💉Chapter 19

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I wake up and look over at Jay who was still asleep.I smiled and caressed her cheek.

I got up slowly and she groans and I speed to the bathroom.I chuckle and I turn on the water of the shower to warm temperature.I got inside and washed my body and then my hair.I finished and graved my towel and wrapped it around my waist.I walked out and look at Jay who was still asleep.

I walk to her and peck her forehead.
"Baby wake up"I whisper and run my hand through her hair and she groans and stretches.
"Hmm?"She hums and I chuckle and kiss her plump lips.

She kisses back and I chuckle and she graves my waist signing me to get on top of her.I do as she said and she moans as I kiss down her jawline.I got off of her and she whines and I laugh.
"Baby we can't have sex all day long...we have to go out"I tell her and she gets up and smiles and nods.

She walks inside the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on.I smile and walk to our closet and graved a pair of boxers.I let my towel fall and slide on my boxers.I graved a pear of ripped jeans and a plain white shirt.I then graved some socks and put on my yeezys.

I walk out and Jay was shivering.
"Baby get some clothes and stop shivering"I tell her and wrap the towel I had and graved the bed sheets and she sighs.
"Thank you babe"She says and I nod.

She walks inside the closet and then walks out with ripped jeans and a white button up shirt with her converse.I smile and bite my lip and she walks to me.She takes my lip out of my mouth and she kisses me.

I got up and graved her comb.
"Can I?"I ask her and she chuckles and nods.

I start combing her hair slowly and then I was done.When I was done she graves her and my phone.We walk out and I grave my car keys.We walk out and I lock the door.We walk to the elevator and go down to my car.I open the door for her and she walks inside.I close it and I jog to my side of the car.

I drove off and she puts on music.
NF Got you on my mind

"Where are we going?"She asked and I wink at her and keep driving.
"Xavier"She says in a warning tone and I chuckle.
"You'll see"I tell her and she squeals.
"I hate surprises"She says and I arch my brow and she looks at me serious.
"You'll love this one"I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

We arrive at the place I wanted to show her and we both got out.
"A cemetery?"She asked and I nod and intertwine our hands together.
"Follow me"I tell her and she looks at the cemetery and then at me and nods.
"Can you at least tell me what are we doing here?"She asked and I chuckle.
"You'll see"I tell her and I hear her heart beat fasten.

We walk all the way to my actual parents grave.I stop her and make her get in front of me.I hug her from behind and she looks down to the graves and smiles.

"Your parents?"She asked and I nod.
"I want you to meet my father Troy and my mother Patricia Woods"I say and she turns around and hugs me.
"Why didn't you tell me your parents died?"She asked me and I sigh.
"I didn't wanted to remember what happened to them...But now I have gotten over it and even though it's hard to forget I knew that their was a part of you that wanted to know of me"I tell her and she smiles and nods.

She turns back around and kneels down.She starts taking off the dead leaves that were on their graves.
"How did they die?"She asked and I sigh and kneel down besides her.
"Animal attack"I tell her and she nods.
"How old were you?"She asked and I thought about it for a bit.
"I was 10"I tell her and her eyes widen.
"W-wow"She stutters and I nod.

I was actually 17 and now I am 107.I was the one that killed them.When my now adoptive parents turned me I was out of control.I needed human blood and I needed someone that would be close so that I won't expose myself.I thought about them and I didn't wanted to,but my thirst was stronger then myself.I told them what I was and they tried to kill me.I killed them before they got to me.I know that was fucked up,but I was out of control before.

"Yea"I finally say.
"So what happened with you?"She asked me and I sat down on the ground.
"I well I was in a friend's house and I had well a flip phone before.So the police called me and they told me.I ran away not wanting the police to take me away to an orphanage.My parents were alone and they didn't have anyone in New Orleans were I was born."I tell her and she nods.
"Where did you go?"She asked me and I look around.
"I was on the streets and my adoptive parents they found me and they adopted me.I was they first child and my adoptive mother she couldn't have children so she and my adoptive father took me with them and since then I have been living with them"I tell her and she nods.
"Im sorry"She tells me and I smile and shake my head.
"You don't have to tell me sorry because you didn't do anything wrong"I tell her and she shrugs her shoulders and pecks my lips.

"Come on it's time for you to meet my adoptive parents"I tell her and she gets up fast and I hear her heart race and I chuckle.We walk to the car and I start driving to my use to be house.

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