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I woke up when Xavier laid me on the bed.I stayed silent and faked sleep to hear what he would say.I felt him sit down besides me.He caressed my face and I smiled.

"I love you Jay Mayson and I promise to you that if I don't have a choice for you to live I'll do anything to keep you alive and even if it means to turn you to someone like me to keep you alive"He whispers and at the beginning my heart was flattered,but at the end I turned serious.I move around and look at him and pretend like I didn't hear anything.

I give him a fake smile and he pecks my lips.When he did that my heart started to raise at how scared I was.He looked in to my eyes and I think fear was showed in them.I give him a smile again and I think he found out.He sigh and got up and I stayed in the room.

"Jay!"He called me and I run to him scared.
"Yes?"I answered trying to not sound scared,but failed terribly.
"You heard didn't you"He tells me and I run to the door and he speed to the door.I gasp and run to the room and closes the door.My heart raced and thought How the hell did he went to the door so fast?

"Jay open the door I swear in my life that I won't hurt you"He tells me and I hear breath.
"You swear?"I asked feeling like I should trust what he is saying.I hear him sigh and I took deep breathes.
"With my life"He tells me and I door unlocked the door and run to the bed.

He opens it and sees me on the bed and I see him up and down and then at his face.

"W-what are you?"I asked him feeling like I just want to get over with it.He walks towards the bed and he sat on the bed and I tried to cover myself a bit more.
"I never wanted you to know because I knew that you would be like this"He tell me and I scoff.
"I shouldn't be scared? Is that what you are trying to say?"I asked him and he looks at me.
"Not of me"He tells me and I feel my heart beat slow down not feeling that scared because of his words.
"What are you?"I asked again.
"I am something that I never chose to be...If it was not for what I have become I would've died back in 1910"He tells me and my eyes widen.

I looked at him and he looks like a normal,but strong teenager.
"1910?"I ask him again and he nods and looks down at the floor.
"I was dying of heart disease"He starts to say and I give him my full attention even thought I was scared,but not as much.
"I was born with it actually...I always went to the hospital and by then I was like 15 years old"He says and I nod.
"You are old"I tell him and he chuckles and I smile.

"Can't even count how old I am"He says and I nod.
"Well I was in and out of hospitals and at school I was the outcast...I was bullied my whole life because my birth mother always had to be their when I went to school"He says and I start getting closer to him.
"Kids would call me mommy's cry baby because I would cry when I would be scared because my mother would leave for a restroom brake etc."He says and I frown.
"I well my doctor that would attend me in the hospital he left for a year and people would say that he was attacked by an animal then one day I went to the hospital because my heart was in the edge of stopping.I went and he was their and he attended me."He says and looks at me and I nod.

He gets up and walks to the window and looks out and I walk and stand behind him.
"He knew I was dying and he told me that day 'Xavier I am sorry,but you are all I care about since the day I met you and I am not going to let you die' Right after he told me that he bit me on my neck"He says and I gasp and he turns around.
"Did it hurt?"I ask him and then in my mind I slap myself and he chuckled.
"It hurt like a bitch the venom was burning my insides...Then everything went dark...After like a week I woke up with my doctor besides me"He says and I nod.
"He told me that I would be thirsty and I look around and saw a big house which us the one we are in"He says and I look around.

"In this exact room is where I revive as what I am"He says and I look at the bed.
"Then what happened?"I ask him and he sits down on the bed.
"He confessed me that he was attacked,but it was not an animal it was a vampire"He says and I look at him and then remembered.
"That's why your skin is cold and why you only eat meat?"I ask him and he chuckles.
"That's why my skin is cold and the meat part well it is just to distract me of not drinking human blood,but animal blood"He says and I gasp.

"My doctor is my adoptive father and his wife well it's my mother"He says and I nod.
"And Sam and Nicole?"I ask him and he gets up and looks at me.
"Sam well was created by me and Nicole was created by my mother"He says and I look at him weird.
"If Nicole and Sam are vampired then how is Nicole pregnant?"I ask him and he chuckles.
"To many vampire movies"He says and I roll my eyes.
"Some of us can have children,but only vampires with vampires not humans with vampires"He says and I nod.
"What happened after you were turned?"I ask him and he looks down.
"I lost control and I killed people who were as well killers as me"He says and I nod.
"Well at least not innocent people"I tell him and he looks away.
"Except a couple"He says and my eyes widen.

Then I remembered that he said that his parents were killed by and animal attack and I shake my head.
"Your parents?"I ask and he sighs and nods.
"It was for a good reason"He says and I scoff.
"Xavier you killed your parents who birth you and raised you!"I yell at him and he sighs.
"They tried to kill me!"He yells back and I was taken back.
"They tried to kill me when they found out that I was still alive...They say that they saw me dead"He says and I see tears fall from his eyes.

I go to him and hug him and he hugs me back.

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