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I brush my hair and grave my blow dryer and start blow drying my hair.The ends of my hair are wavy so I let it as it is.I grave my mascara and put it on.I graved the necklace that Xav gave to me before I became one of him.

I smiled when I started putting it on because this necklace reminded me of when I was pregnant,but I did not know

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I smiled when I started putting it on because this necklace reminded me of when I was pregnant,but I did not know.The two birds represented me and him and the pearl is our children.

I heard a knock and I smiled and opened the door and saw Nicole.
"Ready?"She asked and I nod and she looks down and up to me and smiles.
"Im speechless girl"She says and I chuckle.
"I wish I could say the same"I tell her and we walk downstairs to the living room.

I look down and see Xavier with our daughter.I heard his beat fasten and I chuckle as I walk down the stairs.I walk to him and he was holding Sofia and she was wearing a sweater which I was confused about.

"Hey"He says and I smiled at him and peck his lips.I graved Sofia and he smiles and I look at him confused,but still smiling.

I look at Sam who was holding a camera and I shake my head.
"Jay "Xavier says and I look at him.
"Xavier"I say and he chuckles.

I see his parents,Nicole,Sam,my niece and a few other people who may be their part if the family all gathered around.

"Look since the day I met you...I was not sure what my feelings were or how I felt towards you...I only knew that something inside me wanted to keep you protected from everything and everyone"He starts to say and I smile and look around and chuckle.
"Okay"I say starting to get nervous.
"After a month of knowing each other I started growing feelings that I was then sure of towards you...I finally had the courage to ask you out and you said 'yes'...We had our beautiful here"He says and pecks our daughters forehead.

"So today we are all here gathered for our daughters 1 year party and you been re born if that's what we can call it"He says and I nod.
"I have been wanting to do this for a while so can you please take off the sweater off Sofia and give it to Nicole"He says and I look at him confused and chuckle.

I start taking off Sofias sweater and turn around to give it to Nicole.I see that their are words on her shirt and I read them and gasp.
"W-what?"I stutter and then turn around and see Xavier in one knee.I was shocked when I saw him in one knee.
"Jay Mayson will you do me the honer of officially been my wife and marry me?"Xavier said and I put my hand on my mouth and Nicole graves Sofia.

I look at him shocked not been able to talk and I feel tears fall from my eyes.
"X-xavier"I finally says and he chuckles.
"Will you marry me?"He asked again and I nod and he smiles and gets up and picks me up and turns us around and I chuckle.
"Yes Xavier"I say once he puts me down.

Every one starts clapping and he slides on the ring in my ring finger and chuckle.I look at it and I see that the stone on the middle is red and I look at him.

I look at it and I see that the stone on the middle is red and I look at him

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"Xavier the stone is red"I tell him and he nods.
"Red is your favorite color"He says and I hug him.
"As well as you my beautiful gorgeous daughter...I have a present for you as well"He says and takes out a box of his other side of his pocket.

I look at him and then at Sofia who was smiling at his father and I feel more tears fall from my eyes.
"Baby I know that your favorite color is purple blue"He says and opens the box and I gasp.
"I promise you that as long as you and I live I would try to be the best father that you could imagine...I promise you that I will always always be their for you to take care of you and to take you down the aisle and if anyone hurts you will pay mamas"He says and I chuckle and he puts the ring on Sofias left hand and I smiled.

I promise you that I will always always be their for you to take care of you and to take you down the aisle and if anyone hurts you will pay mamas"He says and I chuckle and he puts the ring on Sofias left hand and I smiled

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He kisses Sofia and she laughs and yells and I laugh.Every one claps again and Xavier graves Sofia and walks towards me.
"Congratulations"Xaviers mom says and I smile and she hugs me.
"Congrats sis"Nicole says and I hug her as well.
"Let's get my beautiful daughters party started"He says and everyone laughs and then music turns on.

I walk towards him and he leans down and pecks my lips.
"Im going to be honest with you I was nervous,but I was also happy"He says and I laugh and shake my head.
"I love you Xavier"I tell him and peck his forehead and then Sofias.
"And you mamas I love you so so much"I say and she smiles.
"M-ma"She says and I look at her and then Xavier.
"Did she?"I say and Xavier chuckles and nods.
"She just said her first word"Xavier says and I carry her and kiss her.
"Oh mamas I love you too my baby"I say and hug her.

We all partied our asses off including Sofua.She got promised,I got proposed and Sofia said her first word.How great this day went was good.Now me and Xavier are putting Sofia to sleep because it is passed her bed time.12:00am

I rock her and look at Xavier put on some soothing music for Sofia.We made her room sound proof and we put a camera and radio on her room so we can watch her from Xaviers and I's room.

She falls asleep and I slowly lay her in her crib and me and Xavier look down at our daughter and smile.We speed out of her room so we won't wake her up and we got in our room and changed and feel right asleep.

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