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I look at Jay and she is slowly closing her eyes.The baby starts crying and I wrap her in a baby towel.I give her to my father and tell him to go.

"I will keep my promise"I whisper to her and bite her on her neck.I look at her and she is still with her eyes close.

I grave the shot on the tray of Taylor and fine her heart.I slide it in her heart and let all my venom go into her heart.I watch her and then I start to cry I hear a whish outside the house and I look up.I see Jayson and Queen trying to get inside.

"I will keep our daughter safe"I whisper to her and cover her.
"Leave now"I say and they hiss and I hiss back.
"She is ours"Queen says and I chuckle and my family comes out.
"She is ours!"Nicole says and they both look at her.
"You leave and we won't kill you or stay and face what ever is to come"I tell them and then I see Jay speed out of the house.

They both look at her and we do as well and I smirk.
"Leave my daughter alone!"She yells and they both step back.
"Jay we protected you"Jayson says and she laughs.
"Before you guys tortured me and whip me to make my daughter come out"She says and I feel anger rush inside me and I step forward.
"Leave!"I say and they speed forward and I grave Jayson and Jay graved Queen by the neck.

I see her and she is looking inside of Queens eyes before removing her head.She removed her head before she could fight and then Jayson gets angry.I remove his head as well and Taylor brings fire and burns both of them.

I look over at Jay and she looks at me and smiles.
"Hi"She says and I speed to her and hug her.
"Hi"I say and put her down.
"See told you that I could keep up"She says and I roll my eyes and kiss her.

I kneel in front of her and she looks down at me.
"Baby I am so sorry for thinking of killing our daughter...I was not thinking I swear"I tell her and she kneels in front of me.
"Baby it's okay...Even though I did wanted to kill you every time you thought about killing our baby I still love you"She says and puts her hands on my cheek.

I give into her touch and then I see a memory of hers when she first saw our daughter.I look up to her and she shrugs and smiles.

"You are gifted"I whisper to her and she giggles and nods.
"I love you"She says and we get up and we look at my father and siblings.
"Welcome Jay to the family"My father tells her and she nods.
"Jay I am so sorry that I wanted to kill my niece I just I didn't wanted to loose you"Nicole tells Jay and Jay speeds to her and hugs her.
"Don't worry sis"She says and my eyes widen and so does Nicoles.
"You knew?"Nicole asked and Jay nods.
"I knew way before you did...Because my parents told me I had a sister that they had when they were teenagers and plus you look like my mom and dad at the same time"Jay says and Nicole hugs her tighter.

Then Jay steps back and looks at Sam.
"Thank you Sam"Jay says and he nods and hugs her.
"Anything for you"Sam says and they step away.
"So how are you guys going to name your daughter?"Nicole asked both of us and I look at Jay and she smiles at me.
"I don't know Jay?"I call her and she nods and I speed to her and hug her.
"Sofia Samantha Wallon Mayson"Jay says and we hear a gasp.
"Really?"My mother says and Jay looks over to her and smiled and nods.

Jay speeds to her and carries Sofia and I speed to them.
"Perfect"Nicole says and she takes out a camera and takes a picture of me and Jay looking down to Sofia.
"Here"Nicole says and hands Jay the picture.
"It's beautiful"I say and look up to Jay who was smiling.

"Mother can you take Sofia?"I asked her and she speeds to Jay and takes her.
"Come on"I tell Jay and we speed to the woods and we both hear laughs.

I look at her who was smiling and looking everywhere.I stop in front of her and I catch her.

"Close your eyes and tell me what you hear?"I tell Jay and she turns around and sighs.
"Beatles and animals all kind like an owel,deer"She says and I smile.
"Go"I tell her and she speeds to her pray.

I follow her and she lowers down so that the animal won't see her.I look at her and her eyes turn a darker shade of red and jumps to the deer.

I see her drink and I get up and chuckle.She looks at me and smirks and I speed to her.
"Good job Jay"I tell her and she smiles.

She wipes her mouth and speeds to me.
"I am liking the part of been one of you"She says and I laugh.
"What is that you like the most?"I ask her and she jumps on me and I catch her.
"The part were if I fall you will always catch me forever"She tells me and I peck her lips and let her down.
"Lets go see Sofia"I tell her and she smirks and speeds to the house.

I laugh and I get to the house before her.She looks at me and stops and rolls her eyes.
"Remember you can't be faster then an older one like me"I tell her and she chuckles.
"Come on"I tell her and we walk inside the house.

the vampires babyWhere stories live. Discover now