💉Chapter 45

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I hate going back to sleep because then I don't spend time either with Sofia or Xavier.The thing is that I can't control my sleep and I only wake up when I am hungry or have the sickness.I feel Xavier hug me and then I hear him sleep.I smile and then I feel tears fall from my eyes,but I can't open my eyes.

It may be worth it at the end because I will have Jake,Sofia and Xavier after and I am very very happy to have my Jaky with me after everything has passed.I try to get inside my baby's mind and I try to give me control of my body-succeed-.

I open my eyes and I see Xavier asleep and I smile and peck his forehead.I move his arms and then I speed to Sofias room.I smile down at her and she is deep asleep and I wipe my tears away.I speed to the balcony and I sit down and look at the sun setting.

"It's very beautiful"I whisper and then I feel the baby kicking and I gasp and chuckle.
"My love"I coo and rub my now small bump.

I look up and my eyes widen when I see someone that I haven't seen in a long time.They speed to me and I gasp when now they are in front of me and hugging me.I am in shock and down hug back.

"F-father?"I say and he steps away and smiles at me.
"Hey baby"He says and I look at him confused.
"H-how?"I stutter and he smiles at me.
"I was like the son that you are about to have...I was born a vampire"He says and I shake my head.
"B-but what?"I say and he sits me down and then squats down in front of me.
"I have been following you this whole time and I knew that you had left because you were reborn as a vampire"He says and I nod.
"You were born half vampire half human,but you got most of your mothers DNA in your system and you died while giving birth to-"He stops and looks at the door and he smiles and I look at the door.
"Sofia"I say and she walks to me as she looks at my father.

"Sofia"My father says and she clings to me.
"W-hofs thats mommy?"She says and I smile.
"It's grandpa"I say and she smiles and runs to him.
"Papa"She says in her little cute voice and I smile as I see my father hugs her and then pecks her forehead.
"Hey darling"He says and I smile.
"You look just like your mother when she was little"He says and I chuckle.

Sofia turns and then pushed my father and my father chuckles and gets her down and she runs to the door.
"Dada"She says and I smile.
"Sir"Xavier says and my father nods.
"How are you Xavier?"He says and Xavier walks besides me and pecks my forehead.
"Good sir"He says and my father nods.
"Father please sit"I say as I show to him the seat on the table and he nods and walks to the table and both me and Xavier sit after him.

"So How is Jake?"My father says and Xaviers eyes widen.
"Xavier he is a vampire...He was like Jake"I tell him and he nods.
"He's been goof these past 2 weeks"I say and he smiles and nods.
"Papa papa"Sofia says and Xavier smiles and hands her to my father.
"Well baby like I was saying the blood left my system and it went to you,but you were just like a surrogate to the blood...It skipped sofia because it has been heard thag the blood only chooses guys for them to be in for some unknown reason"My father says and Xavier sits more up.
"So you were the one that made piece some years ago?"Xavier asked and my father nods.
"My mother did have me when she was human and we didn't know that we could have turned her last minute before"My father says and I nod.
"So just to answer your question Xavier no Jay won't die giving birth to Jake even if she was human because now when you die with your babys blood on your system you still wake up as a vampire,but you have to drink some blood of the baby so the transition would go as a normal transition"My father says and Xavier sighs and smiles and then wraps his arm in my waist and I smile.

"And mom?"I asked my father and he frowns and looks down.
"Mom died because of depression...She didn't know were you were and she couldn't take that both Ethan and Cole were dead and she thought that you were dead as well"He says and I felt sick and speed to the bathroom.

I started to cry when I was done throwing up.I hugged myself at the thought of my mother dead.I gasp when I see both my father and husband frowning at me.Xavier walks to me and hugs me and I hug him back.

"Im sorry baby"Xavier says and I hug him tighter.
"Baby please I am hurting as mush as you are"My father says and I get up and hug him and he hugs me back.
We are just standing and hearing each other cry and eventually we stop.
"In sorry father"I tell him and he shakes his head.
"It's not your fault darling"He says and we walk out of the room with Xavier behind us and then I feel my baby kick and my father gasp.
"He is talking"My father says and I look at him confused.
"What do you mean?"I ask him and he puts his hand on my bump.
"Jay he is talking to you he loves you and he wants you to be strong...He loves you as well Xavier and wants you to comfort Jay"My father says and both me and Xavier chuckle.

Xavier walks behind me and puts his hands on my bump and kisses my shoulder.
"We both love you too champ"Xavier says and then we walk to the kitchen and we caught up to everything that gas happened.

Thanks guys for reading my book I know it's not a big deal,but it sord of is for me because I didn't think my book would be read,but I guess I was wrong.

Anyway guys thanks💖😘

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