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I look around and see that Xavier is on his phone.I look at him and move a little and I think he felt it because he turned to look at me.

"I'll talk to you later"He says while looking at me.
"Alright bye mother"He says and I smile and get up fully.
"What's wrong?"I ask him and he puts his phone down and smiles.
"Just my mother informing me of my siblings"He says and I nod.

I walk towards him and put my legs around his waist and he holds me with his hands on my butt.
"Im bored"I tell him and he chuckles.
"What does my girl want to do?"He asked and I give him a thinking face and he chuckles.
"Take me a shower"I say and smirk when his eyes widen.
"W-what?"He stutters and I chuckle.
"I'm joking"I tell him and he sighs and shakes his head.
"Oh baby girl"He says and gets up and I squeal and wrap my arms around his neck.

He turns around and lays me on the bed and I look at him and laugh.
"Now you will pay for that"He says and I giggle and try to get away.He graves my feet and pulls me back and gets on top of me.I try pushing him away playfully,but fail.He start tickling me and I laugh and try to push him off me.
"S-s-stop"I say and he chuckles and then stops.

I look at him and smile.
"I love you"I tell him and he smiles and leans in to kiss me.
"Not as much as I do"He says and then moves down to my neck to kiss me.I tilt my head to give him more access.He chuckles and gets up and I smile at him.
"Come on it's dinner time"He says and helps me up and when I touch his hand I feel it cold and I shiver a bit.

I didn't ask him because I knew that he was not going to tell me anyways.Instead I shrug it off and we head to the kitchen.

He walks to the refrigerator and takes out beef and rice.I look at him as he defrosts the beef.He chuckles and looks up to me and then back down.
"What?"He asked and I smile.
"I didn't know I was dating a guy that cooks so well"I tell him and he smiles and shakes his head.
"It's been a while"He says and I chuckle.
"Doesn't seam like it"I tell him and he nods.

I walk to the kitchen and help him cook the rice.I put the oil and let it sizzle a bit.When it was enough I poured two cups of rice.I stir it a bit and then let it sit for a while.

After some time I go back to the rice and see that it's ready,but some are not.I poured a bit of water and let it sit a bit more and look at Xavier cook the meat.I chuckle when I see him burn himself.

I go back to the rice and it's finally ready.I turn off the spot of the stove that I was using and put the rice in two separate plates.Then Xavier was done after me and pours the beef in the two plates with the rice.I grave water with ice and Xavier graves a beer.I shake my head and we walk to our room.

I take out the small table we had and put it on the front of the bed.I put my plate and cup on the table and so does Xavier.I grave the remote of the tv and put on netflix.I put on vanhelsin and then me and Xavier start watching it.

I walk out with both of mine and Xaviers plate and start washing them.Than I hear Xavier walk out and I pour soap on the sponge to clean the dishes.I feel his arms on my waist and I smile.I wash the plates and dry them and put them on the cabinet.
*warning sexual content*
Xavier then starts kissing my neck and I start to relax at his touch.I smile when I feel his hands get under my shirt.I turn around and kiss him.

He kisses me roughly and I moan at his kiss.He walks back and I walk forward to him.He put both of his hands on both my thighs and picks me up.I wrap my legs around his waist.He turns around and puts me on the counter.I moan when he kisses down my jaw and to my neck.

He sucks on my neck and smile as I knew that is going to be purple tomorrow-hickey-.He then goes down to my chest and I tilt my head back when he gets in between my breast.He takes off my shirt and he goes down to my chest to my stomach and sucks down my skin and I moan.He stops on top of my pants and then caries me again to our room.

He lays me down on the bed and I smile up to him and he smiles back at me.
"Fuck it of taking it slow...I love you and I want all of you"He tells me and I smile.
"I won't stop you"I tell him and he leans in and kisses me.

I start going more up to the bed and he follows me up.He keeps kissing me and then slides his arms under me and unhooks my bra.He throws it on the floor somewhere and looks at me and slowly down at my breast.I take off his shirt and look at his chest and down to his six pack and bite my lip.

He smirks and I roll my eyes at him.He leans in again and kisses me and I smile on the kiss.He slides his hands in between me and him and unbuckles my pants and steps back and takes them off.He looks at my panties and I start blushing.Without warning he kisses my inner thigh and I grave on to his hair and moan.

He goes up and more up.He then takes off my panties and throws them as well.He kisses my pussy and I moan as the vibration of his kiss gives me effect.He then swaps his tongue and I hold on to the sheets.He starts tongue fucking me and I arch my back.He slides in one finger and I bite onto my lip tighter.I start tasting iron and then I realise that blood is coming out of my lip and I moan and let go off my lip.

He inserts another finger and I arch my back.I pull him up and kiss him and tasting myself.He groans and I turn us over.I take off his shorts and boxers along.His dick pops up and I smirk.I grind on his dick and Xavier moans.

"Fuck"He says and I smile.

I get up a bit and slide it inside of me.I start jumping on his dick and we both moan.
"I love you so much Jay"He tells me and sits up.I wrap my arms around his neck and hold onto him.

I kiss him and I moan inside his mouth.He turns us over and he lays me on the bed.He strokes inside me and I scratch his back.

"Xavier"I moan and he groans.
"Jay"He moans as well.

I feel myself close and I moan louder.
"I-I"I start to say,but can't talk as I feel so much pleasure and love.
"I am close"I finally say and he groans.

I come and I feel him release as well.He gets off me and I look at him and I see that we are both panting.I smile at him and he looks at me and smiles as well.

"I love you so much Jay...I never thought I would love anyone again"He says and I melt then and their.

I smile and get on top of him.I kiss him and lay down on his chest.
"Thank you"I tell him and I smile up to him.
"Why?"He says and I lay my head down again in his chest.
"For showing me how making love feels like"I tell him and he chuckles and I start feeling tired.
"Go to sleep baby girl"He says and I hum and close my eyes and fall asleep.

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