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      Next day         Jay
The whole night I have been thinking how did Xavier get so fast to me? When I called him and told him to come he came right away.We were barely 5 minutes talking and he was already in my window.

"Xavier"I whisper and he groans and opens his eyes slowly.
"We have school"I tell him and he smiles and gets up.
"I'll see you at school princess"He tells me and I chuckle at the nickname he gave me.
"I'll see you their"I tell him and he pecks my lips and I smiled  and walks out of the window and jumps.

I run to the window and see him walk to the road.He looks back and smiles and I smile back at him.I hug myself and shake my head.

"Can I? Am I?"I start to question myself.I shake my head and walk to my bed and grave my phone.I turn it on and look at the time 4:30am

"I still have time"I whisper and put my phone back in the nightstand and closed my eyes.As I did I remember Ethan walking into my room and hugging me.Before I realised he put a cloth in my nose and I gasp for air.

"E stop!"I yell through the cloth and I whimper.
"No because you are mine...and I am going to finally show you"He tells me and I sob and inhale the chemical in the cloth.My body felt heavy now like if it was asleep and I tried to yell,but I couldn't speak all I did was watch him.

After some time of him touching me he kissed my lips and I couldn't stop him.He chuckled and put on his boxers and shorts he was wearing.
"Now you are mine"He tells me and I feel tears fall from my eyes.

I cried myself to sleep and then I woke up and moved.I cried and cried and I wanted to call someone,but I did not wanted to bother my parents or taylor.The first person that came to mind was Xavier.I sob and graved my phone.I told him and he came as fast as lightning.

He calmed me for a bit and then I feel asleep.Next thing I know I start dreaming of Ethan raping me again and me yelling for Xavier.I hear Xaviers voice and that's what woke me up.I got up and before I knew he was outside the window.Ethan bursts inside my room and I tried to show that I did not remember what he did.I was scared of him and I did not wanted Xavier to see.

I gasp and open my eyes to darkness.I started to sob and hugged myself.
"Come on Jay...Just a few hours until you see Xavier"I whisper and that seem to sooth me and I feel back asleep.

I woke up to my phone alarm and I groan.
"Princess wake up"I hear Xavier's voice and I gasp and jump.
"Hey it's me"He says and I open my eyes and see Xavier.
"S-sorry"I tell him and he shakes his head.
"You have a reason that you are jumpy"He tells me serious and I shake my head.
"No...Uh let me start getting ready"I change the subject and before Xavier could tell me anything I get inside my bathroom and close the door.

I turned on the shower water fast and brake down.I strip fast and felt myself dirty I got inside the shower and sobbed lowly.I scrubbed my body hard until I left red marks.

I closed my eyes and another memory came to mind.
"Tell anyone and I will hurt you"Ethan tells me and I stay their not been able to move.

My tears mix with the water and I cover my mouth just so I could stop the sobs.I washed my hair and body and then I walked out.I was shaking and I put on my robe and hugged myself.

I get in my closet that is in my bathroom and I put on some underwear and a bra.I graved my joggers and my grey sweater.I wrapped my hair in my towel and sigh.I walked out and Xavier was looking around.I lean on the entrance of my bathroom and watch him.I clear my throat and he smiles up at me.

"What are you looking for?"I ask him and he shakes his head and sits down on the bed.I smiled and go to my drawers and take out a pair of socks and put them on.I graved my black converse  and then walked to my mirror.

I graved my eyeliner and mascara.I put it on and I look at the corner of my eye and still see Xavier looking around.I cleared my throat and he sat back down.I look at the floor of the bed and see a condom and my heart skips a beat.I thank god that he was not watching instead he was on his phone.

I take off the towel and walk to my bed and graved my phone and acted like my towel feel on the floor on top of the condom and I picked up the condom with the towel and walked to the bathroom.I closed the door and turned on the sink.I threw the condom in the toilet and flush it.

I feel my tears try to fall,but I wipe them away.I start brushing my teeth and walk out again.I comb my hair and then looked at Xavier who was smiling at me.

"Ready?"He asked me and I nod.
"Meet me down and I'll drive"Xavier says and I nod.

He walked out of the window and I walk out of my room with my backpack and walked downstairs.I ran out of the house and graved my keys.I see Xavier and I smiled at him and he smiles back at me.
"Keys?"He asked and I hand it to him.

He smiles and we walk at each side of the car and we get in and he drives off to school.

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