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I lay down in my bed and I am in my phone.I look at the time and it was already 10:00 in the night and Xavier was not home yet.I heard someone walk inside the house and I rushed downstairs to see my adoptive brother Sam coming in.I huff and he rushes up to me.

"What's wrong?"He asked and I look at him.
"Xavier has not been home since the afternoon that we went to do something"I tell him and he sighs and runs his hands through his hair.
"I'll call him"He says and I nod.

He walks to our father's office and walks inside.I sigh and feel hungry and I walk down to the kitchen.I go into the refrigerator and grave a blood bag.I open it and rush upstairs to my room.I open it and lay down in my bed and send a message to Xavier.

Xavier[little brother⚡]: Xav where are you? I am worried.

After I send it and put it down and look up to the ceiling.I hear someone knock on the door.

"Come in"I say and Sam walks inside and smiles.
"He is with Jay"He says and I sigh in relief.

He chuckles and I hug him and he hugs me back.
"I would rather die if anything happens to any of you guys"I tell him and he sighs.
"Nothing will happen to us Nicole"He tells me and I step away and look in his eyes.
"You don't know that"I tell him and he shrugs.
"Maybe I am just positive...I don't have to know to be positive"He tells me and he nods and I rush behind him and jump on his back and he grunts and I laugh.
"Let's play like old times"I tell him and he laughs and nods.
"Fine"He says and uses his speed to go down the stairs and I laugh.

He goes up again the stairs and then jumps off the rail and he lands on his feet and I am laughing.When I open my eyes we are both in his room.

"Uh...Sam why are we in your room?"I ask him nervously and he smiles and kisses me and I hesitate on kissing back.

Me and Sam have been feeling something over each other.We are siblings,but we are not related.Xavier created Sam and mother created me.

"Sam"I moan as I tilt my head back and he kisses my neck.I run my hands on his blond short hair.
"Nicole"He tells me in his husky voice and he picks me up and slowly lays me on the bed.
"Look...Nicole you know how I feel for you and I love you for the 28 years that we have known each other and I love you Nicole"He tells me and I smile and nod.
"I love you as well Sam"I tell him and he smiles and I lean in and kiss him.

I woke up and saw sam sleeping besides me and I smiled and peck his forehead.I got up slowly and got the bed sheets and wrapped myself.I looked out of his room to see if my mother or father were up.I speed to my room and slowly closed my door.

"Wow"I say as I smiled and remember what happened.

I hear my phone ring and I answer it fast.
"Hello?"I say.
"Nicole I am sorry I have not reached for you"Xavier whispers to me and I smiled.
"Where are you? And why are you whispering?"I ask Xavier and I hear some shuffling.
"I am at Jays apartment...She is away from her parents"He tells me in his natural voice and I sigh in relief.
"Well at least she is okay and not with that bitch of Ethan"I say feeling angry on the inside.

Ethan is Jays brother and I don't know what the hell was going through his mind when he raped his own sister.
"Yea well I am keeping an eye on him"Xavier says and I smirk.

I feel air besides me and I turn to see Sam in my bed and I smiled.
"Alright well you guys be careful"I tell him and he hums.
"Mhm okay see you tomorrow"He says and I hang up.

"Who were you talking to?"Sam asked and I chuckle and sat on my bed.
"To Xavier he is with Jay"I tell him and he smiles and I got up and walked to my bathroom.
"Can I join?"Sam asked and I turn to see him and shake my head.

Then he speeds to my bathroom and I chuckle.
"Too late"Sam says and lets the covers fall to the ground and walk inside the shower with me.

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