💉Chapter 49

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"Who is this?"I asked as I saw a guy on my kitchen with only a robe on.
"Uh mom this is Roman...my mate"She said and my eyes widen and Xavier speeds downstairs.
"WHAT?!"He yelled and I look at Xavier.
"Babe please"I said and he shakes his head.
"No Jay she is 10 years old and already found her mate!"Xavier said and the kid walks up and bowes down to Xavier.
"Sir I am sorry,but that is just how the gods made the decision"He says and I look at him and smile.
"Take care of her...she will be living with us still,but once she is old enough she would be granted permission to live with you"I say and Xavier looks at me and I wink.

The kids smiles and I smile back at him.
"Now it's late kids go to sleep...Roman you sleep in the couch if you want"I said and look over to Sofia who is blushing.
"Thank you ma'am"He said and I walk to the closet and give him some clothes that I bought for when Logan gets older.He smiles and I give him also a pillow and two blankets.

I hear Xavier deep breaths and I speed to him and grave his hands.
"Good night guys"I said as I graved Xavier and we speed up to the room.
"Jay what the fuck?"He says and I push him to the bed.
"Look Xavier we can't control when the mates of our children come...if they come they come we can't stop it or we can't reverse it understand?"I say and he groans and leans back to the bed.

I walk to him and climb on top of him.
"Understand"He says and I smile and crash my lips to his.
"Let's sleep now...I am sleepy"I said and he chuckles and graves my waist and then he moves and lays down and he makes me lay down on his arms.

I get up from the bed and I smile when I feel Xavier besides me.I sit up and run my hands through my hair.I tie up my hair and get up and graved my robe.I open the bed room door and walk out.

I walk down the stairs and walk inside the kitchen.The house is so silent and I use my hearing and I hear a heart beat race.I chuckle and get close to where the heart beat was at.I walked passed and then walked back again.I open the door and I saw Roman and I smiled.

"Why hiding?"I asked and he sighs.
"M-ma'am I was about to l-leave,but I heard s-someone open the...door and I got uh...paranoid"He says and I chuckle.
"Sorry I scared you"I said and he nods and walks out of the closet.
"How'd you sleep last night?"I ask and he chuckles softly.
"Good ma'am thank you"He says and I nod and take out pancakes and chocolate chips.
"Want breakfast?"I ask and he smiles.
"Yes please ma'am"He says and I nod.

I start making them and then I hear someone walk inside the kitchen and I turn and see Sofia.
"Hey baby"I say and she blushes.
"Mom"She whines and I chuckle.
"Cooking?"She asked and I nod.
"Want?"I ask and she nods.
"Sit"I say and she sits down.

I put two im her plate and other two in his plate.I give it to them and I got to the fridge and take our the sirup and pour it on their pancakes.
"Thanks mom"Sofia says and I nod.
"Thank you ma'am"Roman says and I smiled and nod.

I feel Xavier behind me because he puts his hands on my waist.
"Good morning babe"He whispers and I shiver.
"Morning want breakfast?"I ask him and he nods.
"When is the kid leaving?"He asked and I roll my eyes.
"Xavier you have to accept that Sofia already found her mate...yea maybe she is to young still,but jesus it's her mate let her live"I said and he huffs.
"Fine"He says and sits down besides Sofia.

I put the breakfast in front of him and he starts eating it.
"M-wmmy"I hear both Logan and Lizzy and I speed to them.
"What's wrong?"I coo to them as I run my hand down their cheeks.
"We hugwy"They said and I chuckle.

I pick them up and Xavier takes out their high chairs.I put Lizzy and Logan on them and I give them some pancakes.They start eating them and then I sit and eat.I look at Sofia and she is looking down and I look at her confused.I shake it once she looks back up and smiles.

"Bye Sofia"Roman says and hugs her.
"Bye"Sofia says and closes the door.

We all got to an agreement with Xavier and Roman as well as Sofia.They can see each other only at our house and when the time comes she'll be able to go to Romans house.Xavier agreed and we all nods and smiled.

At the moment we are watching movies and Roman had to leave because his parents were looking for him.I smiled when I see Xavier play with the twins and so was Sofia.Then Sofia gets up and sits down besides me.

"Mom can we talk?"She asked and I look at Xavier and nod.
"I had a dream about Roman some minutes before I met him today in the morning"She says and I nod.
"And what's wrong with that?"I ask her and she nibbles in her lip.
"I was pregnant at 17 with a boy and a girl...in the dream I was scared what you guy's would say so in the dream I thought about aborting the baby"And I nod.
"Baby if you ever get pregnant at young age we won't get mad at you...it would be the opposite we will help you and love your children okay?"I tell her and she smiles and nods.

She walks back to the twins and she started to play and then Xavier looks at me and smiles and I smiled back at him.

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