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I feel air and I shiver and then I feel the covers get on me.I smiled and snuggle to the sheets.I feel a cold hand on my face and I open my eyes and look over to me and see Xavier looking at me.

"You're cold"I tell him and he shrugs.
"I don't feel it"He says and I cover him as well.
"What time is it?"I ask him and I turn to the nightstand and pick up my phone and see the time.
"10:00pm"He says and I sigh and put my phone down.
"I want to get a job and drop out of school...I want to move out of my parents house"I tell Xavier and he nods.
"I can help you if you want"He tells me and I shoot up.
"Are you playing?"I asked him and he chuckles and shakes his head.
"Oh my...If you help me I'll pay you"I tell him and he smiles and pecks my lips.
"It's enough with your love"He tells me and I blush.

I got up and I walk to his side of the bed.I sit on his lap with my legs each side of him.He smiles and I feel his skin cold and I shiver.

"Why is your skin so cold?"I ask him and I got up and stepped on something pointy on the floor and I hiss.
"Fuck"I say and sit down besides him.
"What happened?"He asked and I raise my foot to my knee and see blood.

I look at him and he turns around and gulps.I look at him confused and walk slowly to the bathroom.
"You don't like to see blood?"I ask him and he hums.
"Something like that"He says and I nod.

I cleaned my wound and put a band-aid on it.I walked out and I see him smiles as if nothing happen and I shake my head.
"When do you want to drop out?"He asked when I laid down on the bed.
"I know that school barely started,but I just have to start working...I am 18 years old.Plus this is my last year"I tell him and he nods.
"We'll call tomorrow since it's friday and we'll see what they say"He says and I smiled and nod.

I lay down and Xavier looks at me and I smiled.He then chuckles and gets on top of me and I laugh.
"What are you doing?"I ask him and he leans in and then I feel my heart skip a beat.
"Damm you are so beautiful"He tells me and I Smile.
"Thank you"I tell him and he leans in and kisses me.I kiss him back and smile during the kiss.

He then stops and looks at me in my eyes and I smile at him.
"What?"I ask him and chuckle.
"I can't get enough of you"He tells me and I smile and kiss him.

We kiss and then I turn us over and now I am straddling him.Our kiss turns into a passionate one and I take off his shirt.He takes off mine and then he turns us over and stops and looks at me.
"No...We have to take things slow"He tells me and gets off me and I frown.
"S-sorry"I tell him and get up and walk into the bathroom.

I hear him get up and I keep walking inside the bathroom.He walks inside and carries me and I sequel.He sits me on the counter of the bathroom.

"Trust me...I want you,but I...uh it's too early"He tells me and I nod.
"I understand"I tell him and he smiles and pecks my lips.
"Are you going to shower?"He asked and I nod.
"Alright...i'll cook some dinner"He tells me and I nod.

Xavier walks out and I close the door.I smile and lean onto the door.I smile and start walking to the shower.I strip and then turn on the water to warm temperature and walk in.I wet my hair and then I pour some coco shampoo on my hair and wash it.Then I wash my body with body soap and then I washed my body.I stayed in the water a bit and then walked out and wrap my body with my towel.

I walk out of the room and don't see Xavier,but I smell food.I smile and walk inside the closet.I put on some underwear and bra.Then I wrapped my hair with my towel and put on some pajama shorts and a twilight shirt.I walked out and see Xavier smiling and leaning on the door.He looks at my shirt and scoffs and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"What?"I ask him and be points at my shirt.
"Edward? The fake vampire of the movie?"He asked and I chuckle.
"I know he is a fake vampire...Vampire don't exist unless you are one"I tell him and he turns serious,but then laughs nervously.
"What? Me? A vampire?...If I was I would have been burning when I walk in the sun"He tells me and I nod.
"True"I tell him and he smiles.
"Come on food is ready"He tells me and I walk out with him and we sat down and ate home made quesadillas with some beef.

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