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1 month later Xavier

It has been a month since Jay has moved out of her parents house.They of course were sad because she was leaving the home that she has lived in for 18 years.She did drop out of school not to long ago.I tried convincing her to finish school,but she thought that it would just take away time of her working and making money.She is just a hard headed girl.

I in the other hand am moving out of my parents place today to be roommates with Jay.She moved out of the apartment complex she was living in before because she wanted me as a roommate and I agreed.I mean I can not say no to that queen of mine.

So today I am moving out of my parents house and now I am currently packing my clothes in my luggage.

"We will miss you Xavier"Nicole tells me and I nod.
"Sam and Nicole please please don't destroy mom's house with all the intimate stuff that you guys do so often"I tell them both and they start blushing instantly.

Nicole and Sam are dating.Nicole asked my mom since she is her creator and Sam asked me since I am his creator.Then they asked my father and all of us three agreed.Now they can't keep their hands off each other.My sister is currently pregnant and I am very happy.

"And you buddy or princess be good to your mommy"I say to the small bump that my sister has growing.

I pick up my bags and walk out of my room with Sam following behind me with the rest of my bags.My mother and father are at the door and I chuckle.

"Well this is the rest of my stuff...My furniture I'll get it in the night when Jay is sleeping"I tell my parents and they nod.
"Son this will always be your home don't forget it"My father says and I nod and hug him.
"Our doors are open for you and Jay if anything"My mother says and I smile and nod.She hugs me and I peck her forehead and Sam walks inside the house.
"Xav your bags are in the car already"He tells me and I nod and pick up the ones I had.
"Thanks Bye bro"I tell Sam and hug him.
"We'll be in touch"He tells me and I nod and walk out of the house and put these bags on the front of my car.

I wave goodbye to my parents,Sam and Nicole and get inside my car and drive off to my new home.

I arrive and see Jay outside trying to get away from a guy.I see the guy touching her and I get out fast and push him away.

"Fuck off"I tell him and he laughs and steps forwards and launches at me and I doge it.
"Leave her alone"I tell him again and turn around to get her inside the apartment building.
"Don't get out"I tell her and she nods.

I walk back to the guy and he laughs.
"Bitch...Protecting a girl that you don't even know"He tells me and I chuckle.
"What makes you think that I don't know her?"I ask him and I take cautious steps forward.
"Because she didn't even say your name"He tells me and I laugh and grave him by the neck and slam him on the wall and he grunts.

"Don't ever lay a hand on her...Don't come near her or don't even look at her do you understand?"I ask him and he tries to set himself free,but I put more pressure.
"O-k"He tries to say and I let him go.
"Okay"He says and coughs.
"Leave"I tell him and he runs away.

I look over to Jay and she was crying and I frown and walk inside the building and she hugs me.I hug her back and rock her.
"It's okay Jay he left...He won't come back"I tell her and she looks up at me and I wipe her tears.
"Thank you"She tells me and I nod and peck her lips.
"Now stop crying because then I will have to kill him for making you cry"I tell her and she laughs.
"Did you bring your stuff?"She asked and I nod and she smiles.
"You go up and I'll bring my stuff"I tell her and she shakes her head.
"I wanna help"She tells me and I sigh and nod and she smiles.

We walk out of the apartment and walk to my car.I get in it and park it in my reserved parking since I left it in the middle of the parking lot.I turn off my car and walk out and open the trunk.

Jay walks up and takes the luggage that has wheels.
"I'll take the ones that have wheels"She tells me and I nod and grave the bags.We graved a good amount and I lock my car and walk to the elevator and go up to the apartment.

Once we were their I put everything in my room on a corner.
"Stay their are just like two bags left"I tell her and she nods and walks to her room.

I walk out of the apartment and go to the elevator and go down to the first floor.I unlock my car and grave my two bags that were in the front.I lock my car again and walk inside the apartment complex and go in the elevator.

I walk back to the apartment and hear sobbing and I frown.I walk inside the apartment slowly and walk to my room slowly and put my bags inside and go to Jays room and knock.

"Hold up"Jay says and from her voice I knew that she was very sad.
"Come in"She says and I see her laying in her bed and I walk to her side.
"What's wrong?"I ask her and she gives me a fake smile.
"Nothing"She tells me and I look at her serious.
"Trust me"I tell her and she brakes down and I hug her.

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