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"Sam?"I say when I wake up and feel our baby kicking.
"Are you okay baby? What's wrong?"He asked and I chuckle.
"Our Prince is kicking"I say and he laughs and puts his hand on my bump.
"Oh my god"He says and I see some tears fall from his eyes.
"Are you crying?"I ask him and he rolls his eyes at me.
"It's my first born baby"He says and I make his face go up to mine.
"I love you and thank you for this small family that we have built together and what's more to come"I tell him and he smiles.
"No thank you for carrying my first born inside of you...The love of my life with a piece of you and me inside of you"He tells me and I start crying and he frowns.
"Did I say say something wrong?"He asked and I smiled and shake my head.
"I love you so so so much,but just these words that I am telling you are not even enough to describe how I feel about you"I tell him and he chuckles and pecks my lips.
"Get some rest babe"He tells me and I nod.

Then I feel hungry and get up again.
"What's wrong?"He asked me and I look at him and his eyes widen I think because when us vampires are hungry our eyes change.
"Right"He says and speeds to the kitchen.

After some time he comes back and gives me a Styrofoam cup.I smile at him and he pecks my forehead and lays down on our bed.I start drinking it and moan when the taste of the blood hits my taste buds.I drink it all and get up slowly so that Sam won't wake up.I threw away the cup and go back to the bed.

I wake up again and rush to the bathroom.I start throwing up and I guess Sam woke up because he rushed to the bathroom and rubs my back a bit.I keep throwing up and I stop once I am done.I sigh in relief and sat down on the floor.I look at Sam and he is smiling.

He graves a rag and cleans my mouth and I frown.
"Have you eaten?"I ask him and he smiles.
"It's okay baby"He says and I shake my head.
"No baby it's not you need to eat as well"I tell him and he chuckles.
"Stop go eat"I tell him and he sighs and pecks my lips.
"It's okay baby"He says and I get up and pick him up.
"Go eat...You need to eat as well  to stay strong for the baby"I tell him and he sighs and nods.
"Fine only for you and the baby"He says and I smile and nod.
"I'll be back"He says and I nod.

He speeds to the forest and I speed to the window to check on him.Once he disappears I lay down on the bed and smile.

"Hey baby"I whisper to my bump.
"Mommy is being so strong for you.Do you know that?"I say and smile when I see his hand come in contact with my skin and it shows his hand.
"Daddy will be back in a bit my prince okay?"I say and I feel sleepy.

I lay down and close my eyes and then feel asleep.

I wake up when I feel someone besides me.I kept my eyes close and I hear someone laugh.
"Baby it's me"Sam says and I chuckle and open to see him.
"Hi"I tell him and he lays down and cuddles next to me.Then he gets up and I sit on the bed and he puts his head below my bump.

He starts rubbing my bump and I smile.
"Hey champ"He says and I start to hear his voice and I gasp.

Sam looks up to me worried and I smile at him.
"What?"He asked and I can't even talk.
"I-i just-"I start to say and he gets up fast and looks at me.
"You what?"He asked me.
"I just heard her voice"I finally say and he looks at me as if what I said he does not believe.
"What?"Now I ask him and he smiles.
"It's a girl?"He asked and I nod.
"What is she saying now?"He asked me once he rubs my bump and I laugh.
"She is thanking both of us for bringing her to life"I tell him and he chuckles.
"No princess we thank you for coming into our lives"Sam says and the baby laughs.
"What is she saying now?"He asked me and I laugh.
"She loves both of us"I say and he lays down and smiles and then closes his eyes.

I lean back to the bed board and close my eyes as well.I then fell asleep again.

the vampires babyWhere stories live. Discover now