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I look everywhere for Xavier and I don't see him.I finally decided to call him and I sigh and pull aside to call him.I take out my phone and I looked for his number.When I found it I call him.In three rings and someone answered.

"Xavier?"I ask through the phone and he hums and I sigh in relief.
"Where are you? I've been looking for you"I tell him and I hear a girls giggle and I gasp.
"Who the fuck is their?"I ask completely angry and I hear him shush someone.
"None of your business"He tells me and I gasp.
"I thought you were different,but you are just like any other guy"I say and hang up.

I speed to my apartment that I rent.I stay an apartment when I don't want to be with anyone.
"Guess I won't be going to that school anymore"I say and I stop in a red light.

I hold in my tears until I get to my apartment.I see the building that my apartment complex is at.I park in my reserved parking and get out.I grave my bag that I have with clothes that is in my trunk.I keep it their to be ready if I ever wanted to come here.

I lock my car and walk to my apartment which is in the second floor.I get to the apartment and unlock it.I walk inside and walk into my room.I sit down in the edge of my bed and I put my head on my hands and my arms on my legs and start crying.

"Im so stupid"I tell myself and I lay down.
"So fucking stupid"I say and I got up fast and start getting mad.

I start undoing my bed and throwing everything everywhere.I scream and stop once I let everything out.

I walk into my bathroom and strip and turn on the water to a little more hot then cold from the bottom.I let it fill the bath and once it was full I pour some sea salt in it and some bubbles.

I sigh and tie my hair up in a bun and my body starts to relax.I close my eyes and then my phone starts to ring and I groan.I got up slowly so the water won't fall out.I graved my phone from the sink and answer without seen the ID caller.

"Hello?"I say over the phone.
"Where are you?"I hear Ethans voice and I roll my eyes.
"Where no one will ever find me now leave me the fuck alone"I say and hang up.

I lay back down on the bath and relaxed.

After some time of been in the bath I decided to shower.I drained the water and turn on the water from the top.I let my hair down and get under the water.I soak my hair and then pour some kiwi shampoo that makes my hair straight,but gives it some volume as well.

I spread it in my scalp and then all over my hair.I then leave it a while and start washing my body.When I was done I wash my body and hair.Then I finished and turned off the water and wrapped my body in my towel.

I walked out of the bathroom and sigh once I realised that I had a big episode and almost destroyed my whole bed room.

"Gotta go shopping now"I say and shrug.

I get into my bag and get some underwear and a bra.I put on my grey sweat pants and wrap my hair in my towel and slide on my grey sweater.

I slide on my socks and then my convers.I shrug and unwrap my hair and comb my hair.I walked out of my apartment once I was done and drove to IKEA.I turn on my phone and plug it to my radio and put on the weeknd ft.ed sheeran dark times*ignore the video just play the song😉*

I drove fast and in no time I was in IKEA.I parked and locked my car and walked inside.I looked around and saw some ideas of how I wanted my room again.

"I need to throw away everything"I say and then looked at one specific.
"I love this one"I told myself and looked at the maroon bed.

The bed was big and comfy.I loved the bed and the color of the walls and then the curtains.

"Excuse me ma'am"I say to a worker and she nods.
"How may I help you today?"She asked and I smiled.
"I am taking the paint in the wall,the bed,the sheets and the curtains,both nightstands and the big drawer as well oh and also the pillows"I tell her and she nods and smiles.
"Delivered?"She asked and I nod.
"Yes please"I tell her and she smiles.

We walk to her computer and she typed everything.
"Can I have your name?"She asked and I nod.
"My name is Jay Mayson"I tell her and she typed.
"Alright Ms.Mayson the address please"She said and I nod.
"1237 sunny side dr. 77006"I tell her and she types.
"Alright ma'am when do you want it delivered?"She asked and I smiled.
"Can it be today?"I ask her and she nods.
"Of course what time?"She asked and I looked at my phone.
"At 6pm"I tell her and she nods.
"Alright ma'am finally i am going to need your phone number"She tells me and I nod.
"281-006-4532"I tell her and she nods again.
"We will call you when the workers are their"She tells me and I smiled and nod.
"Thank you"I tell her and she nods and I walk to the exit of IKEA.

I walk out and feel someone follow me.I stop and look back and see no one.
"I'm just paranoid"I tell myself and keep walking to my car.

I get inside and start the car and drive off to my apartment and wait until I get my new furniture.

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