💉Chapter 16

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I walk towards Ethan and he starts moving away and I smirk.

"Ethan"I say and he looks at me in compleat fear.
"I-i"He starts to say,but I shake my head and put my hand on his mouth.
"Shut up and let me talk"I tell him and he nods.
"You will die and before you die you will say sorry to Jay for the shit you got her through since you were small"I tell him and he nods.
"I can cure you,but I won't because a piece of shit like you does not deserve to live"I start to say and look over my shoulder to see Cole smirk.I look back at Ethan.
"If you tell anyone about me...trust me I will cure you and turn you into what I am and I will make you suffer the whole.time"I say and he nods.

I take my hand away and look at him.
"I-i won't s-say anything and I-i will say s-sorry to Jay"He says and I smiled and nod.
"It's not that hard see"I tell him and he nods.
"Don't mention anything to anyone and if you do...I will have someone watching you and if I hear that you told someone what I am I will come and do what I told you"I tell him and he nods.
"I won't I-i swear"He says and I smirk and pat his head.
"Good"I say and walk away.

I walk towards Cole and Jay and nod.They both start walking out and I look back at Ethan who had fear straight in his face and I smirk at him.

I walk out and close the door and look at Cole who nods at me and I nod back at him.They walk to the elevator and I stop in front of the elevator.

"I have to go to the rest room meet you both down in the parking lot"I tell both and they nod and the elevator doors close.I walk to a doctor and a nurse and they look at me.

"Look at me in the eyes"I tell them and they both do.
"You will keep an eye on Ethan Mayson...If he says something about Xavier doing something to him you come right away to me and tell me"I tell them and they both nod.
"We will go back to you if we hear that Ethan says anything about Xavier doing anything to him"They both say in unison and I smile and nod.
"Now go back and check every two hours on him and put him to sleep and ask the nurse or doctors that go check on him and ask him if he said anything,but try not to sound or look suspicious understood?"I ask both and they nod and I nod and wave my hand at them and they walk away.

I look at Ethans room and smirk.I walk to the stairs and start walking down to the parking lot.I pass many other people who were looking at me,but I ignored them.Once I was at the parking lot I started looking for Jay and Cole.

"Xavier!"I hear Jays voice and I look at her and smile.I jog to her and hug her and she giggles.Then I hear Cole clear his throat and I chuckle and turn to him.
"Well I should keep going"He says and I nod.
"See you around Xavier"He says and give him a bro hug.
"Sis behave"He says and Jay chuckles.
"Problem solved"She says and they hug.
"Bye love birds"he says ones he steps back and walks away.

I chuckle and Jay starts blushing and I peck her forehead.
"Let's go"I tell her and she nods.

I walk her to the passengers side and open the door for her.She smiles and gets inside.I then close the door and walk to the drivers side.I chuckle when I see her staring at me and start the car and drive off to the apartment.

I do a right and look at someone staring at me.I look at two people a male and female.They started to walk away and I sigh and kept driving.

We arrive and I park the car in my parking spot and we get out of the car once I turned off the car.I look around and see the exact same people on the side walk that were on the hospital.

"What's wrong?"Asked Jay to me and I shake my head and smiled at her.
"Nothing that you should worry about"I tell her and she huffs and I chuckle.
"You know I am getting tired of you telling me all the time 'nothing you should worry about' We are together now and I worry more now then I worried before"She tells me and then walks away.

I pull her and hug her and she shivers when she feels my cold skin and I shrug it off thinking she is not going to ask.
"Also why is your skin so dam cold?"She asked and I huff and shake my head.
"Baby please"I plead her and she walks away and gets inside the apartment complex.

I look over to the female and male,but they were not their anymore.I run to Jay and she gets inside the elevator and I follow behind her.

I hug her and she tries to get off my grasp,but I hold her a bit tight.
"Stop"I tell her and she looks up to me angry.
"No you stop hugging me"She tells me and I let her go.
"Fine"I tell her and open the elevator doors in a random floor and walked out.

I go to the stairs just to keep an eye on her and I see her in shock.I use my hearing to hear what she is saying.
"I didn't actually mean it"She says and I smiled.
"I just want to know why the heck is your skin so cold or why you only eat meat that you get from a place that I don't even know of"She says and I sigh.

I see her look around and I hurry down the stairs just to get to her.When I got their the elevator open and she gasp when she saw me.

"Hey"I say and smirk at her.
"Im sorry"She says and I shake my head.
"No I am baby"I tell her and peck her lips.She walks out and then I intertwine our hands together and we walk to the apartment.

We walk inside the apartment and she walks in her room and I smile at her when she leans in the door.
"What?"I ask her and she smiles.
"Now that we are officially together get in here"She tells me and I chuckle and nod.
"Let me just get my clothes and fix them in 'our' closet"I tell her and she chuckles and nods.

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