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My parents look at Jay up and down and then stop at her stomach and gasp.Jay looks down at her stomach and then she gasp.

"X-Xavier"She stutters and I walk to her side and use my hearing and concentrate in her stomach.I hear a small heart beat and I smile to her.
"No way"I say and I laugh and hug Jay.Jay doesn't respond to the hug and I step away and look at her in shock.
"Baby?"I call her and she looks at me.
"A baby?"She asked in shook and I nod.
"We are having a baby"She says and I nod again.

She smiles and then she starts jumping,but I grave her and make her stop jumping.
"Wait,but how?"I ask my parents and they look at me in total shook.
"What do you mean?"Jay asks me and I look at her.
"Remember I told you that only vampires with Vampires can have babys not vampires with humans"I tell her and her smile drops.
"That's why Jayson and Queen wanted me and kept me well feed"She says and I shrug.

"I-i need time alone"She says and walks up stairs and closes herself in our room.

I look at my parents concerned and they look at me.
"What if it's not a baby? What if Jayson and Queen did something to her?"I ask them and then I speed up stairs and open the door.

I walk in and don't see Jay anywhere and I start looking for her.I look in the closet and she was not their and then I look in the bathroom and she was unconscious on the floor.I rush to her and pick her up.I lay her on the bed and then speed downstairs.

"Father it's Jay"I say and he speeds upstairs.I speed after him and he looks at her stomach and I look at him.He puts his hand on her wrist and he looks up to me.
"She is loosing strength very fast"He says and I sigh.
"W-what can we do?"I ask him and he shakes his head.

He walks out and closes the door and I walk slowly towards Jay.She opens her eyes slowly and I see her.
"Baby you are loosing strength"I tell her and she rubs her belly and I shake my head.
"It's a baby"She says and I shake my head.
"It can't be possible"I tell her and she gets up slowly and I help her.
"Maybe it is"She says and I sit down besides her.

the vampires babyWhere stories live. Discover now