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                   2 months later Nicole
"Girl I have everything ready"I tell Jay and she smiles and looks down to the floor.
"Never thought this day would come"Jay says and I smile and look at her.
"Let's go to your party now don't get all emotional with me right now"I tell her and she chuckles and gets up.
"What am I going to wear?"She asked and I roll my eyes and speed to my closet and graved her outfit.

"It's beautiful"She says and speeds to get ready.I chuckle and sigh and smile when I feel my baby boy kick.No one knows which is good because I wanted to be a surprise.
"Ready?"I say when I look down to my phone.
"Now I am ready"She says and I turn around and gasp.
"You have gotten better on dressing yourself and putting make up on"I tell her and she rolls her eyes.
"I am going to change my-"Before she could finish I speed out to the living room and see the girls all laughing and talking.

"I am going to change my-"Before she could finish I speed out to the living room and see the girls all laughing and talking

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They all get up and gasp as they see Jay.I chuckle and we all look at her and she smiles and rolls her eyes.
"Girls lets get the party started"She says and everyone yells.

"Guys you all are crazy!"Jay yells and we all laugh and smirk when the big ass fake cake and I smirk.
"Look"I say and she turns around and her eyes widen.
"What is th-"Before she could finish a stripper pops out.

Jay gasps and I laugh and the stripper makes Jay sit down on the chair and starts grinding on her.Jay starts yelling and laughs and tries to get up.

"NICOLE!!"She yells and looks at me mad.I laugh and walk to the other side of the room to get a blood bag.
"Hey baby"Sam says as he walks inside the kitchen and I smile.
"Hey"I tell him and he leans down and kisses my bump.I smile and he goes up to me and pecks my lips.
"Hows minny me"He says and I chuckle.
"He has been kicking that's all"I tell him and he smiles.
"What are you guys doing in there?"He asked and I smirk.
"I got a stripper for Jay"I tell him and his eyes widen.
"Wow"He says and I chuckle and nod as I drink my blood bag.
"Yep"I say and he chuckles and he stays silent.
"I have to go my stripper is ready"He says and I almost choke on the blood.
"W-what?"I ask him and he smirks.
"It's for Xavier"He says and I give him a glare and he chuckles and pecks my forehead.

I smile and I nod and he walks out of the house and speeds to where ever he is going.I walk back inside the living room and now the stripper is grinding on the rest of the girls.I see Jay and she is chuckling and shaking her head.I shrug and smile and she smiles back and speeds to me.

"You are C-R-A-Z-Y"She says and I chuckle and shrug.
"That's how a normal party for the bride to be is"I tell her and she smiles and hugs me.I hug her back and we sit down and look at the stripper grind on the other girls who are yelling and touching him.

"Bye girls thanks for coming"Both me and Jay say and they all wave and speed out.We smile at each other and then we both gasp and feel arms around us and we chuckle.

"Hey my wife to be"Xavier tells Jay and kisses her.
"Hello my beautiful fiance"Sam tells me and I look at him confused.
"I don't have a ring"I tell him and he chuckles and kneels down.

I gasp and feel tears fall from my eyes and he is smiling and then sighs.
"Nicole Charlot I have loved you for all these years and I want to spend my whole life with you....You give forever a meaning to me so will you Nicole Charlotte make me the honer of becoming my wife?"He says and I sob and look at Jay and Xavier and they are smiling.
"I...YES,Yes Sam"I say and he smiles and slides the ring on my finger.I look at it and smile.

"I love you Sam"I tell him and hug him and kiss his lips

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"I love you Sam"I tell him and hug him and kiss his lips.We are on it for a while and then I hear someone clear their throat.

I chuckle and step away from him and we both look at Jay and Xavier who are smiling.
"Congratulations Sam and Nicole"Jay says and we smile.
"Thanks"I say and she steps up and hugs both of us.

Then she steps back and Xavier smiles and hugs me and Sam.
"Wish you the best guys"Xav says and we smile and nod.

"Now time for bed"Jay says and we all chuckle and speed to our rooms.When me and Sam close the door he starts kissing me and I chuckle.
"Thank you"Sam says and I look at him and smile.
"For what?"I ask him and he pecks my lips.
"For everything"He says and I smile and nod.

We walk to Jasmines room and she is completely asleep.We see Axel the guy that both Jay and Xav got to take care of our kids asleep in his side of the room.Me and Sam chuckle and turn off the lights and we change and go to bed and I close my eyes.

Tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter. I think and fall right asleep.

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