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                          Alexis(Felix daughter 17 year old works with her dad)

I felt bad ass as I threat a vampire and I smirk.Jay looks shocked as my future hubby picks the first choice I gave them.My bad ass feeling left as Jay walked towards me with her eyes full black.

"I'll die before you touch MY XAVIER"She yells and then I look at my father and he shoots Jay on the leg.I smirk and then she looks at him and my father is smirking.

"Leave her alone"He says and Jay speeds and puts her arm in my throat and holds me.
"Give me my daughter back and your stupid kid gets to live or if you kill my daughter I'll kill yours"She tells him and I see my father panic.
"Give them...them her daughter"I struggle to say,but my father looks at me in shock and then he sighs.

I see Xavier walking towards my father and speeds to take away the gun from his hold.Jay speeds to him and pushed me towards him and I cough.They walk away and they both stop and turn around with pitch black eyes.

"Oh and by the way no one messes with my family"Xavier says and before I could blink I hear my father scream and his body falls to the ground.

Then Xavier goes to Jay and Jay gives him their daughter.She smirks at me and walks forward to me.
"You kid are so stupid for ever threatening me"She says and then I see her showing me her teeth and I close my eyes and then everything went dark.

Finally Was my final thought.
"Fucking kid"I say and walk to Xavier and he is smiling at me.I wipe his mouth and then I wipe mine.He pecks my lips and then we walk out of the back and their was no one on the shop.It was kind of sketchy so we kept our hearing out.I hear a heart beat race and me and Xavier stop.

We turn around and see a guy about my size with a gun and I chuckle.
"What are you doing?"I ask him and he looks at me frighten.
"Y-you killed them"He stutters and I walk towards him.He steps back fast and I smile at him.
"Yea that's what we do to people who don't corporate so if you corporate you might be our new ally"I tell him and he clears his throat.
"W-what do I do?"He asked and I look at the gun and he puts it down.

I walk forward to him and he looks in my eyes.
"You will shut this shop down and if we ever need weapons you will help us"I tell him and he clears his throat.
"B-but what a-are we going yo uh...leave of?"He asked and I shake my head.
"Not my probl-"I start to say,but then I think about it and he looks at me scared.
"Actually on second thought you could be of much use"I say and he gives me a half smile.
"Are you married?"Xavier asked and be shakes his head.
"Good...do you know how to take care of children?"I ask him and he is in deep thought for a bit and then nods.
"Problem solved you will work for us and be our plug to the guns"Xavier says and he nods.
"And if any hunter tracks you down or tries to take out information of you of us then you remain silent even if it kills you"I say and he nods.
"Bye Axel"Xavier says and me and Xav walk out with Sofia.
"Oh and don't forget to shut down the shop and clean the mess in the back thank you"I tell him and close the doors.

We walk towards everyone in the city and they all look away.I shake my head and we keep walking with our daughter.Me and Xavier walk hand in hand while I carry our daughter.I smile at Sofia and she smiles back to me.

"I love you baby"I tell sofia and she giggles.I look at Xavier who was smiling as well.We walk out of the city and from then we speed to our house.When we arrived both Nicole and Sam were outside with a smile on their faces when they see sofia.

"Sowifa!"Jasmine yells and me,xav,Sam and Nicole laugh.
"What happened?"Sam asked and I sigh and look at Xav.
"Her brother took Sofia and he wouldn't tell us until I told him how it was to live and then he told us that she gave her to a hunter...Then Jay got the location by killing him and getting into his head and now we killed some hunters and the main hunters daughter and the main hunter"Xavier says and Sams eyes widen.
"You two did that?"He asked and I chuckle and nod.
"Wow you guys are one hell of a team"Nicole says and I smile and peck Sofias forehead.
"Anything for my dear princess and future husband...MY HUSBAND" I say and they all smile and Xavier hugs me.

We walk into our room and we decided to put Sofias crib in our room.Just to keep an eye more on her and be more safe.I lay her sleepy self and I smile at her.I walk into the closet and put on my pajamas.I walked out and see Xavier looking down at Sofia.I smiled at him and walked to him and hugged him from the back.

"You guys are my life-"He starts to say and I smile at him and kiss his bare back.He turned around and I smile and he looks at me.
"And I would prefer to die if anything happen to you or Sofia"He says and I smile and kiss him.
"Nothing will happen to us and if it did we have to stay strong remember"I tell him and he smiles and nods.
"Come on lets sleep"I tell him and we walk to the bed and lay down and turn off the lights and fall asleep.

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