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I was surprised that Jay actually hugged me after what I told her.

"I would never kill my son or daughter regardless of what they were if it was a vampire or a chicken or anything else"She says and I chuckle.

I step back and she looks at me and I look into her eyes and they showed no fear anymore.
"Do you still Love me?"I ask her and she chuckles.
"I was scared I'll admit,but after I heard that you did not have a choice I stopped been scared"She says and I nod.
"But?"I ask her and she smiles and pecks my lips
"You are to deep inside for me to stop loving you"She tells me and I pick her up and kiss her.
Warning steamy action
Our lips just went in sync and I smiled during the kiss.She wraps her legs around my waist and I held her up with my hands on her butt.

She pulls away and looks at my eyes and smiles.
"Now I know that you won't leave me Ever"She tells me and I chuckle and kiss her back.

I walk to the bed and I lay her on the bed and take off my shirt and kiss her again.I feel her smile and I pull away and take off her dress.I look at her and smiles and then go back down and kiss her.

I kiss down her jawline and to her collarbone and suck in it.I see red marks and smirk.I go down to her chest and smile my hands under her and unhook her bra.I take it off and throw it on the floor.I kiss around one while I play with her other boob.I hear her moan and I smirk.She runs her hands on my hair and I groan.

I go down to her stomach and give gentle kisses and I stop on top of her panties and look up to her and she nods.I slide them off and then I look up to her whole body and I smirk and she giggles.

I go up to her again and I feel her hands on my dress pants and she unbuttons them and she takes off my pants and boxers with her feet.I smirk at her and she winks at me.I pull away and go down to her pussy.I kiss the inner part of her thigh and I look up to her and she is biting her lip.

I rub her clit and she arches her back and I see her hold on to the bed sheets.I lick her now wet flops and she moans.I kiss her clit and suck on it and she moans my name.

"Xavier"She moans and I slide one finger inside.She whimpers and I smirk and I speed a bit and lick her clit as well.
"F-fuck X-av"She moans and I stop and she looks up to me panting.

I go up to her and looks down to my member.I grave it and slide it in between her fold.I smirk as she moans and whines.
"Stop teasing"She says and I smirk and I slide it in fast.

She leans in and holds my neck.I stop and she nods and lays down on the bed.I stroke inside of her and she moans and I groan.

"Fuck baby"I tell her and she moans loud.
"I-i"She says and I already knew what she is trying to say.
"Come baby"I say and as I said that she comes and I give one last stroke and come after her.

I put my hands in each side of her face and she smiles up at me.
"I love you Xavier regardless of how many people you killed or you been a vampire I love you"She says and I smile and lean in and kiss her.
"I love you too"I tell her and she smiles and closes her eyes.

I lay down besides her and close my eyes.I hug her and she hugs me back and feel asleep.

"Xavier"I hear Jay whisper and I woke up slowly and smile up at her.She looks at me scared and I get up fast.
"Whats wrong?"I ask her and I hear her heart beat race faster.
"I heard someone downstairs"She whispers and I use my hearing and put a finger in her mouth.

We stay silent and then I hear shuffling and breathing.I look at the door and I speed silently and I grave my clothes and Jays.I pick her up and then fly out of the window.

Jay gasp and I speed into the woods.
"I have to get use to you speeding"She says and I nod.
"Change fast"I tell her and she nods.

I give Jay her clothes and I put on my boxers and my pants and then button up my shirt.I see Jay slide on her panties and then hooks her bra.I put on my shoes and then Jay slides over her head her dress and then puts on her shoes.She ties her hair up and then she nods to me.

I pick her up again and speed to my parents house.I look at Jay who was clenching into me and I smile and peck her forehead.I get inside my use to be room and walk out.I hear Sam and Nicole rush out of their room and they sigh in relief.

"What are you doing here?"Sam asks and then Jay walks out.
"Jayson and Queen are on me and Jay"I tell them and they nod.

I look at Nicole and she nods and she walks to Jay and takes her into Sam and her room.

"I need the families help"I tell him and he nods.We speed to my parents room and we knock inside.
"Xavier what are you doing here?"My father asked and then my mother walks out.
"I need the families help...Jayson and Queen are on me and Jay...Me and her need to get out of here"I tell them and they all speed to the garage and I speed up to Nicoles and Sams room.

I look at Nicole knocked out on the side and I don't see Jay anywhere.Then I hear screaming and I look at the window and it's broken.I start feeling myself getting angry and help Nicole up.I speed her to the garage and Sam runs to her.

"They took her"I tell them and I see my parents eyes change.

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