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I see Ethan run out of the bodega scared and I hear Nicole huff and I look at her.
"What?"I ask her and she rolls her eyes.
"You should have let me kill him"She says and I chuckle and then shake my head.
"If I did I would have Jay crying for him and I don't want to see her cry again"I say and she smiles at me.
"You really like her huh?"She asked and I shrug.
"I guess I do,but she heard you over the phone when you giggled and now she thinks I am with another girl"I tell Nicole and she shakes her head.
"Call her"She tells me and I shake my head.
"She is not gonna answer"I tell her and she raises her eyebrow.
"How do you know?"She asked me and I shrug my shoulders.
"Because...uh"I say and she smirks.
"Exactly...Now call her"She demands me and I roll my eyes and walk to the other room and call Jay.

Her phone rings three times and then I hear her.
"Hello?"She said and I smiled.
"Hi jay"I tell her and she scoffs.
"What?"She tells me coldly
"Look sorry I was an asshole before...I was heated and I was with my sister not with any other girl"I tell her and then I don't hear anyone.
"Jay?"I say and look at the call and it was still on the phone.
"Uh...Okay"She says and I shake my head.
"Like I said before Jay I only have eyes for you"I tell her and I hear giggles and I smiled.
"I love your giggles"I tell her and she sighs.
"Alright"She says and I hear my sister and I turn around and she is smiling.
"Where are you princess?"I ask her and I hear her laugh again and I chuckle.
"I'm going to send my location alright?"She tells me and I nod.
"Alright...see you in a bit"I tell her and she hums.

As soon as we hanged up she sent me her location and I smiled and walked out of the bodega.I went to my black ferrari and drove to my princess.

Once I got to her location I saw an apartment complex and I look down to my GPS and nod.I look for parking lot and I found one and parked.

I got out of my car and called her and after three rings she answered.
"Yes Xav?"She asked and i chuckle.
"Whats your apartment number?"I ask her and she clears her throat.
"Im going down"She tells me and I hum and hang up.

I lock my car and walk to the front of the entrance and look around and it looked nice.I wait for like a minute and I see her walking out of the elevator.She smiles at me and looks down at herself and I chuckle.

She opens the door and I walk in and hug her.
"Im sorry princess...I never meant to be an asshole to you"I tell her and she steps away and shakes her head.
"Xav it's alright...I may be an asshole to you one day as well and then we may be even"She tells me and I laugh and pick her up and she squeals.
"You don't know how strong my feelings are towards you"I tell her and she smiles and leans down and kisses me and I kiss her back.

She taps my shoulder and I let her down.
"Come on"She tells me and I nod and follow her to the elevator.

We go in and she uses her fob to press the floor that she is in.I smiled at her and I hug her side.We wait for a bit and then the elevator opens.

"Oh by the way thank god you came"She tells me and I look at her confused.
"Why?"I ask her and she smiles.
"My furniture is coming in a bit"She tells me and I chuckle and nod.
"Alright"I tell her and we walk inside her apartment.
"Sorry for the mess...I had something happen"I tell her and I look at her worried.
"Nothing bad,but nothing good either"She tells me and I shake my head.
"I'll help clean a bit"I tell her and she smiles.

I start picking up the rip pieces of paper and throw them away.She picks up the cushions and puts them on the sofa.We go all the way to her room and her room was a bit more crazy.

I pick up the bed sheets from the floor and look at her.
"Oh uh can you help me throw the bed and drawers and paint the walls?"She asked and smiles and I nod.
"You know I can't say no to you"I tell her and she chuckles.

I look for her closet and put her bed sheets inside.I grave the pillows and put them inside in a corner as well.When we were done someone called Jays phone.

"Hello?"She said and then I see her smile.
"Alright we are coming down thank you"She says and hangs up.

She squeals and I laugh at her and she runs out of the apartment and I follow her.We go down the stairs and I see an IKEA truck and I see workers grave all the furniture and I see Jay jumping like a little kid in Christmas.

She shows them the way inside and I help with the paint and some of the bed sheets.When they were done bringing all the stuff inside I gave them a tip and they left.I look at Jay jumping again and I chuckle and shake my head.

"Let's get started"She says and turns on her television and puts on YouTube.
"Any suggestions in songs?"She asked and I shake my head.She nods and then types in Myself  by DJ BJ

She smiles and then we walk into her room.We put some plastic on her new bed and open the paint and we start painting.We wait a bit in the living room for the paint to dry and since Jay is impatient she turns on her fan and then she puts and extra fan so that the paint could dry.

Once the paint was dry we walk inside and take off the plastic of the furniture and start putting everything in it's place.Once we were done me and Jay lay down in her bed and fall asleep.

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