see her hug a guy and I start getting angry.

I use my hearing and I hear their conversation.

"How are you Ethan?"She says and I hear him chuckle.
"I am good little sis and you? How is school? Any guys?"The guy Ethan asked and I hear Jay giggle and I smiled.
"I am good and good and yes one guy,but i don't know"She says and I hear closely.
"Is he bothering you?"The guy Ethan said.
"No no of course not...it's just that it's something about him that tells me to be scared of him,but I am not"Jay says and I smirk.
"You should stay away from him"Ethan said and I growl.
"I can't Ethan...Something in me also tells me to not get away from him"Jay says and I sigh.
"Well I want you to be happy little sis"Ethan says and I hear her chuckle.
"Thanks E"She says and I hear humming.

I put on my hoodie and walk inside the restaurant.
"Hello sir reservation?"A waiter asked and I shake my head.
"No I just heard a lot of this place and I wanted to try it myself"I tell him and he smiles and nods.
"You are in luck sir...Their is actually a table"He says and I nod and I follow him.

He walks me to a table behind Jay and I sit down.
"Anything to drink?"The waiter asked and I nod.
"Can I have red whine please"I say and he nods.
"Right away sir"He says.
"Anything to eat?"He asked and hands me the menu.

I scan it over and see something.
"Can I have the pasta with meatballs and a side of bread"I say and he nods and I hand him the menu.
"Be right back with your order sir"He says and I nod.

I look down and use my hearing again.
"E that's the guy"Jay says and I chuckle.
"What do you mean?"Ethan asked and I look up and see Jay trying to look back at me.
"That's the guy I was telling you that I can't stay away from"Jay says and I smiled.
"He doesn't look scary"He says and I shake my head and smirk.
"If you just knew"I whisper.

The waiter comes and gives me my drink and I nod and he walks away.
"Did he follow you?"Ethan asked and I nod.
"I don't know maybe not...Maybe it's just a coincidence"Jay says and I start drinking my whine.

The waiter comes back with my food and walks away.I start eating and once I was done I walk out before Jay.They both stood up after me and I paid and left fast.I put on my hoodie and smirk once Ethan was facing another way.I smirked at Jay and I use my hearing to hear her heart and it started to beat fast.

I ran out and went to cover myself so Jay won't see me.She walked out and looked everywhere then looked at Ethan.She shakes her head and then nods.Jay then walked to her car and so did Ethan.I started following Jay again when she started driving.

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