????Chapter 50

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Today is the day that my baby get married.She is now 20 and she is not pregnant.Yes I know what I said 10 years ago and I would have been okay if she was or was not pregnant.

"Oh my god my love's going to get married at 20"I said as I sniffled and dab a cloth on my face.
"Mom please don't cry...we are suppose to be happy"My Sofia says and she hugs me and I smiled.
"I...I am sorry baby,but it's just exciting"I said and she chuckles.

She had a beautiful wedding dress that was a bit shorter then mine,but she still looks beautiful.

She had a beautiful wedding dress that was a bit shorter then mine,but she still looks beautiful

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"Ready dad?"She asked Xavier and he smiles and nods.
"Twins"Sofia says and they both walk Infront of her  with their little baskets with petals inside.The song started to play and I walk in between the twins and we walk down the isle as they throw in the floor the flowers.

I smiled at our guest and as we arrive at the front we bow down and walk to our left where our seat were.We stood up and waited for my daughter to go up to Roman.I see both Xavier and Sofia walking up and I sniffled and then twins graved my hand and I smiled down at them.

"Who is giving up the bride?"The priest asked and Xavier cleared his throat.
"His father"He said and the priest nods.

Xavier looks over Sofia and smiles and kisses the back of our daughter hand.She gives her hand to Roman and pats his shoulder as he walks towards me.

"Wow"I said as we sat down.

"Congratulations baby"I tell Sofia and she smiles.
"Thank you mama and daddy for always been their for me and never leaving me"She says and me and Xavier hugged her.
"Baby don't forget we will always be here for you we both love you"Xavier said and then the twins come up and hug Sofia.
"Congratulations sister we are in deed happy that you are happy"Logan said and Sofia rolled her eyes.
"I hate when you guys talk so fancy"She says and we all laugh.

The time went by fast and Sofia and Roman went inside our house to change out of their weeding clothes.They walked out and everyone started to throw up to the flowers and I smiled as me and Xavier waited all the way down.They both walk up to us and bowed down.

"Mama daddy Thank you for everything"Sofia says and me and Xavier nod.
"Roman take care of Sofia"I said serious and he smiles and nods.
"Yes ma'am"He says and I smiled.
"Sir ma'am thank you for everything you guys have done for me I appreciated"Roman says and we both nod.

Xavier goes up to Roman to help him put away the luggage for their honey moon.Me and Sofia wait until they are done.
"Well baby girl it's time"I say and she chuckles softly and nods.
"Bye mana see you in a few weeks"She says as she hugs me.
"Alright bye Roman"I said and waved at Roman as Sofia walks to her father and hugs her.

They both get inside the car and drive off to their honey moon.I smiled when Xavier walks up to me and kisses me.I hear someone clear their throat and I step away from Xavier and I see that it's the twins.
"Come on let's go say bye to everyone...mother father"Lizzy says and me and Xavier chuckle softly and nod.

"Wow baby I still can't believe after 10 years Sofia is married with her mate"I say and Xavier sighs and nods.
"Yea me neither"He says and I smiled.
"It's kind of weird not having her anymore in the same roof"I said as we strip down to go to sleep.
"Yes babe it is"He says and I lay down in bed and he lays down next to me and hugs me and I smiled.
"I love you Xavier...I've never thank you for that kiss in high school that you stole from me and if it wasn't for that kiss we would not be here"I say and Xavier smiles.
"Your welcome my love"He says and starts kissing me.
                            The end

Thank you guy's for reading my book it truly means alot and I am looking forward to write about Roman and Sofia.It will of course take a while because I haven't thought of the people that would play both Sofia or Roman so please give me little time.Thank you😘

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