💉Chapter 5

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School ended and me and Jay walked out of school together.Everyone looked at me and her and I smiled.My sister and brother were outside and if stares would kill I would have been already dead.Which I already am,but they would have buried me already.

"Come I want you to meet my siblings"I tell Jay and she smiles and nods.We both walk to my siblings car and they both get out of their car.
"Xavier"My sister says and I nod.
"Nicole...Sam this is Jay"I tell them and they both nod to her.

Nicole walks forward and hugs her.
"Nice to meet you Jay"Nicole says and Jay nods.
"Nice to meet you too Nicole"She says and Nicole smiles at me.
"Nice too meet you Jay"My brother Sam says and graves her hand and kisses the back of it.
"Nice to meet you too Sam"She says and both my siblings look at me.
"Mom and dad are waiting"They say and I nod.
"I'll see you tomorrow...Text or call you later"I tell her and peck her forehead and she nods.
"Bye guys again nice too meet you"Jay says to my siblings and they both nod.

Jay walks away and they both look at me coldly and I chuckle.
"You know why we are looking at you like this"Nicole says and I shrug.
"Don't care because I wanna be happy"I say and they both shake their heads.
"You know what happens when any of us get involve with a human Xavier"Sam says and I chuckle
"Sam and Nicole...For the first time I feel happy just let me be...I'll protect her if anything happens"I tell them and they both nod.

They get inside the car and I get in the back.Sam starts driving and I look down at my phone and smile.

Me💉: sorry if my siblings seem a little off.
Jay(Future💖): don't worry they didn't😉
Me💉: you texting and driving?👎
Jay(Future💖): I am in a red light🔴
Me💉: be careful baby girl💕
Jay(Future💖): I will text you when I am home😊
Me💉: alright

I put my phone down and sigh.I looked out of the window and smiled.

"First time you smile"My brother says and I chuckle.
"I have been smiling just not in front of you guys"I say and he rolls his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell us about Jay?"Nicole asks me and I shake my head.
"We met today"I tell them and they smile.
"And you are into her?"Both of them ask and I roll my eyes at them and nod.
"I think"I tell them and they chuckle.
"You think or you are?"Nicole asked me and I roll my eyes and looked out the window again.

We got home and I speed to my room and locked myself.I laid down in my bed and feel right asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing.I groan and got up and answered without looking at the ID caller.

"Hello?"I say in my still sleepy voice.
"Xavier?"I hear Jay's voice and I hum and smiled.
"What's up Jay?"I ask her and I start to hear her breath hard.
"H-help me"She said and I got up fast and changed into joggers and a sweater.
"Where are you?"I ask her and I hear her sobbing.
"I-in my h-house"She says sobbing and I nod.
"Where is your house?"I ask her.
"I-ill send y-you my l-location"She tells me and then my phone vibrate and speed to her house.
"What happened?"I ask her and she controls herself a bit.
"I-I...someone c-came in my room and-and touched me"She says and I start to get angry.
"Im almost their"I tell her and turn to her house.
"What window is your room?"I ask her and she walks out of the window and I smile and climb.

She looks at me and brakes down.I grave her and hug her.
"It's okay Jay...I am here now no one will hurt you"I tell her and pick her up bridal style.
"T-thank y-you"Jay says sobbing and I lay her on her bed.She was half asleep half awake.
"No problem"I tell her and smile once she falls asleep.

I walk away slowly and she whimpers and I walk to her again.
"S-stay"She tells me and I chuckle and nod.

She moves aside and I lay down besides her.She hugs me and I smile and hug her back.After a few seconds of running my fingers in her hair I hear small snore and smile.I got up slowly and peck her forehead.She was in deep sleep so I used my speed to get out of her room and go to mine.

I get to my room and lay down in my bed and started getting angry at the thought of someone touching Jay.

"No!"I say to myself and leave to go back to her.I stay out the window and see her sleeping peacefully.
"NO...XAVIER!"She starts to yell and I speed to her and wake her up.
"Princess...I am here"I whisper to her and then I hear someone coming upstairs and I speed out the window.

I close it and look and see Ethan hugging her.
"Sis you are okay"He whispers to her and she sighs and looks towards the window.
"S-sorry just a n-nightmare I'll go back to sleep"She says to Ethan and he smiles and pecks her forehead.
"Good night"He says and Jay nods.

I see Ethan walking out of her room and she gets up and locks the door.I walk inside her room and she runs to me and hugs me.

"What was that about?"I ask her and she looks up to me and I put my hand on her cheek.She closes her eyes and smiles.
"Come tomorrow we have school"I tell her an she nods and I lay her down and then I lay besides her and peck her forehead.

Who could have touched Jay? I didn't think about putting the sord of raping part,but I just know that in a book something bad always starts to happen in the beginning💁

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