💉Chapter 29

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Me and Sam planned for him to take me away because I knew that they wouldn't let my baby live.Sam is always their for me.He is like a brother to me and takes care of me.

"Here lay down"He says and he puts me down on the bed at the place we are currently renting.I groan as he lays me down.
"It's comfy"I say and he nods.
"I'll be in the other room...Yell if you need anything"He says and I nod.

He walks out and closes the door and I brake down and rub my belly.
"Oh baby...I will never ever let anything happen to you"I whisper and sniffle.

I got up slowly and held onto the nightstand and held onto the walls.I got inside the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes.I turned on the bath and put the temperature at warm.

I look at the body mirror and I see that my body is all only bones and bruises.I cry and then rub my belly and I got inside the bath and sat down slowly and let the water comfort me.

"Jay"I hear Sams voice and I look at the door.
"Yes?"I say and he looks at the mirror.
"Can I come in?"He asked and I look at myself and graved some bubble shampoo to cover myself and then spread it.
"Come in"I tell him once the bubbles are covering me and he walks in and sits down on the toilet seat.
"Xavier and Nicole are looking for us already"He says and I nod.
"They won't know where we are"I tell him and he nods.

I groan when I feel something snap and then shrug it off.Sam rubs my back and I look up to him and nod.
"I was thinking"Sam says and I nod.
"You think we should try feeding you blood? I mean we always give the vampires that are pregnant.Maybe it works with you too"He says and I look down at the bubbles and thought about it for a while.
"You think it'll work?"I ask him and he shrugs.
"I'm hoping"He says and I sigh and nod.

He speeds out of the bathroom and then comes back with a Styrofoam cup.
"Here"He says and hands the cup to me.
"Please dear god work"I whisper and sip up the blood.

I feel Sams gaze on me and I start feeling uncomfortable,but I keep drinking it and feel the warm liquid go down my throat and satisfying me.I moan at the taste and scoff.

"It's actually good"I tell him and he nods.
"I think I gotta go hunting for more now"He says and I chuckle.
"Thank you Sam...For everything"I tell him and he pecks my head and I smile.

My baby starts to move and I smile and rub it under the water.I keep drinking the blood and then once I was done Sam takes away the cup and rushes out.I grave the towel and wrap my body with it.

I walked out slowly out of the room and fine the one person I thought would take months even to find me.

"You know renting the same place where we were staying is kind of stupid"Xavier says and I hold onto the door.

He rushes to me and helps me and then he hugs me.
"I-i am sorry"I tell him and he shakes his head.
"Baby I am sorry"He says and I nod.
"I'll be in t-the closet"I tell him and he helps me in and I close the door.

I see myself in the body mirror that I had in my closet as well and see his or her hand prints show on the surface of my belly.I smile and rub it and they put it back down.

I grave some underwear and a bra and a maternity dress.I put on some socks and walk out.He frowns at me and I look at him.

"Jay"He says and I look at him.
"Please d-don't say it...I know it's killing me,but any mother would die for their child to live a happy and eternal life"I tell him and he shakes his head.
"I will die without you"He says and I smile down to my bump.
"He or she will need you as mush as you need me"I tell him and he rushes to me.
"This thing is not a baby!"He tells me with complete anger.

I sniffle and yank my hands away from his and I look at him.
"SAM!"I yell and he rushes inside and he gets in front of me.
"Leave"I tell him and he looks at Sam and then at me.
"NO YOU ARE MINE AND I WON'T LET ANYONE TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!"Xavier yells and I whimper in pain.

They both look at me and I rub my bump and hold myself onto the wall.
"Jay!"They both said and I see Xavier rush to me and carries me.
"Come we have to get her to Taylor"Xavier says and I see Sam and he sighs and nods.

I see both of them rush back to the house and lay me down on a stretcher.I see Taylor come in and Xavier stays behind me.

"Sam take Nicole out of here you know what happens"Taylor tells Sam and Sam looks at me and pecks my forehead.
"Jay their is no time I have to do it right away"He says and I start crying.
"DO IT"I yell at him an he starts cutting and Xavier makes me look at him.
"Jay look at me...Stay with us"He says and I look deep in his eyes and he has fear in them.

I grave his hand and he makes our foreheads touch.
"Jay I swear if you die-"He starts to say and I shush him.
"Nothing will happen and if it does remember your promise to keeping me alive no matter if I had to be like one of you"I tell him and he nods and pecks my lips.

I yell again and I feel Taylors hand inside of my stomach.I yell louder and squish Xavs hand and he looks at what Taylor is doing.
"Look baby"Xav says as he holds the baby.
"It's a girl"He says and I smile.
"She looks like you"I tell him weakly and he looks at me in concerned and then I feel the lights been shut down.

Yea I didn't know how to do this part so I sord off copied the Twilight movie only in this part💁Sorry

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