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Sofia picks up her hands to me and Xavier and we both look around.I focus on the hunters thoughts and well it's something that I learned to do.

Why is this little stupid creator raising her hands at them? Could they be her parents? Nah they look way to young unless they are Vampires

I stayed serenaded and cleared my throat.I look at Sofias eyes and she looks at me.

Stop we will get you soon,but act like you don't know us darling alright? I coo to Sofia and she starts acting afraid.I smirk and he smiles up at me and Xavier.

"Do you guys want to carrie my daughter?"The hunter Felix said and I look at my pour Sofia with discuss.
"No thank you we don't like kids"I say and he nods.
"What kind of animal are y'all trying to kill?"He asked and I chuckle.
"One that looks like uh a human to be specific"I say and he nods and smirks.
"Ahh I have been trying to get rid of those animals for years...And I have the one thing that will keep them dead"He says and me and Xavier smirk.
"Show us"Xavier says and he nods and walks to the back.
"Follow me please"He says and me and Xavier nod and compose our jackets and walk to the back.

We start feeling a bit of pain because of the LED lights.We sigh and keep walking to the back.We walk passed the rest of the lights and he shows us some wooden bullets and guns.

"These are for sure usable and will keep them dead as the pieces of shits they are"He says and we nod.
"Are you 100% sure that it will work?"Me and Xav ask and he chuckles and nods.
"I have been using them for the past two decades"He says and me and Xav look at each other and nod.
"We'll take four"We say and he smiles and puts Sofia down on a crib.
"Please walk to the front and we'll proceed"He says and we smile and walk forward.

We feel the LED lights again,but we act normal and walk right out.We walk to the other side of the counter and Xav pays for them.
"Can we as well take two other regular guns?"I ask him and he smiles and nods.
"Of course ma'am"He says and I look over to Xav who looked at me confused,but still pays for them.

We grave them and walk out of the store.Xavier and I walk hand in hand and he stops in a corner.
"Why the regular guns?"He asked and I chuckle and peck his lips.
"Oh darling you know me too less.It's to make sure that the 'animals' die painfully and slowly"I say and smirk and he smirks back.

We walk to the back of the stores and look around.We see cameras and we climb to the top of the stores.We ducked down and walked forward to the hunters store.

"Ready?"Xav asked and I show him my pitch black eyes and he does the same and I smirk.
"Always"I tell him and we open the top of the air vent and go inside.

We look through the holes and we see Sofia and I smile.I see the fucking hunter carrying her and then shaking her hard.I start getting angry and as I was about to shoot Xav stops me and shakes his head.I take deep breaths and we keep crawling all the way to the back of the shop.

Once we were their we made sure their was no one and we got out.I hear first and don't see anyone.I smile and drop silently and so does Xav.

We compose ourselves and kept on going.We walk out and we see hunters and we walk back.

We speed to them and kill them fast so they won't scream.I look at a room and see others their I shake my head and stand still.

"I knew it"Felix says and we turn to look at him.
"You caught us now give us back our daughter"I say and he puts a gun up to her head.
"Not in my watch"He says and I glare at him.
"Put the gun down Felix"I say and he chuckles.
"You guys are all animals including this stupid kid"He says and I walk closer and he takes off the safety of the gun and I stop.
"Come closer and I'll shoot"He says and I smirk.

"What makes you think that I'll let you?"I ask him and he looks at me and then Xavier.
"Because the bullets are much more faster then you'll ever be"He says and I chuckle.
"I'll take my chances"I tell him and he shakes his head.
"Step away from him"A female says and we all look at the female.

It's the one from before and I am getting really tired of her eyeing my Xavier up and down.
"Why should we kid?"Xavier says to the female and she frowns,but then shakes her head.
"Because if you don't be with me then he'll shoot your daughter or don't and die trying to save your stupid kid"She smirks and then I look at her in anger.
"I think we'll take the second choice"I say and then Xavier sighs.
"Jay I wouldn't be okay if either you or Sofia died"He says and I look at him in shook.
"Good thinking future husband"The female says and my eyes turn black.

Her eyes widen then she rolls her eyes and I step before her.
"I'll die before you get to touch MY XAVIER"I yell at her and then I feel the pain in my leg and I yell.

I turn around and I look at Felix and he is smirking.
"Leave her alone"He says and I speed and grave her through her neck.
"Give me my daughter back and your stupid kid gets to live or if you kill my daughter I'll kill yours"I tell him and he starts panicking and I smirk

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