💉Chapter 44

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                          Xavier 2 weeks later
Jay has been feeling sick lately and even though we have thought about her having another baby neither me or any of my family can know for an odd reason.

Jay does not know either which is odd as well because the mother is the usual parent to know first.Right now we are on our way back to me and Jays coven to get her checked out their.Jay and I stopped in a hospital to grave a few blood bags for her.

"Baby that's alot"I tell her as I see her grave like 30 bags.
"So I am in need of those'30' bags"She says and I shake my head.
"Whatever let's go before we get caught"I tell her and she smiles and puts all on another bag.
"Im ready"She says and speeds out the window and I chuckle and follow behind her.

We speed to our car and I started to drive off to the coven.

We got their and I picked up Jay since she was asleep.I smile down at her and speed back to my use to be room.

"So soon my king?"Ben tells me and I nod and look down to Jay.
"We think she might be pregnant,but we are not sure"I tell him and he looks at me confused.
"How come?"He asked and I nod my head and point to the door and he walks out and I walk out after him.

"None of my family know because of some odd reason that we all don't know"I tell him and he nods.
"Well sir if I may have heard about these kind of stuff"He says and I nod to make him proceed.
"What exactly did you research?"I ask him and he nods and walks and I walk behind him.

We go inside his room and their are papers around his wall and I look over them.
"You see my king this is not the first time that this has happened"He says and I nod.
"People have said that woman do get pregnant,but they can't tell right away because their child has like a different type of blood like a rare kind"He says and I nod.
"Does that mean that she cheated on me with someone else?"I ask him and he smiles and shakes his head.

Asshole to think so low of my own wife I thought.
"It has your blood and her blood,but like the DNA is some what combined  in a different way from previous children of yours and hers"He says and I nod.
"So exactly what does that mean?"I ask him and he looks around and gives me a picture.
"The child will be on top of every other coven and human coven"He says and my eyes widen.
"But how I don't get it if me or her we weren't on top any coven"I tell him and he smiles.
"Jay was born half vampire half human,but she doesn't know...I knew her father"He says and my eyes widen.
"Well I'll see thank you Ben"I tell him and he bows and I walk out.

I see the picture and I see vampires and humans in one and bowed down to a child.I smiled and then speed to Jay and I see her still asleep.I walk to her and get on my knees besides her.I caress her face and she groans and flutters open her eyes and she smiles.

"Hey baby"She says in her sleepy voice and I smile and peck her forehead.
"How was your nap my love?"I ask her and she smiles.
"Good"She says and she looks at my hand and furrows her eyebrows and sits up.
"What is that?"She asked and I smile and show it to her.
"Our child"I tell her and her eyes widen.
"What?"She asked and I smile and nod and put my hand on her stomach.
"Our baby boy"I bluntly say and she smiles and graves my face and kisses it and I chuckle.
"Wait how?"she asked and I smile and sat besides her and grave her waist and made her sit in my lap.
"This has happened before and basically people have had children that they didn't know of because the blood is a rare type of blood that attracts both human and vampire kind...They all live in peace while the child is alive"I say and then she furrows her eyebrows.
"What do you mean until the child lives?"she tells me and I sigh.
"The child will not die,but the blood will leave his system and get passed on to their children"I say and she nods.
"Our child will be on top the vampire covens as well as human covens"I say and she smiles and rubs her belly.
"Wow"She says and I smile and peck her lips.

She gets up fast and rushes to the bathroom and I hear her throw up.
"Wow"I say and rush to her and rub her back.

"Baby"I say and rub her back so she can wake up and she groans and stretches.
"Hmm?"She said and I smile and give her the blood bag.
"Time to eat"I tell her and she smiles and graves it.

She drinks it and then gives it to me and then lays back down.Unfortunately this pregnancy is going to be a bit more tough then when she was pregnant of Sofia.She has been sleeping for the last 2 weeks and she only wakes up either to eat or sickness,but I've been here the whole time for my baby.

"Sleep tight baby I love you"I tell her and I see her smiling and I speed to Sofia and she is crying.I picked her up and she keeps crying.Sofia has been crying because she wants to see her mother.She has been throwing fits and I am trying my best.

I rock her and then speed to the kitchen and made her a bottle.I give it to her and she starts drifting off to sleep.I sigh and I walk to the outside of the house to the balcony and sit down and think about Sofia and Jake when they are running around the house-yes I already choose a name and Jay agreed with it-

I smile when I hear small snores coming from my princess.
"I love you my princess...You and your sibling and your mother are my reason for me to still be alive"I whisper to her and I see her smile.

I get up and walk up to Sofias room and I opened the door.I lay her down and turn on classic music so she won't wake up and I turn on the baby monitor as well.I speed out of the room and to Jays and I's room.I see her laying down and I smile and walk to her.I lay down besides her and I hug her in my arms and I fall asleep instantly.

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